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Paragraph Persian English GPT4_
و اين که نوشته مدّعی در ظلّ افتاده، اگر چه از جمال[۱۲۵] اقدس اطهر جز عبوديّت صرفه چيزی استماع نشده، ولكن اين كلمه ملقی بسيار لغو بوده و خواهد بود. از اين قرار حضرت اعلی - روح ماسواه فداه - در ظلّ علمای عصر بوده، چه كه در آن عصر ظاهر و اگر از علما سلب نمايند در ظلّ رسول الله بوده. ما صغر شأنُهُم و قلّ عقلُهُم و صغر درايتُهُم و كبر قولُهُم. ولكن شهادت مي دهم كه قبل از ظهور در ظلّ نبیّ بوده و حين ظهور فوق كلّ ذی رسالةٍ. (edit)
And the fact that the claimant's writing has fallen into the shadows, although nothing has been heard from Jamal [125] of the purest and purest except for the servile worship, but this word of Malaqi has been and will be very abrogated. Therefore, the Most High - the spirit of sacrifice - was in the shadow of the scholars of the age, whether he appeared in that age and if they were removed from the scholars, he was in the shadow of the Messenger of God. We are small in stature, small in intellect, small in wisdom, and large in words. But I testify that he was in the shadow of a prophet before his appearance, and when he appeared he was the supreme messenger. (edit) And as for what is written that the claimant has fallen under the shadow, although nothing but pure servitude has been heard from the most sacred and pure beauty, this uttered word has often been and will be frivolous. In this case, the exalted presence - may the souls beyond him be his ransom - was under the shadow of the scholars of the era, as they were manifest in that era, and if they were removed from the scholars, they would have been under the shadow of the Messenger of Allah. How small is their status, how little is their intellect, how meager is their insight, and how great is their claim. But I bear witness that before the appearance, they were under the shadow of the Prophet, and during the appearance, they were above all messengers. (edit)
قوله - عظم غلّه -: پس چنين شخصی اگر خود و اصحابش در تقرير و تحريرْ مدّعی آن شوند كه برتری از ربّ اعلی جسته و هست زهی تناقض. و خلاف صريح با مدّعای اوّل است ادّعای دو امر متناقض از شخصی بزرگ، بلكه از هر ذی شعوری قبيح است. هيچ عاقلی ادّعای دو امر متناقض صريح نمي نمايد، خصوص اگر ادّعای آن نمايد كه ربّ اعلی از يك كلمه من ايجاد شده. پناه بر خدا كه يك فی الجملة تجلّی اشخاص بزرگ به بعضی به جهت امتحان چه ادّعاها بروز مي نمايد و جمعی از عوامّ هم باور مي نمايند و بلا تصوّر تصديق مي كنند. (edit)
Qolah - Azam Ghollah -: So if such a person and his companions claim in their speeches and writings that superiority is sought from God Almighty, it is a contradiction. And it is in clear contradiction with the first claim, claiming two contradictory things from a great person, but from any intelligent person is ugly. No sane person will claim two contradictory things, especially if he claims that God Almighty was created from one word of mine. I seek refuge in God, that a manifestation of great persons appears to some people in order to test what claims, and a group of common people also believe and confirm without imagining. (edit) He said - may his greatness increase -: So if such a person and his companions become supporters and recorders of the claimant, who seeks and finds superiority from the Lord Most High, what a contradiction! And it is in clear opposition to his initial claim; claiming two contradictory matters from a great person, or indeed from anyone with intellect, is disgraceful. No sane person explicitly claims two contradictory matters, especially if they claim that the Lord Most High is created from a single word of theirs. I seek refuge in God, for in some cases, the manifestations of great individuals to some are a test, and various claims emerge, and a group of common people believe in them and accept them without imagining. (edit)
قل للمشركين: إذا لو تسمعون مِنّی فابكوا علی أنفسكم، ثمّ نوحوا لِقلّة عقولكم و درايتكم. ذكر امثال آن معرضين در كتاب قبل و بعد نازل. قوله تعالی:[۱۲۶](كَمَثَلِ الحِمارِ يَحْمِلُ أسْفَاراً). بگو: تناقض وجود خود شما است. او را از ميان بردار تا جز توحيد صرف و تفريد بحت مشاهده ننمائی. اگر تو بخواهی اين ادّعا را بفهمی و آنچه فرموده ادراك نمائی، كه شايد به منبع معين قدس لا يزال وارد شوی، اين است قوله - عزّ إجلاله-: يا قوم، إنّی لجمالُ علیٍّ بينكم و نفسُ محمّدٍ فيكم و كينونةُ الرّوحِ بين السّموات و الأرض إنْ أنتم تعرفون. و اين همان مطلبی است كه بعينه نقطه بيان فرموده. آن اراده نفس اين اراده بوده و خواهد بود، و آن مشيّت بعينه همين مشيّت بوده و خواهد بود، و اين مشيّت و اراده بعينه همان مشيّت و اراده بوده و خواهد بود. ذكر تناقض مِن غير شعور نموده. چه كه فی الحقيقة در حقّ جميع انبيا اين تناقض را ثابت نموده، زيرا كه هر نبیّ بعدی در ظلّ نبیّ قبل بوده و با ثبوت ظلّيّت ادّعای برتری كه نموده؟ نعوذ بالله، به قول مشركين تناقض است و از درجه اعتبار ساقط. (edit)
