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From this past, the manifestations of a single entity appear from a unified direction and from a different direction to different appearances. Since all of them have spoken from the East about the East and from Allah and all of them have been assigned to preach to the people, the whole is one. This is what he says: (There is no difference between any one of them.) And in another position, which is the position of laws, the name and directions of the kingdom, each of them has appeared with a name, a law, a temple, and a body. And if you observe with the sight of insight, then by Allah, there is no god but Him, you will see the whole as one truth, one appearance, one movement, one action, one action, one law, one name, and one custom. It is a wonder that this statement has not been reached, the children of this advent have become mystics about this - what if in the Persian tablets, which were sent down from the sky of Ahadiya during the years of his stay in Iraq, all these levels are mentioned in detail in those mentioned tablets, Fatubi for the Faezin and the Arifin. - And you have not yet been informed about [154] the quality of revelation and you have assumed the power of God as your power and subordinated its command to your command. You think so. It shows how he wills like noon with the truth, despite the nose of the polytheists.