Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 244

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God forbid, then again God forbid! Say: O you who sleep on the bed of lusts and suckle from the breast of heedlessness, ignorance, and passion, contradiction has not been and will not be the way in the sacred arena of the holiest divine manifestations. This contradiction is in the nature of creation, not in the matter of truth. Accept the words of this servant, and save your soul from the burden of carrying these allusions and words so that you become lighter and soar in the spiritual divine air, entering the sacred abode free from human limitations. Let that arena be sanctified from mentioning contradictions, oppositions, revolutions, differences, wars, conversations, arguments, signs, and indications. For that purest abode has not been created from opposing celestial spheres, nor has it come into existence from the four different elements. It has manifested from the element of the spirit, its air is the essence of fire, and its fire is the very air, with a pure earthly existence. All are united without change and difference. Its wetness is the essence of dryness, and its dryness is the essence of coldness, and its coldness is the reality of heat. From this heat, our movement in existence is created. Without heat, there would be no movement. Heat is the agent, and movement is the action.