Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 292

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At the beginning of the Manifestation, all the scholars denied the advent, as explicitly stated by the Point of Expression - may our souls be sacrificed for Him. That is, the learned ones who were in all the surrounding areas, sent a Tablet to each of them by their name and title, and in that Tablet detailed their objections. The content of those Tablets still exists. They were sent one by one to the scholars of Najaf and Karbala, and likewise to the scholars of Persia by name after name, as well as to the scholars of the lands of Sad, the lands of Qaf, and other countries. The gates of justice were so closed that not a single person among those people, who were renowned for their knowledge and understanding, became convinced of and benefited from that divine Tree of Knowledge, that Source of Eternal Wisdom, and the Luminous Manifestation of God's Expression. The very soul that was the first among all souls to attain the highest nobility and become the Gate of Mercy, the Gate of Knowledge, the Gate of Guidance, and the Gate of Grace for all beings was the person of the Báb - may the Glory of God be upon him.