Say to the polytheists: If you listen to me, I will make you believe about myself, then lament for the lack of your intellect and wisdom. Mention the examples of those exposed in the book before and after the revelation. Qula ta'ala: [126] (Like a donkey that is carried on a journey). Say: The contradiction is your own existence. Eliminate him so that you see nothing but monotheism and isolation. If you want to understand this claim and understand what he said, that you may still enter the holy source, this is the saying: O people, verily, the beauty of Ali is among you, and the soul of Muhammad is in you, and the existence of the soul is between the heavens and the earth. You know it. And this is the same thing that was stated by the point. That will was and will be the soul of this will, and that will was and will be exactly the same will, and this will and will was and will be exactly the same will. Mentioning my contradiction is unintelligent. What has actually proved this contradiction for all the prophets, because every subsequent prophet was in the shadow of the previous prophet and claimed superiority by proving his shadow? According to the polytheists, Na'udz is a contradiction and is not valid. (edit) Say to the polytheists: If you hear from me, then weep for yourselves, and then lament for the scarcity of your intellect and understanding. The mention of such evildoers has been revealed in the books before and after. God says: "Like the example of a donkey carrying books" (Quran, 62:5). Say: The contradiction lies in your very existence. Remove it so that you only observe pure monotheism and absolute singularity. If you wish to understand this claim and comprehend what has been said, perhaps you will enter the unceasing holy source; this is His saying - may His glory be exalted -: "O people, I am the beauty of Ali among you, and the soul of Muhammad within you, and the essence of the spirit between the heavens and the earth, if you indeed know." And this is the very point that was explicitly stated. That intention of the soul has been and will be this intention, and that will has been and will be this will, and this will and intention have been and will be the same will and intention. Mentioning contradiction is without sense. In fact, this contradiction has been proven for all prophets, as every subsequent prophet was under the shadow of the previous one; how could they claim superiority while being in the shadow? We seek refuge in God; this contradiction, according to the polytheists, is invalid and falls out of credibility. (edit)
حاشا، ثمّ حاشا! قل: يا أيّها النّائم علی فراش الشّهوات و المسترضع عن ثدی الغفلة و الجهل و الهوی، تناقض را در ساحت اقدسِ مظاهر مقدّسه الهيّه راه نبوده و نخواهد بود. اين تناقض در نفس خلق است، نه در امر حقّ. بپذير قول اين عبد را[۱۲۷]و نفس خود را از ثقل حمل اين اشارات و كلمات نجات ده تا خفيف شده به هوای قدس روحانی پرواز نمائی و به مقرّ مقدّس از تحديدات بشريّه وارد شوی، تا آن ساحت را مقدّس از ذكر تناقض و اضداد و انقلاب و اختلاف و محاربه و مكالمه و مجادله و اشاره و دلاله يابی. چه كه آن مقرّ اطهر از اسطقسّات اضداديّه خلق نشده و از عناصر اربعه مختلفه به وجود نيامده. از عنصر روح ظاهر شده، هوايش عين نار و نارش نفس هوا و مائش صرف تراب. كلّ متّحدند من غير تغيير و اختلاف. و رطبش عين يبوست و يبوستش عين برودت و برودتش حقيقت حرارت. و از اين حرارت حركت ما فی الوجود خلق شده. لو لا الحَرّ لمْ تكن الحركة. و الحرارة هی الفاعل و إنّما الحركة هی الفعل. (edit)
Hasha, then hasha! Say: O you who are sleeping on the bed of lusts and those who lie on the bed of heedlessness, ignorance, and the divine, there is no way and there will be no contradiction in the holiest realm of the sacred manifestations of God. This contradiction is in the soul of creation, not in the matter of right. Accept the words of this servant [127] and save your soul from the weight of carrying these gestures and words, so that you can fly lightened into the air of the spiritual sanctuary and enter the holy abode of human determinations, so that that field is sanctified from the mention of contradictions and opposites. And revolution, discord, war, conversation, argument, pointing, and reasoning. That pure place was not created from opposing elements and did not come into being from four different elements. From the element of the spirit, the breath of fire and the breath of the air and the abode of dust have appeared. All are united without change or difference. And its wetness is the same as constipation, and its dryness is the same as coldness, and its coldness is the truth of heat. And from this heat, our movement is created in existence. No movement. And the heat is the doer, but the movement is the doer. (edit) God forbid, then again God forbid! Say: O you who sleep on the bed of lusts and suckle from the breast of heedlessness, ignorance, and passion, contradiction has not been and will not be the way in the sacred arena of the holiest divine manifestations. This contradiction is in the nature of creation, not in the matter of truth. Accept the words of this servant, and save your soul from the burden of carrying these allusions and words so that you become lighter and soar in the spiritual divine air, entering the sacred abode free from human limitations. Let that arena be sanctified from mentioning contradictions, oppositions, revolutions, differences, wars, conversations, arguments, signs, and indications. For that purest abode has not been created from opposing celestial spheres, nor has it come into existence from the four different elements. It has manifested from the element of the spirit, its air is the essence of fire, and its fire is the very air, with a pure earthly existence. All are united without change and difference. Its wetness is the essence of dryness, and its dryness is the essence of coldness, and its coldness is the reality of heat. From this heat, our movement in existence is created. Without heat, there would be no movement. Heat is the agent, and movement is the action. (edit)
