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It is surprising that Seyyed Mohammad Esfahani, who [173] never knew about this matter and was not with him, you have assumed him to be honest, and you have considered all the people who were informed to be liars, and because of his seduction, you put a sword against the beauty of the Lord. Alameen Akhteh Get rid of this selfish obsession and inhuman deception! I swear by the sun of the meanings that Taifin has around the shame of mentioning these false mirrors of yours. And you have not realized that the existence of mirrors is not self-inflicted, but during the confrontation of rays from the sun, they appear in them and after the deviation, they disappear and will be. A hundred thousand mirrors were created and created by the word, and they remain in the shadow of the tree of proof and the sun of truth from the mentioned mirrors, and only from the mentioned stones of Sajjin and the people of the fire.