Kitab-i-Dunya/Page1/GPT4 17

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O people of God, listen to the counsels of the One True Friend. The Divine Word is like a sapling, and its place of planting should be the hearts of His servants. You should nurture it with the water of wisdom and utterance so that its roots may become firm and its branches might pass beyond the skies. O people of the world, the greatest favor of this most Great Manifestation is that We have erased from the Book that which causes dissension, corruption, and hypocrisy, and We have confirmed that which leads to affection, unity, and agreement. Blessed are those who act accordingly.

We repeatedly advise and admonish Our friends to avoid anything that emits the scent of mischief. Rather, they should choose to flee from it. The world is ever-changing and the thoughts of the people are diverse. We ask God to adorn them with the light of His justice and to make them aware of what benefits them in all conditions. Truly, He is the Rich, the Exalted.

In a previous utterance, We have said that those souls who claim attachment to this Wronged One should be rain-showers of bounty and bestowal in times of giving, and be fiery flames in moments of taking life. Glorified be God, what appears these days is astonishing. As we heard, a person entered the seat of sovereignty in Iran and subjugated a large group of dignitaries to his own will. In truth, this station is a station of lamentation and wailing. What has happened that symbols of the highest dignity have chosen great humiliation for themselves? Where has integrity gone? Where has self-esteem disappeared?

The sun of greatness and wisdom has always risen from the horizon of Iran's sky, but it has descended to a station where some of its men have made themselves a plaything of the ignorant. The aforementioned person mentioned this party in the newspapers of Egypt and in the Encyclopedia of Beirut, which astonished the knowledgeable and the wise. Then he turned to Paris, published a newspaper called 'Urwatu'l-Wuthqa, sent it around the world, and even had it delivered to the prison of Akka. In this way, he expressed love and intended to make up for past neglect. However, this Wronged One kept silent about him. We ask God to protect him and illuminate him with the light of justice and fairness. Let Him say: