Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 251

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Then he addresses the assembly of eloquence and says: "O assembly of tyranny and disbelief, the Promised One, whom you were promised in all the Tablets, has come to you. By His beauty, He has appeared with the truth, and He has preserved Himself in the path of God, the King, the Exalted, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. He has been in the hands of the enemies during all the nights and days and has supported the Cause of his Lord with His Exalted, Mighty, and Beautiful Self. What has befallen Him cannot be mentioned in words, and no one has known about it except God, Who has sent Him with the truth and appointed Him for all the worlds. If you wish to kill him as you killed before, do as you please, for he is awaiting what has been promised in all the Tablets, if you are among those who know."