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Paragraph Persian English {{{4}}}
و كنتُ معهم فی تلك الليلة خاطبتهم و خاطبونی إلی أن قرب الفجر و أرفعتُ رأسی عن النّوم و كنتُ متفكّراً فی نفسی: ما بلاء الّذی ما شهده أحدٌ فی الإبداع و ما حكيته عند أحد إلی أنْ حضر تلقاء الوجه أحد من علماء العراق الّذی سمّی بعبد السّلام افندی. فلمّا حضر ألقيناه و أخبرناه و قصصنا له ما أرانی الله فی المنام و هو حزن تلقاء الوجه بحزن عظيم. كذلك كان الأمر ولكن النّاس هم فی غفلة مبين. (edit)
And I was with them that night, addressing them, and they addressed me until dawn approached, and I raised my head from sleep, and I was thinking to myself: What is the calamity that no one witnessed in creation, and I did not tell it to anyone until one of the scholars of Iraq, who was named Abd al-Salam, attended on his face. Effendi. When he came, we met him and told him and told him what God had shown me in a dream, and it was sadness on the face with great sadness. That was the case, but people are in apparent heedlessness. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اين رؤيائی است كه در عراق مشاهده فرموده و ذكر فرموده اند و در اين ايّام بعضی از آن تعبير شده، چنانچه شنيده ايم از اقوال شما آنچه را كه احدی از قبل نشنيده و ديده ايم آنچه را نفسی نديده. و فرمودند: در كلّ احوال صابر و شاكريم. و جميع مقصود آن نفوس اين است كه چرا حقّ ظاهر شده؟ فو الله هذا لم يكن من عندی بل مِن لدن مَن أرسلنی بالحقّ و جعلنی رحمةً علی العالمين. (edit)
This is a dream that has been observed and mentioned in Iraq, and some of it has been interpreted these days, as we have heard from your words what no one has heard before and we have seen what no one has seen. And they said: We are patient and grateful in all circumstances. And the whole purpose of those souls is that why did the truth appear? By Allah, this is not from me, but from me. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قوله - كبر غلّه -: مذكور نموده بوديد كه زن در سرايه فرستاده عرض نموده اند، اوّلاً آن که ظلم موجب زياده از اين خواهد[۳۲۵]بود. علاوه مرحبا از شما كه با ادّعای حقيّت شما و زيركیْ زيراب كشی ديگر از انبيا و اوليا نموديد. آيا به جهت فدك حضرت فاطمه دست حسنين را نگرفته و به در مهاجر و انصار نبرده؟ آفرين بر شما! صه لسانك، يا أيّها الكافر بالله! ثمّ صه لسانك، يا أيّها المشرك بالله! ثمّ صه لسانك، يا أيّها المحارب بالله! ولو أكررّ تلك الكلمة مِن حينئذٍ إلی آخر الّذی لا آخر له لَتكون مستحقّاً بها، بل لا تذكر عند ما إرتكبت فی جنب الله، يا أيّها الغافل عن أمر الله و المستكبر علی نفس الله! (edit)
Qoleh - Kaber Gholleh -: You mentioned that the women were sent in Saraya, first of all, that oppression would cause more than this [325]. In addition, welcome to you who, by claiming the truth and your cleverness, killed another of the prophets and saints. Didn't Hazrat Fatima take Hasnain's hand and lead him to Muhajir and Ansar for the sake of Fadak? Well done to you! Shut up your tongue, you infidels! The truth of your tongue, O polytheist! The sound of your tongue, O you warriors of God! And even if I repeat that word from then until the end of the day, there is no end to it, so you will be entitled to it, but do not remember before us that you have committed it in the presence of God, O you who are heedless of God's command and proud of God's soul! (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بعد از ورود اين ارض جمال مبارك و حضرت كليم و ميرزا يحيی هر يك در بيت علي حدّه مقرّ داشتند و اين ارض محلّی نيست كه نفسی به نفسی ظلم نمايد. و ظلمی را كه مشرك بالله ارتكاب نمود در وقتی بود كه تفريق كبری واقع نشده بود. و بعد از ظهور ما فی صدره تفصيل و تفريق واقع، چنانچه ذكر شد. و ابداً ديگر ملاقات نشده و گفتگوی لسانی هم به ميان نيامده. فاسئل مِن أهل تلك الأرض لكی تجد إلی الصّدق سبيل. (edit)