ولكن امثال آن نفوس، كه از طين حرص و نار كبر و هواء نفس و ماء غفلت خلق شده اند، البتّه به آن مقرّ اقدس اطهر، كه مقدّس از عرفان كلّ مَن فی الملك بوده و خواهد بود، نتوانند تقرّب جست. لو يخطر التقرّب ببالهم لَيحترقون فی الحين. آنچه در مظاهر قبل ذكر شده در اين ظهور ابدع امنع هو به هو و كلمه به كلمه و حرف به حرف ذكر مي شود. يَرجِعُ التّناقض و الأضداد[۱۲۸] إلی أشكالهم و أمثالهم و يبقی الإتّحاد و الإئتلاف لأحبّاء الله فی المبداء و المآب. ای منصف، به قول خود ظلّيّت فرض مگير و ما يظهر مِن جمال الأبهی را تناقض مبين! (edit)
However, the likes of those souls, who were created from the clay of greed and the fire of pride, the air of the soul and the water of neglect, of course, cannot approach that holy and pure place, which has been and will be holy from the wisdom of all of me in the kingdom. If there is danger of getting close to them, they will be burned in the moment. What has been mentioned in the previous manifestations is mentioned in this appearance of the creator, one by one, word by word, and letter by letter. Contradictions and opposites [128] return to their forms and similes, and unity and alliance remain for the lovers of God in the beginning and the end. O fair judge, don't assume the truth in your own words, and do not see the beauty of the Father as a contradiction! (edit) However, souls like those who are created from the clay of greed, the fire of pride, the air of ego, and the water of heedlessness, certainly cannot seek proximity to that holiest and purest abode, which has been and will always be sanctified by the knowledge of all those in the realm. If they were to approach it, they would instantly burn. What has been mentioned in the previous manifestations is repeated in this eternal revelation word for word, letter for letter. The contradiction and opposition return to their forms and examples, while unity and alliance remain for the beloved of God at the beginning and the end. O fair one, do not assume the state of being in the shadow by your words and do not consider the manifestations of the most glorious beauty as a clear contradiction! (edit)
و ديگر نوشته بودند: خصوص اگر ادّعای آن نمايد كه ربّ اعلی از يك حرف من ايجاد شده. از اين قسم كلمات جعليّه شركيّه، كه آن نفس مشرك به شما القا نموده، از انفس خبيثه مشركه در جميع اعصار ظهور مظاهر الهيّه ظاهر شده، تخصيص به اين ظهور بديع نداشته و ندارد. چنانچه در ظهور نقطه بيان - روح ما سواه فداه -نسبت كذب و افترا و شرك و كفر به آن شجره طيّبه الهيّه داده اند و كلّ استماع نموده و مي دانند. لذا اگر از امثال آن معرضين اين كلمات ظاهر شود عجب نيست، چه كه لازال شأن آن مردود و امثال او اين بوده و خواهد بود. فوالله هر ذی بصری از امثال اين كلمات ايقان و تصديقش به حقّ زياد شده و خواهد شد. چه كه اين امور از سنن امر بوده و خواهد بود، چنانچه در كلّ كتب از قبل و بعد مسطور است: (وَ هَمَّتْ كُلُّ أُمَّةٍ بِرَسُولِهِم لِيَأْخُذُوهُ وَ جَادَلُوا بِهِ بِالبَاطِلِ لِيُدْحِضُوا بِهِ الحقَّ، فَأَخَذْتُهُم فكيف كان عِقَابِ.) و در مقام ديگر: (وَ مَا يَأتِيهِم مِن رسولٍ إلاّ كانوا بِهِ يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ). لذا هر چه[۱۲۹] از اين اعتراضات ذكر شود صدق كلمات الهی، كه دركتب او ثبت شده، نزد موقنين و متبصّرين ظاهر شده و مي شود. (edit)
And others had written: Especially if he claims that God Almighty was created from one of my words. Of this kind of false words of polytheism, which that polytheist soul has instilled in you, from the evil polytheist soul that has appeared in all the ages of the appearance of God's manifestations, it has not and does not belong to this new appearance. If in the appearance of the point of expression - our soul, except for sacrifice - the relation of lies, slander, polytheism and disbelief has been given to it by the goodness of God, and they have listened and know. Therefore, it is not surprising if someone like him appears exposed to these words, because his dignity is still rejected and his likes have been and will be. God willing, every visual person will be convinced and confirmed by words like these. What these matters have been and will be from the traditions of command, as it is mentioned in all the books from before and after: And we do not come to them from the Messenger except to mock them. Therefore, whatever [129] is mentioned about these objections, the truth of God's words, which are recorded in his books, has appeared to the believers and seers. (edit) And they also wrote: Especially if they claim that the Lord Most High was created from one of my letters. Such fabricated and idolatrous words, which that idolatrous soul has whispered to you, have appeared from the wicked idolatrous souls in all ages of the manifestations of the divine. It has not been, nor will it ever be, specific to this unique revelation. Just as in the revelation of the Point of Exposition - may our souls be sacrificed for him - they attributed lies, slander, idolatry, and disbelief to that divine and blessed tree, and everyone has heard and knows it. So, if such words appear from the likes of those who turn away, it is not surprising, for the state of those who have always been rejected and the likes of them have been and will be like this. By God, the certainty and affirmation of every perceptive person in the likes of these words have increased and will continue to increase in the truth. For these matters have been and will always be among the Sunnah (ways) of the divine order, as recorded in all the books before and after: (Every nation plotted against their Messenger to seize him, and they disputed with falsehood to refute the truth; so I seized them, and how was My punishment.) And in another place: (No Messenger has come to them but they have mocked him). Therefore, whatever objections are mentioned, the truth of the divine words, recorded in His books, becomes apparent to the believers and the insightful. (edit)
بگو: ای بی بصر، آنچه از بيانات بديعه منيعه نازل شده حقّ نازل فرموده. آيا نشنيده كه از سماء احديّه نازل، قوله – جلّ كبريائه و عزّ إعزازه-: يا قوم، إنّی قد كنتُ راقداً فی البيتِ و صامتاً عن الذّكر، هبّتْ علیّ نسماتُ الله و أحيتْنی بالحقّ و أنطقنی بثناء نفسه و جعلنی هدیً و ذكریً للعالمين. و كلّما أريد أنْ أصمتَ، روحُ القُدُس يُنطقنی بالحقّ و روحُ الأعظم يهتزّنی و روح البقاء يُحرّك قلمَ البهاء إن أنتم من العارفين. (edit)
Bego: Aye Bibser, the most beautiful and invincible data that descended from the truth that descended from its immorality. A verse of his chant is like the shaking of the sky of oneness descending, his saying - the glory of his pride and the glory of his glory -: O people, I have been sleeping in the house and silent about the remembrance, the breeze of God blew on me and revived me with truth and spoke to me with His praise and made me a guide and a reminder to the worlds. And whenever I want to be silent, the Holy Spirit speaks to me with truth, the spirit of the Greatest shakes me, and the spirit of permanence stirs the pen of Al-Baha, if you are of the knowers. (edit) Say: O sightless one, what has been revealed from the wondrous and abundant statements is the truth sent down. Have you not heard that from the One and Only Heaven, He has said - exalted be His greatness and mighty be His glory -: "O people, I was asleep in the house and silent in remembrance, the breezes of God blew upon me and revived me with the truth and made me speak with His own praise, and made me a guide and a reminder for all the worlds. And whenever I wish to be silent, the Holy Spirit speaks to me with the truth, and the Supreme Spirit shakes me, and the Spirit of Eternity moves the Pen of Glory, if you are among the knowledgeable." (edit)
يا قوم، خافوا عن الله، ثمّ أستحيوا عن جماله و لا تتكلّموا بما يلعنكم به كلّ الذّرّات و عن ورائها لسان الله الملك الصّادق الأمين. و ليس هذا من عندی، بل من عنده لو أنتم من الشّاعرين. فوالله لو كان الأمر بيدی لسترتُ نفسی عن أبصاركم و ما ألقيتُ كبدی تحت مخاليب ذئاب الأرض و كان الله علی ما أقول شهيد. (edit)
O people, fear God, then be ashamed of His beauty, and do not speak of what all the atoms curse you with, and behind them is the tongue of God, the King, the Truthful, the Trustworthy. And this is not from me, rather it is from him, if you are of the poets. By God, if the matter was up to me, I would have covered myself from your eyes, and I would not have thrown my liver under the claws of the wolves of the earth, and God was a witness to what I say. (edit) O people, fear God, then be ashamed before His beauty and do not speak of that which would cause all the atoms and beyond them the tongue of God, the Sovereign, the Truthful, the Trustworthy, to curse you. This is not from me, but from Him, if you are among the poets. By God, if it were in my power, I would have hidden myself from your sight and not cast my liver under the claws of the wolves of the earth, and God is a witness to what I say. (edit)
إيّاكم، يا قوم، أن تمنعكم النفس و الهوی عن الصّعود إلی مقرّ الأقصی. فانظروا بطرف الإنصاف إلی حجج النّبيّين و المرسلين. تالله إنّ هذا لغلامُ الرّحمن قد أظهره الله بين ملاء الأكوان و إصطفاه مِن بين بريّته و أظهره بطراز[۱۳۰] نفسه بين العالمين، و يقول فی كلّ حين مخاطباً إلی ملاء اليهود: (edit)
Beware, O people, that self and desire prevent you from ascending to the abode of Al-Aqsa. So look with fairness to the arguments of the prophets and messengers. By God, this is for the servant of the Most Merciful. God has shown him among the plethora of universes, and has chosen him from among his creatures, and has shown him as the paradigm[130] of himself among the worlds, and he says at all times, addressing the plebeians of the Jews: (edit) Beware, O people, lest your ego and desires prevent you from ascending to the Most Holy Abode. Look with fairness upon the arguments of the Prophets and the Messengers. By God, this is the Servant of the Most Compassionate, whom God has made manifest among the celestial beings, chosen from among His creatures, and revealed in the pattern of His own Self among the worlds. And in every moment, addressing the Jewish people, he says: (edit)
أن يا ملاء العنود، تالله قد جائكم الموعود. و إنّ هذا لهو الرّوح إنْ تُريدوا أنْ تُصلّبوه فافعلوا ما شئتم و لا تكوننّ مِن الصّابرين. ثمّ يخاطب ملاء الإنجيل و يقول: إن تريدوا أن تجادلوا محمّداً رسول الله إنّ هذا لمحمّد بينكم، فافعلوا ما أردتم لأنّه أنفق روحه فی سبيل الله المهيمن العزيز القدير. ثمّ يخاطب أهلَ الفرقانِ و يقول: يا ملاء الطّغيان، إنْ تشائوا أن تُعلّقوا مظهر نفسی الّذی سمّی بعلیٍّ فی الهواء، تالله إنّ هذا لعلیٌّ قد حضر تلقاء وجوهكم، يا ملاء الذّئاب، ثمّ يا شِرذِمَة الخنازير، فافعلوا به ما شئتم و لا تصبروا أقلّ مِن حين لأنّه ما إتّخذ لنفسه معيناً و لا ناصراً. و علّمه الله بالحقّ ماورد عليه و يرد يا جنود الشّياطين! (edit)
O Malaa Al-Anoud, by God the Promised One has come to you. And this is the spirit, if you want to crucify him, do whatever you want and do not be of the patient. Then he addresses the angels of the Bible and says: If you want to argue with Muhammad, the Messenger of God, that this is Muhammad among you, then do what you want because he spent his soul in the way of God, the Dominant, the Mighty, the Powerful. Then he addresses the people of al-Furqan and says: O chiefs of tyranny, if you wish to hang the manifestation of my soul, which is named Ali, in the air, by God, this Ali has come before your faces, O chiefs of wolves, and then O squadron of pigs, do with him whatever you wish and do not be patient with less than When because he did not take for himself a helper or a supporter. And God taught him the truth what he answered, and he responds, O soldiers of satans! (edit) "O assembly of the stubborn ones, by God, the Promised One has come to you. Indeed, this is the Spirit, if you wish to crucify it, then do as you please, and do not be patient. Then he addresses the followers of the Gospel and says: If you wish to dispute with Muhammad, the Messenger of God, indeed, this is Muhammad among you, so do as you wish, for he has spent his life in the path of God, the Protector, the Mighty, the Powerful. Then he addresses the people of the Criterion (Qur'an) and says: O assembly of tyranny, if you wish to hang the Manifestation of My Self, called Ali, in the air, by God, this is Ali who has come before your faces, O assembly of wolves, then O pack of swine, do with him as you please, and do not be patient even for a moment, for he has not taken any supporter or helper for himself. And God has taught him with the truth about what has befallen him and will befall him, O soldiers of the devils!" (edit)
ثمّ يخاطب ملاء البيان و يقول: يا ملاء الطّغيان و الكفران، قد جائكم الموعود الّذی وُعِدْتُم به فی كلِّ الألواح. فو جماله إنّه قد ظهر بالحقّ و ما حفظ نفسه فی سبيل الله الملك المتعالی العزيز الحميد و كان بين يدی الأعداء فی كلّ اللّيالی و الأيّام و نصر أمرَ ربّه بنفسه المتعالی العزيز الجميل. و ورد عليه ما لا يذكر بالبيان و ما إطّلع به أحدٌ إلاّ الله الّذی بعثه بالحقّ و أرسله علی العالمين. أنتم إنْ تريدوا أن[۱۳۱]تقتلوه كما قتلتموه، فافعلوا ما شئتم لأنّه ينتظر ما وُعِدَ به فی كلّ الألواح إن أنتم من العارفين. (edit)
Then he addresses the angels of the statement and says: O angels of tyranny and disbelief, the promise that you promised in all the tablets has come to you. His beauty is that he appeared with the truth and did not save himself for the sake of God, the Exalted, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy King, and he was in the hands of the enemies in all nights and days, and he supported the command of his Lord by himself, the Exalted, the Mighty, the Beautiful. And he received what was not mentioned in the statement, and no one knew it except God who sent him with the truth and sent him to the worlds. If you want[131] to kill him as you killed him, then do whatever you want because he is waiting for what was promised in all the tablets if you are of the knowers. (edit) Then he addresses the assembly of eloquence and says: "O assembly of tyranny and disbelief, the Promised One, whom you were promised in all the Tablets, has come to you. By His beauty, He has appeared with the truth, and He has preserved Himself in the path of God, the King, the Exalted, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. He has been in the hands of the enemies during all the nights and days and has supported the Cause of his Lord with His Exalted, Mighty, and Beautiful Self. What has befallen Him cannot be mentioned in words, and no one has known about it except God, Who has sent Him with the truth and appointed Him for all the worlds. If you wish to kill him as you killed before, do as you please, for he is awaiting what has been promised in all the Tablets, if you are among those who know." (edit)
إذاً يخاطب علیٌّ عن يمين العرش ملاءَ البيان و يقول: يا عبادِ، أما بشّرناكم بهذا الظّهور فی كلّ الألواح؟ أما أخذتُ عنكم عهد نفسه فی ذرّ البيان؟ إذاً فاستحيوا عن جمال الرّحمن و لا تفعلوا ما يرتفع به ضجيجُ أهل ملاء الأعلی. خافوا عن الله و لا تكوننّ من الظّالمين. تالله إنّی قد فديتُ نفسی شوقاً للقائه و طلباً لوصاله و أكون معه فی كلّ الأحيان و أبكی علی ماورد عليه منكم، يا معشر الظّالمين! (edit)
So Ali, to the right of the Throne, addresses the fullness of statement and says: O servants, have we not given you the glad tidings of this revelation in all the tablets? Did I not take from you the same covenant in Dhar al-Bayan? Therefore, be ashamed of the beauty of the Most Gracious, and do not do what raises the noise of the people of the Most High. Fear God and do not be of the wrongdoers. By God, I have sacrificed myself, longing to meet him and seeking his connection, and to be with him at all times, and weeping over what came to him from you, O people of the wrongdoers! (edit) Then Ali addresses the assembly of eloquence from the right side of the Throne, saying: "O servants, have We not given you glad tidings of this appearance in all the Tablets? Have I not taken from you the covenant of His Self in the atoms of eloquence? So be ashamed before the beauty of the Merciful and do not do what raises the outcry of the people of the Highest Assembly. Fear God and be not among the wrongdoers. By God, I have sacrificed Myself out of longing for His meeting and seeking His union, and I am with Him in all times, and I weep for what has befallen Him from you, O assembly of wrongdoers!" (edit)
فآه اه بعد وصايای قد فعلتم ما لا فعل أحدٌ بأحدٍ. إذاً بكی و يبكی مظاهرُ النّبيّين و المرسلين. فوالله يا قوم، إنّی جعلتُ كلَّ الأمور فی قبضته و ما تحرّكتُ فی أيّامی إلاّ بذكره و ثنائه و ما تفوّهتُ إلاّ بإسمه و ما أمرتُ العباد إلاّ بالدّخول فی ظلّه العزيز المنيع. فياليت أنتم فعلتم كما فعلت اليهود بالرّوح و عملتم بما عمل ملاء الإنجيل بمحمّد رسول الله و إرتكبتم ما إرتكبت به ملاء الفرقان حين ظهوری بالحقّ بسلطانٍ مبين. (edit)
Ah, ah, after my commandments, you have done what no one else has done. Then the manifestations of the prophets and messengers wept. By God, my people, I put all matters in his grasp, and I did not move in my days except by mentioning him and praising him, and I did not utter anything except in his name, and I did not command the servants except to enter into his mighty and impenetrable shadow. I wish you had done as the Jews did with the spirit, and you did what the angels of the Gospel did with Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and you committed what the angels of the Criterion committed when I appeared with the truth with a clear authority. (edit) Oh, what sorrow after the commandments, you have done what no one has done to anyone. Then the manifestations of the Prophets and the Messengers weep and will continue to weep. By God, O people, I have put all matters in His grasp, and I did not move in My days except by His remembrance and His praise, and I did not speak except in His name, and I did not command the servants except to enter His mighty and impregnable shade. I wish you had done as the Jews did to the Spirit, and acted as the assembly of the Gospel did with Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and committed what was committed by the assembly of the Criterion when I appeared with the truth, with clear authority. (edit)
لا فو نفسی، ما قنعتم بما فعلوا هؤلاء و تفعلون ما يستعيذ منه حقائق كلّ الملل لو أنتم من الشّاعرين. أتقتلون الّذی سفك دمّی فی سبيله؟ تالله بعد سفكه علی الأرض نقش بإسمه المتعالی[۱۳۲] العزيز البديع. يا قوم، فاستحيوا عن الله و لا تُدحضوا الحقّ بما عندكم و لاترتكبوا ما يجعلكم محروماً عن نفحات الله العزيز الحكيم. إسمعوا قولی، ثمّ إرجعوا إليه، ثمّ توبوا و إستغفروا لعلّ يغفركم ببدايع رحمته و يطهّركم عن دنس العصيان و عن رجس أنفسكم، يا ملاء الغافلين! (edit)
No, by myself, you would not be satisfied with what these people did, and you would do what the realities of all religions seek refuge from, if you were among the poets. Will you kill the one for whose sake I shed my blood? By Allah, after His spilling on the earth, He inscribed His Exalted Name [132] Al-Aziz Al-Badi’. O people, be ashamed of God, and do not refute the truth with what you have, and do not commit what makes you deprived of the graces of God, the Mighty, the Wise. Hear my words, then return to Him, then repent and ask forgiveness that He may forgive you with the beauties of His mercy and purify you from the filth of disobedience and the filth of yourselves, O fullness of the heedless! (edit) No, by My soul, you were not content with what these people did, and you do what the realities of all religions seek refuge from, if only you were poets. Do you kill the one who shed My blood for His sake? By God, after shedding it on the earth, He engraved with His exalted, mighty, and wondrous name. O people, be ashamed before God, and do not refute the truth with what you have, and do not commit what would deprive you of the breezes of God, the Mighty, the Wise. Listen to My words, then return to Him, then repent and seek forgiveness, so perhaps He will forgive you with the wonders of His mercy and purify you from the filth of disobedience and the impurity of your souls, O assembly of the heedless! (edit)
فوالله يا قوم، إنّی نزّلتُ ما يرد عليه فی الألواح، فسوف يظهر ما رقم من قلم الأعلی علی ألواح عزّ حفيظ. إذاً ينوحنّ قبائل مدائن الأعلی و أنتم تفرحون فی أنفسكم و تلعبون بآيات الله بعد الّذی بها بشّرناكم فی صحائف عزّ منيع. يا قوم، إنّه روحی و أنا روحه و لم يزل كان مشيّتی مشيّتَهُ لا تفرّقوا بينی و بينه. و كلّما يظهر من عنده لكان محبوبَ قلبی و فؤادی لو أنتم من الموحّدين. (edit)
