Lawh-i-Malikih/Page1/GPT4 1
O Queen in the Laundromat[note: this is an obvious mistake by ChatGPT - leaving it in for the sake of keeping the translation in tact], but leaving it in , listen to the call of your Lord, the Master of creation, from the divine Lote tree. Indeed, there is no God but I, the Mighty, the Wise. Lay down what is on earth, then adorn the head of royalty with the crown of remembrance of your Glorious Lord. Indeed, He has come into the world with His greatest glory and has fulfilled what was mentioned in the Gospel. The goodness of the Levant has been honored by the arrival of its Lord, Master of the beings. The intoxication of the wine of communion has taken over the south and the north. Blessed is the one who found the knowledge of the Merciful and turned to the east of beauty in this clear dawn. The Al-Aqsa Mosque has shaken from the breezes of its most splendid Lord, and the open ground from the call of the Exalted, the Most High, then every pebble from it glorifies the Lord with this great name. Let go of your desire, then turn your heart to your ancient Lord. Indeed, we remind you for the sake of Allah and love that your name be elevated by the remembrance of your Lord, the Creator of earth and heaven. He is a witness to what I say. We have heard that you have prevented the sale of boys and slave girls, this is what Allah has ruled in this splendid appearance. Allah has written your reward for that, He is the One who gives the rewards of the doers of good, if you follow what was sent to you from the All-Knowing, the Well-Aware. Indeed, he who turns away and is arrogant after clear signs have come to him from the Sender of the verses, Allah will nullify his work, He is capable of everything. Indeed, deeds are accepted after acceptance, whoever turns away from the truth, he is among the most veiled of creation, thus it was ordained from the Mighty, the Capable. And we heard that you have handed over the reins of consultation to the hands of the public, well done what you have done, for with it, the foundations of matters are strengthened, and the hearts of those under your shadow, of every commoner and noble, are reassured. But they should be trustees among the servants and see themselves as agents for everyone on earth, this is what they were advised with on the Tablet from a Wise Planner. And when someone turns towards the assembly, he turns his glance towards the highest horizon and says: O my God, I ask You by Your most splendid name to support me on what would rectify the matters of Your servants and by which Your lands would be inhabited. Indeed, You are capable of everything. Blessed is the one who enters the assembly for the sake of Allah and judges between people with pure justice. Indeed, he is among the successful.