Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 319

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In this context, a story comes to mind: During the days when the first point - with glory and dignity - was imprisoned in the Jabal Maku - just as they are now imprisoned in this land, but do not compare this prison to that prison, for they are now imprisoned by the government and also by the people of expression. The previous appearance's imprisonment was specifically due to the government. And if you look closely, in this prison, all the governments were partners - at least in those days, the noble Wahid, meaning Aqa Sayyid Yahya - may God's glory be upon him - had risen to support the cause of the world, as you have heard. Throughout the land, the scholars were preoccupied with turning away and denying the claim, and on all pulpits, they were seeking refuge in God, cursing and slandering the first point and its followers.

The Friday prayer leader of Tehran, although in reality, he was not an enemy and his fairness was superior to all others, one day he went to the pulpit and mentioned that among the things he had heard was that "Hazrat Bab considered the air to be pure [168]. Tell me: Oh man, in which book of jurisprudence and scholars have you observed such a statement that the air is pure?" And before he could finish...