By God, O people, I have revealed what is mentioned in the tablets, so what was written from the pen of the Most High will appear on the tablets of Ezz Hafeez. So the tribes of the cities of the Most High mourn while you rejoice in yourselves and play with the verses of God after what we have preached to you in the scrolls of impenetrable glory. O people, he is my soul and I am his soul, and my will has always been his, do not separate me from him. And whenever he appears from him, he would be the beloved of my heart and my heart, if you were of the monotheists. (edit) By God, O people, I have revealed what has been inscribed on the Tablets, and what has been written by the Supreme Pen on the Tablets of His mighty and well-guarded repository shall appear. Then, the tribes of the celestial cities will lament, while you rejoice within yourselves and play with the signs of God after they have been announced to you in the Scrolls of His mighty and impregnable sanctuary. O people, He is my spirit and I am His spirit, and my will has always been in harmony with His; do not differentiate between me and Him. Whatever appears from Him is the beloved of my heart and my inner being, if only you were among the monotheists. (edit)
اين بدايع كلمات الهی، كه از سحاب فيض رحمت رحمانی نازل شده، اين عبد ذكر نموده كه شايد عباد غافلين به شعور آيند و قياس به نفس ننمايند، و آنقدر مشعر شوند كه معرضين از اين آيات بدع ربّانی معارض و محارب با حقّ بوده و خواهند بود، چه كه منزل آيات حقّ است. حال اگر با پروردگار عالميان محاربند خود مي دانند، مفرّی از برای نفسی اليوم نه و مقرّی مشهود نه، مگر آن که يا بايد اقرار نمايند[۱۳۳]به آنچه ظاهر شده، يا آن که بايد به جميع صحف و كتب و زبر كافر شوند. اين است قول حقّ و نيست بعد از حقّ مگر گمراهی آشكار و هويدا. (edit)
These divine words, which have been revealed from the clouds of grace and mercy, mentioned by this servant, that perhaps the ignorant servants will come to their senses and not be compared to the soul, and become so poetic that they will be and will be against these divine heresies and fight against the truth. It was, which is the home of true verses. Now, if they know that they are at war with the Lord of the worlds, there is no escape from it for the soul, and there is no clear evidence, except that they either have to confess [133] to what has been revealed, or they have to disbelieve in all the scriptures and scriptures. This is the promise of the truth, and there is nothing after the truth except clear and obvious misguidance. (edit) These are the beginnings of the divine words that have descended from the clouds of the outpouring of the Merciful's grace. This servant has mentioned them so that the heedless servants may become aware and not compare themselves to others, and that they may become so conscious as to not oppose or wage war against the divine verses and the truths of the Lord, for that is the abode of God's signs. Now, if they are at war with the Lord of the worlds, they know that they will not find any relief or visible confirmation today, except that they must either acknowledge what has appeared or they must become disbelievers in all the scriptures, books, and writings. This is the word of truth, and after truth, there is nothing but manifest and clear misguidance. (edit)
مَثَل معرضين مثل نفوسی است كه در حين ظهور نقطه اولی بعضی اعراضاً عن الله و اعتراضاً عليه مذكور مي نمودند: اين سيّد ادّعای ولايت نموده و بعضی ادّعای نبوّت و بعضی ادّعای ربوبيّت، و هر كدام از مغلّين به كلمه ناطق. و آنقدر ادراك ننمودند كه بايد معيّن نمود كه منزل كي است، و منزل هم معلوم نمي شود إلاّ از نفس آيه. و قد خسر الّذينهم كفروا و أشركوا بالله و بغوا علی الله المهيمن القيّوم. (edit)
The example of those exposed is like the people who, during the appearance of the first point, some complained about Allah and protested against him: this master claimed governorship, and some claimed prophethood, and some claimed lordship, and each one of the Mughals was a speaker. And they did not realize that it is necessary to determine whose house is, and the house cannot be known except from the soul of the verse. And the loss of those who are disbelievers and associators with Allah and beggars of Allah, the Mighty and the Mighty. (edit) The example of those who turn away is like the souls who, during the appearance of the first point, used to mention some deviations from God and objections to Him: this Sayyid claimed guardianship, some claimed prophethood, and some claimed divinity, and each of them was a speaker of a misleading word. And they did not comprehend that they had to determine what the abode was, and the abode could not be known except through the self of the verse. Indeed, those who disbelieved and associated others with God and sought to rebel against God, the Guardian, the Self-Subsisting, have suffered loss. (edit)
و ديگر ذكر تجلّی نموده بودی. و الله آن نفس ملقی و مرشدش نه تجلّی را ادراك نموده و نه مجلّی را، چه كه اگر ادراك نموده بودند به حقّ اعتراض نمي نمودند. سزاوار بود كه اين كلمات را به نفس معرض بالله راجع كنی، چه كه از قميص يك اسمی از اسماء بر حقّ استكبار نموده و كافر شده به نفسی كه به او ادّعای ايمان مي نمايد. آيات او را مي خواند و بر كينونتش سيف مي زند. يفعل و لا يشعر، يقول و لا يعرف. هو و أمثاله عند الله فی حدّ سواء، إلاّ أنّه أشرّ و أظلم. أعاذنا الله و أحبّائه مِن شرّه و شرّهم و إنّه لهو الحافظ الحاكم العليم الخبير.[۱۳۴] (edit)
And you had already mentioned it. And Allah, that soul of Malaqi and his mentor neither understood the manifestation nor the Majli, which if they had understood, they would not have objected to the truth. It was appropriate that you refer these words to the soul exposed to Allah, which is proud of the name of one of the names on the shirt and disbelieved in the soul that claims to believe in him. He recites his verses and puts a sword on his person. He does and does not feel, says and does not know. He and those like him are equal in the sight of Allah, except that he is evil and unjust. We ask Allah and his loved ones from evil and their evil, and indeed He is the All-Keeper, the All-Knowing, the All-Knowing.[134] (edit) And you had also mentioned the manifestation. By God, that soul neither comprehended the manifest nor the one who manifested it, for if they had understood, they would not have objected to the truth. It would have been fitting for you to refer these words to the soul that turns away from God, for they have shown arrogance towards the truth by merely a single name from the names and have disbelieved in the very soul that claims faith in Him. They recite His verses and strike a sword upon their own existence. They act without awareness, they speak without knowledge. They and their likes are equal in the eyes of God, except that they are more wicked and more unjust. May God protect us and His loved ones from their evil and their wickedness, for He is indeed the Protector, the Judge, the All-Knowing, the Expert. (edit)
و ديگر ذكر عوامّ نموده بودی و اين که بلا تصوّر تصديق مي كنند. حال تو انصاف ده اين عبد حال شش سنه مي شود كه ليلاً و نهاراً در خدمت حاضر و با هر يك معاشر بوده و هستم و آنچه به چشم خود ديده ام مي گويم، و شما محض قول يك مفسد خبيث ملحدی، كه آسمان سايه نيانداخته بر مفسدی مثل او. حال اين عباد بلا تصوّر تصديق حقّ نموده اند، يا تو؟ فو الله حمير بر عقل و درايت آن نفس مشرك، كه اين كلمات را به تو القا نموده، مي خندد چه جای انسان. مع ذلك اين عباد را عوامّ دانسته و ذكر نموده كه بلا تصوّر تصديق حقّ نموده ايم. يقين تو خود را عالم مي دانی. (edit)
And you had already mentioned the common people and that they will confirm without any imagination. Now, give justice to this slave, who has been in the service day and night and has been and still is with everyone, and I am telling what I have seen with my own eyes, and you are just the words of an evil corrupter, an atheist, on whom the sky has not cast a shadow. Corrupt like him. Now these worshipers have confirmed the truth beyond imagination, or you? God forbid, Hamir laughs at the intellect and tact of that polytheist soul, who instilled these words in you, what a human being. However, he considered these worshipers common and mentioned that we have confirmed the truth without any imagination. Surely you know yourself as a scholar. (edit) And you had also mentioned the common people and that they believe without understanding. Now, in fairness, consider this servant who has been in service day and night for six years, present and interacting with everyone. I speak of what I have seen with my own eyes, while you merely rely on the words of a wicked, deceitful disbeliever who has never cast a shadow on someone like him. So, are these people believing in the truth without understanding, or is it you? By God, even donkeys would laugh at the intelligence and wisdom of that polytheistic soul who whispered these words to you, let alone humans. Yet you have considered these people as commoners and claimed that they believe in the truth without understanding. You certainly consider yourself a knowledgeable person. (edit)
اولّاً اين که اين مطلب از كجا بر شما معلوم شد، چه كه خدمت جمال ابهی نرسيده ايد؟ هيچ منصفی چنين ارتكابی ننموده كه نديده و نرسيده به مجرّد حرف اخبث ناس و افسدهم بردارد من غير شعور آنچه از قلم جاری مي شود نوشته و به شهرها بفرستد. كاش به قول طلبه های مدرسه هم عمل مي نموديد، چه كه نزد آن طايفه تصديق منوط به سه تصوّر بوده: اوّل موضوع و ثانی محمول و ثالث نسبت حكميّه، و بعد تصديق ثابت مي شود و جاری مي گردد. آن موضوعی كه تو فهميده[۱۳۵] چه بوده و آن محمول كدام است؟ و فوالله إرتكبتَ ما لا إرتكبه أحدٌ مِن الجاهلين. (edit)
First of all, how did this matter come to your attention, and you have not reached Jamal Abhi's service? No fair person has committed such a crime that he did not see and did not get to the mere words of the slanderer and corrupt me, I write down what flows from his pen and send it to the cities. I wish you would follow the words of the students of the school, because according to that tribe, confirmation depends on three concepts: the first is the subject, the second is the predicate, and the third is the judgmental ratio, and then the confirmation is established and becomes current. What was the topic that you understood [135] and what is that predicate? And by Allah, our mistake is not the mistake of one of the ignorant. (edit) Firstly, how did you come to know about this matter, as you have not yet approached the glorious presence? No fair person would commit such an act as to take the words of the worst and most corrupt people without any understanding of what flows from the pen, and then write and send it to cities. If only you had followed the teachings of the students of the religious schools, as among that group, affirmation is conditioned upon three understandings: first, the subject; second, the predicate; and third, the judicial relationship. Only after that, affirmation is established and enacted. What was the subject that you understood[135] and which predicate is it? By God, you have committed what no one among the ignorant has committed. (edit)

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