After entering this land, Jamal Mubarak, Hazrat Kalim, and Mirza Yahya each had their headquarters in Bait Ali Hadda, and this land is not a local land that oppresses each other. And the injustice committed by the polytheist was at a time when the great separation had not taken place. And after our appearance in Sadreh, the details and differentiation of the fact, as mentioned. And they never met again and there was no linguistic conversation. Fas'il from the people of Talc al-Arre, but it is Tajd to Al-Sadaq Sabil. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و ديگر آن که مملكت مال دولت عليّه و در اين ارض جميع مسجون و غريب. و بعد از اظهار ما فی سرّه احدی معاشرت ننموده، جز درويش صدق علی كه به جهت خدمات او مراوده مي نمود. و همچنين يك نفر در خدمت جمال اقدس، و يك نفر هم خدمت حضرت[۳۲۶]كليم. و باقی اصحاب كلّ در منزل های علي حدّه متفرّق. ديگر اين ظلم چه بوده و از چه رو وارد شده؟ با آن که جميع ذرّات مي دانند كه سبب ظلم آن ظالم بود كه ايشان به افتضاح خود راضی شدند و تفريق فرمودند. و مع ذلك تقول ما لا تشعر. (edit)
And the other is that the kingdom belongs to the government and all the prisoners and foreigners are in this land. And after our statement, he did not associate with anyone except Darvish Sedek Ali, who used to treat him for his services. And also one person in the service of Jamal Aqdas, and one person in the service of Hazrat Kalim [326]. And the rest of the companions of the whole are scattered in the houses of Ali Hadda. What else was this oppression and why did it come from? Even though everyone knows that the reason for the oppression was that oppressor who was satisfied with his disgrace and separated. And yet you say we don't feel it. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اصل شجره ظلم را عدل شمرده و شجره فضل و عدل را ظالم دانسته. هذا مكرٌ منك و منهم فی أمر الله. آن قدر درايت نداری كه سخنی استماع نمودی تفكّر كنی. در همان ايّام كه زنش به سرايه رفته فو الله كه در اوّل ماه مخصوص او از آن زخرفي كه در هر شهر مي آوردند مع يك بقچه اسبابْ درويش، كه مباشر او بود الان موجود است، برده. و چند نفر هم مجدّد در اين ارض وارد شده بودند، كلّ مطّلع. از جمله جناب ميرزا حيدر علی و سلمان و استاد عبد الكريم از اهل صاد. و مع ذلك مخصوصاً زن به سرايه فرستاده و به همين لفظ گفته نسبت به جمال ابهی كه ما را آورده و نان و لباس بما نمي دهد. و افتضاحی در اين ارض برپاشد كه يكی از قنصل های اين ارض بسيار تعجّب نموده، به شخصی ذكر نمود كه امروز امر عجيبی واقع شده، و جميع اعجام به شماتت برخواستند كه در اين طايفه عصمت و عفّت نيست. (edit)
The origin of the genealogy of injustice is considered as justice, and the genealogy of grace and justice is regarded as tyranny. This is a trick from you and me in the command of Allah. You don't have enough wisdom to think after listening to a speech. In the same days that his wife went to Sarayah, Fu Allah, on the first of the month, he took one of the ornaments that were brought in every city, along with a piece of furniture from the dervish, who was his steward, and it is now available. And how many people had entered this land again, all informed. Among them, Mr. Mirza Haider Ali and Salman and Ustad Abdul Karim from the people of Sad. And yet, he especially sent a woman to Saraya and said the same thing about Jamal Abhi who brought us and does not give us bread and clothes. And a scandal broke out in this land that one of the consuls of this land was very surprised, he mentioned to someone that a strange thing happened today, and all the people of Ajam asked you that there is no innocence and chastity in this tribe. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و خود نفس غافلت آن قدر دانسته كه اگر يهود بر ايشان وارد شود به قدر مقدور زخرف فانيه از او منع نمی شود.[۳۲۷] مع ذلك نوشتی آنچه نوشتی و فدك را كثيف نمودی. ولكن مطمئنّ باش كه در هر ارضی يك سيّدة النّسائی داری و از آن رشته مرايای تام واحداً بعد واحد هم بسيار و در هر ارضی موجود. دوازده سنه جمال ابهی در عراق تشريف داشتند و احدی از ايشان امری كه فی الجملة مغاير و مخالف باشد نديده. از جميع اهل عراق سؤال كن! حال از آن رشته مرايای تام واحداً بعد واحد يكی در عراق است، بايد از اهل عراق احوال او را پرسيد. به او نوشته: "إنّا جعلناك علی العالمين نوراً منيراً"، و همچنين: "هو النّور فی النّور و إنّ مثل نوره كنور نور من نور الله". و به امّ الفواحش اين آيه مباركه قرآن را بعينه نوشته: "(يا مريم! أقنُتی لربّك و أسجُدی و إركَعی مع الرّاكعين. انّ الله طهّركِ و إصطفاكِ علی نساء العالمين." حال حظّ كن از آن سيّدة النّساء و از آن مرآت تام. كاش آنجا هم مي رفتی و يك سجده مي نمودی! لعن الله الّذين تحرّفوا كلمةَ الله عن موضعها و أعرضوا عن جماله و إتّخذوا لأنفسهم عجلاً من دونه. فما لهؤلاء لا يكادون يفقهون ذكراً من الله العلیّ العظيم؟ (edit)
And your careless soul knows so much that if a Jew enters upon them, he will not be prevented from him as much as possible. But be sure that you have a feminine lady in every land, and there are a lot of complete mirrors from that field, one by one, in every land. For twelve years, Jamal Abhi visited Iraq and none of them saw anything that was completely contradictory. Ask all Iraqis! Now, there is one whole field of mirrors in Iraq, one should ask the people of Iraq about his condition. He wrote to him: "Indeed, the counterfeiter of the worlds is a shining light", and also: "He is the light in the light, and it is like the light of the light, my light is the light of God." And he wrote this blessed verse of the Qur'an to Umm al-Fawahish: "O Mary! Make a bow to your Lord and prostrate and perform rak'i with the rak'een. May Allah purify and purify the women of the world." You used to go there and do a prostration! Curse of God those who distort the word of God from the places and show it from the beauty and take it for themselves in haste of knowledge. What about these people who don't have knowledge in the remembrance of God the Most High? (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و الله ناله مي نمايم و اين كلمات مي نويسم، چه كه امر به جائی رسيده كه بايد به چنين اذكار مشغول شد. قد ضيّعتم حرمة الله و حرمة أنفسكم. قلب را[۳۲۸]از كثافات اوهام مشركين طاهر نما و ذكر انبيا و مرسلين را به اذكار انفس مشركين مقترن منما! چه كه جميع آن طلعات رحمن جان در سبيل محبوب داده و برای نان به كلّ مَن علی الأرض اعتنا نفرموده اند. حال انصاف ده، تو ازاهل قياسی با اين عباد كه چگونه فعلی را به چه فعلی قياس نموده؟ فانصف لِتُنصف! ثمّ إرحم أمر الّذی سفك فی سبيله دماء المقرّبين و عباد الله المخلصين. (edit)
And I am lamenting Allah and writing these words, because the situation has reached a point where it is necessary to engage in such remembrance. I have lost the sanctity of God and the sanctity of myself. Purify the heart from the filth of the illusions of the polytheists and remember the prophets and messengers with the remembrance of the souls of the polytheists! What if all of those brave people gave their lives for the sake of the beloved and did not pay attention to all of me on earth for bread. Now be fair, you are one of the people who compare with this servant, how did you compare the present to what present? Fansef letonsef! Then, I have mercy on the deceased, for the sake of the blood of the close ones and the faithful servants of God. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قوله - عظم كذبه -: عرض ديگر آن كه در باب آمدن حاجی سيّد محمّد در اسلامبول و خودم همه را مطّلعم و حضور داشتم. شب اوّل آمده در سفارت جناب مشير الدّولة بودند و سركار حاجی ميرزا صفی و بنده و بس. و مشير الدّولة به او گفت كه چرا آمده؟ گفت: به جهت استخلاص خود. و عرض حال عالی پاشا را هم من ديدم تا آن كه رسولان ايشان آمدند و آغاز بدگوئی نمودند. و او هم به جهت اين بدگوئي ها به قدر لازم گفت. (edit)
Qoleh - Azm Kobeh -: The other thing is that I informed everyone about the arrival of Haji Syed Mohammad in Islambul and I was present. The first night he came to the embassy, Mr. Mushir al-Dawlah, and the head of Haji Mirza Safi and Banda and that's it. And Mushir al-Dawla told him why he came? He said: For the sake of self-examination. And I also saw Pasha's great condition until his messengers came and started slandering. And he said as much as necessary for these bad words. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قد سوّد الله وجه الكاذب. اگر مخصوص استخلاص آمده سياهه نفوس را كه احدی مطّلع نبوده كه داده؟ هشت نفر بودند، به قلم داده بيست و يك نفريم. و شش ماه معطّل شده تا آن كه به هزار تدليس وَصَل إلی مقصوده و مقصودِ صاحبه. باعوا يوسفَ الأمر بدراهم معدودة. فأفّ لهم و لوفائهم![۳۲۹]تالله بفعلهم ضيع أمر الله بين النّاس. (edit)
The height of Allah's benefit is the false face. If it came specifically for the extraction, the list of people was given by someone who was not informed? There were eight people, we are twenty one. And it has been suspended for six months until it is connected to the target and target of the owner. Baawa Yusuf Amr Badraham few. So forgive them and honor them! (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و امرنامه، كه از استامبول آمده، نوشته اند كه بعضی از همرهان ايشان آمده و شكايت نموده اند كه ايشان به ما نان نمي دهند. و الان آن امرنامه موجود، مع ذلك نوشته آنچه را نوشته. لعن الله الّذين بدّلوا حرمة الله بزخارف الدّنيا و إذا خلوا إلی الشّياطين يتبرّئون مِن الله و أمره، ثمّ يكتبون إلی الحمقاء مِن أمثالهم: "إنّا رؤساء الأمر و مراياء العباد و أثمار التّوحيد و أوراق التّجريد." ولكن الّذين جعل الله بصرَهم حديداً يشهدون و يطّلعون بما إرتكبوا فی الحيوة الباطلة و لا يشتبه عليهم، لأنهم يجدون عن كلّ فعل من أفعالهم روائح الكذب و النّفاق و التّزوير و الشّقاق. و إنّهم مِن جواهر الخلق بين عباد الله و بريّته و عليهم ذكرُ الله و ثنائُهُ فی كلّ حين و بعد حين و حين حين. (edit)
And his name, as a stambol of his age, his name and some of his hamrahan, his name, his name, and his name, and his name is what we have done. And now that his melody is there, with that, Ankh Ra Naushta. May God curse those who exchanged the sanctity of God for the adornments of the world, and when they went to the devils, they disavowed God and His command, and then wrote to fools like them: “We are the leaders of the matter, the hypocrites of the servants, the fruits of monotheism and the papers of abstraction.” But those whom God has made their sight iron, they bear witness and know what they have committed in their false life, and they are not suspected, because they find in every one of their actions the smells of lies, hypocrisy, forgery and discord. And they are among the jewels of creation between the servants of God and His creation, and they must remember God and praise Him every time and after a while and a while. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و الله خوب مريدی هستی و خوب به سَتر فحشا مشغول شده بعد از شهود. ولكن بر بصير خبير امر پوشيده نيست و مطّلعيم كه چه افترا ها گفته و چگونه كمر قتل بسته. حتّی گفته اند كه ايشان مخصوص آدم به طهران فرستاده اند به جهت امر شنيع. لعنةُ الله علی المفترين و الكاذبين. (edit)
