Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 324

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He who has cast you has made a mistake and has disobeyed in what he has committed, and has disbelieved in God who created him from dust, and has lied about the One to whom he will return in his journey and abode, and is among those who have made the Scripture divided. It is new that he mentioned complete and incomplete mirrors. By God, the pen is bewildered as to what to mention in response to the heedlessness of the likes of them. The Primal Point (the Bab) Himself says in a supplication: O God! Send a mirror in every age so that it may be a model for You and a representation of You. And later He says: Send one in every city. And if we accept your statement, it contradicts the statement of the Primal Point. However, the rank of mirrors is this rank that He says - May His Majesty be glorified -: Say: O Suns of Mirrors! You look towards the Sun of Truth. Indeed, your establishment is with it if you have insight. All of you are like a whale in the water, moving in the sea and veiling yourselves from the water, and you ask about what you are upholding.