Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 283

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Say: By Allah, every time something was revealed in the expression, it has returned to a point, and at that time it is held by the hand of power and authority. We wish to explain it once again, in spite of yourselves, O assembly of polytheists, as we have explained it time after time. And this is one of the times when the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth were terrified, and then the inhabitants of the cities of names, if you are among those who know. Say: Indeed, it was my soul, and at that time, it appeared in truth and spoke between the heavens and the earth, saying in truth: All the signs have returned to my signs, been sent forth in my words, appeared by my permission, and descended from the heaven of my will, if you are among the certain. Then all the manifestations have ended with my appearance, all the easts have shone with my radiance, and all the dawns have been astonished by my rising and appearance. So where are the eyes of the observers? Where are the hearts of the knowledgeable? Where are the sacred hearts? Where are the pure souls? And where are the enlightened breasts to recognize, understand, see, and witness what has appeared and shone from the horizon of the Almighty, the Powerful, the Great God?