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و ديگر صورت آيات ذكر نموده. اين قولی است كه مدّت ها است مشركين به آن ناطقند. گاهی قشر و لبّ ذكر نموده، گاهی صورت و هيولی در آيات ذكر كرده اند. كلّما خرج من أفواههم يرجع إلی أنفسهم و إنّ ربّك الرّحمن لَبَرِیءٌ منهم و عمّا يقولون. ای بيچاره اعمی، تو فرق ما بين يمين و يسار ننموده، چگونه مميّز فطرت و غير فطرت شده؟ حقّی كه مميّزش تو باشی همان لايق و سزاوار تو است. لو يُوجد مِن بصرٍ لَيعرف و يوقن بأن لا يعادل بآية عمّا نزل بالحقّ كلمات العالمين. جميع ناس كه از شاطی بحر معرفت رحمانی محروم شده اند، سببْ آن بوده كه عرفان خود را ميزان عرفان حقّ قرار داده بودند. لذا از كوثر معانی محروم و ممنوع گشته اند، چنانچه هر ملّتی اليوم به ادلّه و براهين خود منتظرند و در ظهورات مظاهر احديّه توقّف نموده اند. و اين حال نفوسی است كه فی الجملة اراده عرفان داشته اند. ولكن امثال شما، كه به بغضای[۲۹۰] صرف و غلّ بحت بر وجه حقّ ايستاده ايد، ذكری عند الله نداشته و نداريد. (edit)
And he mentioned other types of verses. This is a promise that polytheists have been talking about for a long time. Sometimes they mentioned skin and lips, sometimes they mentioned face and character in the verses. All the words of my expense, their rumors, return to themselves, and indeed, your Lord, the Most Merciful, is free from them and their uncles, they say. O poor Ami, you did not differentiate between our right and left, how did you distinguish between nature and non-nature? The right that is judged by you is what you deserve. If there is someone with a sight to know and be sure that it is not equal to the verse of Amma, the words of the scholars were revealed in truth. All the people who have been deprived of the shores of the sea of merciful knowledge, is because they set their own knowledge as the measure of true knowledge. Therefore, they have been denied and forbidden the meanings of kotsar, as every nation is waiting for its proofs and proofs, and they have stopped at the emergence of single manifestations. And this is the situation of people who have the will of knowledge. But the likes of you, who have stood in the face of the truth with mere malice [290], have not and do not have any remembrance of Allah. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و كاش ندای اركانت را مي شنيدی كه در حين تحرير كلماتت مخاطباً إليك چه مي گفت! حتّی شَعری كه در بدنت موجود پناه به خدا برده از شرّ و مكر و خدعه تو. بدان كه حقّ منيع در كلّ يوم در شأن بديع بوده و عرفان ناس ميزان عرفان او نشده و نخواهد شد. بسا از نفوس كه در ظهور قبل از اعلی سدره رضوان محسوب و در ظهور بعد از ادنی شجره سجّين مذكور، چنانچه در اين مقام نقطه بيان - روح ما سواه فداه - تصريح فرموده و از قبل ذكر شده. (edit)
And I wish you could hear what your friend was saying to you while writing your words! Even the poem that exists in your body has taken refuge to God from your evil and deceit. Know that Muni's right has always been outstanding and Nas's wisdom has not and will not be equal to his wisdom. Probably from the souls who are considered to be Rizwan in the appearance before the supreme Sedra and in the appearance after the Adni family tree of Sajjin, as the point of expression in this position - our soul other than sacrifice - has been stated and it has been mentioned before. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اين که از قلم جعل و كذب نوشته شده كه: دليل بر انكار و تكفير ميرزا يحيی نبوده الخ، إذاً يتكلّم لسان الله بأن لعن الله أوّل ظالم ظلم نقطةَ الأولی فی ظهوره الأخری و كفر بآياته و أنكر بظهوره و جاحد ببرهانه و نازع بسلطانه و حارب بنفسه و أراد سفك دمه بعد الّذی جائهم بآيات عزّ مبين. يشهد كلّ الذّرّات بأنّه ما إعترض علی أحد و كان أرحم بكلّ نفس من نفسه علی نفسه. و يشهد بذلك كلّ شیء إن أنتم تنكرون. (edit)