And Allah, you are a good disciple and you are well engaged in the line of prostitution after witnessing. But it is not hidden from the expert's insight and we know what slanders he said and how he committed the murder. They have even said that they sent a special person to Tehran for a heinous matter. God's curse on the slanderers and the liars. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
حال فعل حقّ را مشاهده كن كه به همان مدينه وارد شدند و ابداً به كسی مراوده نفرمودند[۳۳۰]و در امر الله با نفسی مداهنه نشد. و چون آن خبيث ديده كه سفير ايران مكدّر است از ايشان، محض خدعه و تلبيس و نفاق با حقّ به آن مقرّ وارد و التجا نموده و گفته آنچه گفته. اگر او استخلاص مي خواست كسی به او حرف نداشت، او از حاجی ميرزا احمد معروف تر نبوده به هيچ وجه، و از سايرين كه رفته اند معتبر تر نه، بلكه نزد بعضی ذكر نداشته. فو الله كه مخصوص شهريه آمده، چنانچه اين ارض هم عرايضی كه او و ميرزا يحيی به باب مشير نوشته اند موجود. (edit)
Now observe the act of Haq, that they entered the same Medina and did not interact with anyone at all [330] and did not interfere with any soul in the matter of God. And when the evil one saw that the ambassador of Iran was proud of him, he entered that place and begged and said what he said. If he wanted to be abstract, no one would have spoken to him, he was not more famous than Haji Mirza Ahmad in any way, and not more reliable than the others who have gone, but he was not mentioned by some. For God's sake, he came specifically for Shahriah, if this land is also available in the petitions that he and Mirza Yahya wrote to Bab Mushir. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و از استامبول جميع امور را از اينجا استفسار نمودند كه او مي گويد هفت نفر رفته اند و باقی به كسب مشغولند و من و ميرزا يحيی بيست و يك نفريم و شهريّه نداريم. سركار والی مخصوص فرستاده و استفسار نموده كه باب عالی همچه ذكر نموده اند، و تو مي نويسی كه به جهت استخلاص بوده. حال كه به منتهی مراد خود رسيدند، ای کاش كه ديگر به اطراف ننويسند كه نان نداريم. (edit)
And from Istanbul, they inquired about all the affairs from here, and he says that seven people have gone and the rest are engaged in business, and Mirza Yahya and I are twenty-one people and we do not have a salary. The governor's office sent a special message and inquired about what the noble chapter had mentioned, and you write that it was for abstraction. Now that they have reached their goal, I wish they would stop writing around that we have no bread. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
حال انصاف ده آن فعل حقّ و اين فعل اين گروه، از كدام رايحه حقّ استشمام می شود؟ و الله چنين رؤسا از برای امثال شما بسيار خوبند. و همچه مدان كه سفير ايران غافلند. لا و الله، يومی آيد كه خود ايشان تصديق بر فعل حقّ نمايند و منكر فعل آن[۳۳۱]نفوس شوند. و اگر هم بر تو مشتبه شود بر ايشان مشتبه نخواهد شد. (edit)
Now let's be honest about that verb of right and this verb of this group, which smell of right can be smelled? And God, such leaders are very good for people like you. And even though the ambassador of Iran is oblivious. By God, a day will come when they themselves will confirm the act of truth and deny its act [331]. And if you are suspected, they will not be suspected. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و ديگر رسولان را ندانستم كه را گفته. اگر مقصود جناب عبد حاضر لدی الوجه بوده، و الله مخصوص امری آمده در آن مدينه كه هيچ دخلی به او نداشته، چنانچه نزد احدی نرفته. جميع شاهد و گواهند كه آن نفس خبيث در اين ارض جميع افعال شنيعه قبيحه را به حقّ نسبت داده، و آن ارض هم گفته اند آنچه را كه احدی در حقّ احدی نگفته. عبد حاضر لدی الوجه حال مي گويد: "خود نفس كاذبت نيامدی و مذكور ننمودی كه سيّد محمّد چنين و چنان مي گويد؟" و چه مقدار كلمات نالايقه در حقّ ايشان ذكر نمودی كه او مي گويد: "حتّی مذكور نمودی كه از برای شهريه خوب نيست حرف گفته شود، هر قسم هست اصلاح شود. و من در جواب گفتم كه معارضه نبوده و نخواهد بود، اعراض از آن نفوس لأمر الله واقع شده، نه لأجل امور ظاهره. جميع شهريه را واگذارند به آن نفوس مشركه، جنگی و جدالی نبوده. و در مجالس متعدّده از تو خواستم كه در يك مقرّ با او مجتمع شويم تا بر تو ثابت گردد كه آنچه گفته به افترای محض نسبت داده. آمدی گفتی كه قبول نمي كند." (edit)
And I did not know the other messengers who said. If Mr. Abd al-Hahader's intention was for Ladi al-Wajj, and Allah has come to a specific matter in that Medina that had nothing to do with him, then if he did not go to anyone. All the witnesses and witnesses that that evil soul in this land has attributed all the heinous and ugly actions to the truth, and in that land they have said what no one has said in the right of another. Abd Khader Ladi Waj Hal says: "Didn't you show your false self and mention that Seyyed Muhammad says so and so?" And how many unworthy words did you mention about him that he says: "You even mentioned that it is not good to talk about Shahriah, any swearing should be corrected. And I said in response that there was no conflict and there will be no conflict. The souls were created for the command of God, not for the sake of external affairs. They left all the cities to those souls of polytheists, there was no war or conflict. And I asked you in many meetings to unite with him in one place so that it can be proven to you that what he said was slander. He just attributed it. You came and said that he doesn't accept it." (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
فو الله كلّ وجود متحيّرند از كذب شما و افترای[۳۳۲]شما. ای بی درايت، سال ها اين ميرزا يحيی در خدمت ايشان بوده، آيا هيچ شنيده كه نفسی از منتسبين ايشان حرف بد و يا مكروهی نسبت به او گفته باشد؟ هر جاهلی مي داند كه آنچه واقع شود افتضاح امر بوده و خواهد بود. و الله كه هميشه فرموده اند كه راضی بودم هزار مرتبه شهيد شوم و اين امور بين ناس ذكر نشود، كه يكی از منتسبين ايشان برای نان شكايت نموده و به شهرها عريضه فرستاده. لعن الله الّذين إرتكبوا ما ناح به كلّ شیء و إحترقت عنه أكباد المقرّبين. (edit)
By God, the whole existence is amazed by your lies and slander. Dear Sir, this Mirza Yahya has been in his service for many years, did he ever hear that any of his associates said anything bad or disgusting about him? Every ignorant person knows that what happened was and will be an awful thing. And Allah, who has always said that I was willing to become a martyr a thousand times and not mention these things among people, that one of his associates complained about bread and sent a petition to the cities. God's curse is on those who made us hate everything and burned the livers of those close to us. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
فو الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه جميع اين عباد راضی بوديم كه كشته شويم و اين حرف ها به ميان نيايد. آنچه حال مي گوئيم مكلَّفيم چه كه مشاهده می شود كه جمعی كمر بسته اند در هتك حرمت امر الله، چه كه متديّن به دينی نبوده و نيستند و لأجل رياستْ خود را به مهلكه انداخته و مي اندازند. قريب پنج سنه در اين ارض توقّف شده و ابداً نفسی به باب عالی نفرستاده اند و مطلبی اظهار نشده، و آنچه وارد شده حرمةً لأمر الله صبر نموده ايم. ولكن آن خبيث مرتكب شده امری را كه نفسی از قبل مرتكب نشده. اميدواريم كه به مقصود خود نرسند، چنانچه حرمت يك سلسله را تمام نمود. (edit)
By God, there is no god but him, all of these servants were willing to be killed and these words would not come out. We are responsible for what we are saying now, because it is seen that a group of people are bent on violating the sanctity of God's order, because they are not and are not religious, and they are putting themselves to death for the sake of leadership. They have stayed in this land for almost five years, and they have never sent a soul to the Supreme Chapter, and nothing has been expressed, and what has entered, we have been patient for the sanctity of God. But that evil person has committed something that no soul has committed before. We hope that they will not reach their goal, if it ends the sanctity of a dynasty. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
او كه شأنی نداشته و نخواهد داشت، خود انصاف ده، اسم او در كجا مذكور بوده؟ اوليای دولت عليّه كجا او را[۳۳3]مي شناخته اند؟ به سبب كه معروف شده؟ خود تو مي دانی، ولكن بغضاً للّه سَتر مي نمائی. و أنت من الّذين غطّيتَ عيوبَ المشركين و ما إرتكبوا لِتضييع حرمة الله. كذلك جری الأمر حينئذٍ مِن هذا القلم المتكلّم الصّادق الأمين. (edit)
He who had no shoulder and no food, it is justice, where is his name mentioned? Where did the leaders of the state recognize him? Why is he known? You gave me, but by the grace of Allah I appeared. And you are one of those who commit the sin of the polytheists. Whose command is not from this pen of the truthful and faithful. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قوله - كبر حمقه -: خيلی خيلی عجب است از شما كه قريب بيست سال است ميرزا يحيی را به خدائی پرستيديد كه خود مطّلعم، در اصفهان در نزد خودم اقرار نموديد. حال مردود شده. به آميرزا محمّد علی و ميرزا ابوالحسن و ديگران و ميرزا حسين ورزنه چه جواب بگويم، كه فلاني ها هر روز به يكی مي چسبند و يكی را حقّ مي دانند و بعد باطل می نمايند؟ اين از عدم تميز آنها است، به جهت آن که حقّ باطل نمی شود و اين تناقض است. دين اينها بوالهوسی است، چنانچه ميرزا ابوالحسن در طهران به من گفت: حيف از شما، به چه دليل اوّلْ حقّ بود و خدا، و حال باطل است و عبد كافر؟ ای به به، عجب! يك انصاف از شما مي پرسم: شما را به خدا اين است، در بعضی مقامات با شما، در وقتی حركت كرده كه در عرضِ هم بوديم، حالا را هر يك به ديگری نمي توانيم برتری نمائيم، اگر چه هر قدر كامل شده باشيم. (edit)
Qoleh - Kabir Hamqa -: It is very surprising that you have been worshiping Mirza Yahya for almost twenty years, which you have confessed to me in Isfahan. Now rejected. What should we say to Amirza Muhammad Ali, Mirza Abul Hasan and others, and Mirza Hussain Varzaneh, that every day some people stick to one and consider one as right and then reject it? This is due to their lack of cleanliness, because the truth is not invalidated, and this is a contradiction. The religion of these people is falsehood, as Mirza Abul Hasan told me in Tehran: Shame on you, for what reason was the first right and God, and now it is false and Abd is an infidel? Wow, wow! I ask you a fair question: this is the truth about you, in some positions with you, in the time when we were together, now we cannot show superiority over each other, no matter how perfect we are. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)

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