Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 329

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Listen to the call of this servant and wash away the notebook of your whims and desires, which have been inscribed with false and fabricated suspicious words due to the whisperings of Satan, and enter from the narrow trap into the vast and secure space! Do not talk about what you have not seen and do not write about what you have not understood! Soon, you, him, and us will all return to the dust. Oh, with fairness, why have you tied yourself so tightly to the undermining of the divine cause and attributed all these fabrications to the truth for the sake of a worthless and insignificant creature?

Indeed, the breezes of wrath have seized you, and what greater wrath is there than this? You worship the cow and do not know it, then you call upon God to bring forth a calf from its loins for you to worship and be among the worshipers, and then from the offspring of this calf, another calf. And if the lineage were to be cut off, you would grieve within yourselves, wail and weep as you weep for the loss of your fathers and mothers, even more so if you were among the poets.