And where is the pen of making and denying its sharpness: Evidence for the denial and takfir of Mirza Yahya Nabudah etc. So the tongue of God speaks that God cursed the first oppressor who wronged the first point in his later appearances and disbelieved in His verses and denied his appearance and denounced his proof and disputed his authority and disputed his authority and He fought by himself and wanted to shed his blood after He came to them with clear signs of glory. All atoms bear witness that he did not object to anyone and was more merciful to every soul than he was to himself. And everything bears witness to that, if you deny it. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
به حقّ خودشان كه با كلّ به كمال محبّت رفتار فرموده اند، تا آن كه بعد از تفصيل كبری نوشتجاتی از ميرزا يحيی مشاهده[۲۹۱]شد و تفصيل آن مجملاً از قبل ذكر شده. و در آن نوشتجات جميع شرور اوّلين و آخرين را به حقّ نسبت داده. بعد از مشاهده آن الواح مفتريه مجعوله كاذبه، فی ردِّ مَن رَدَّ علی الله نازل شد آنچه نازل شد و هذا لم يكن من عنده بل من عند الله المنزل العزيز الكريم. (edit)
By their own right, who have treated everyone with complete love, until after a great deal of detail, some writings of Mirza Yahya were found[291] and the details of them have already been mentioned in full. And in those writings, he attributed all the first and last evils to the truth. After seeing those fake and fabricated slanderous tablets, what was revealed was revealed to me and it was not from me, but from me in the house of God, the Most Merciful. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ای بی انصاف، و الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه اگر ذرّه در قلبت حبّ الهی مي بود هرآينه به او مي نوشتی كه به چه دليل و برهان در صدد قطع شجره ربّانيّه افتادی و اعتراض نمودی به كينونتی كه می فرمايد: "يا قوم، إنّی حجّةُ الله بينكم و برهانه فيكم و رحمته عليكم. و قد جئتكم عن أفق المعانی و البيان بنباء قد كان علی الحقّ عظيماً. قد بعثنی الله و أرسلنی بآيات الّتی أرسل بها كلّ النّبيين و المرسلين، ثمّ علیّ بالحقّ. فبأیّ حجّة تكفرون هذا الأمر الّذی أشرق عن أفق القدس بسلطان مبيناً؟ يا قوم، هل تعترضون بالّذی به ثبت إيمانكم و إيمان كلّ مؤمن، و به رفعتْ أسمائكم و علتْ مراتبكم و ظهرت كلمة الله فی الآفاق؟ و كان الله علی ذلك شهيداً." (edit)
I am in fairness, and God, besides whom there is no god, is like every atom in the heart of the love of my God, I want to see it or not, as there is evidence and proof in the way of cutting down a divine tree. I am God's argument between you and His proof is among you and His mercy is upon you. And I have come to you from the horizon of meanings and clarification with a prophecy that was great upon the truth. God has sent me and sent me with signs with which He sent all the prophets and messengers, then upon me with the truth. So with what argument do you disbelieve this matter that He shone from the horizon of Jerusalem with a clear authority? O people, do you object to the one with which your faith and the faith of every believer were established, and by which your names were raised and your ranks elevated, and the word of God appeared in the horizons? And God was a witness to that. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
مع ذلك به او كلمه نصحی للّه ذكر ننمودی و سيفی برداشته و به فعل او مشغول شده. و اين مقام اعتراض بر او بود، نه بر حقّ. و الله عامل شده آنچه را كه احدی عامل نشده. نفسی كه[۲۹۲]فتوی بر قتل كلّ نبيّين داده، او را حقّ دانسته، و بالّذی منه ظهر الحقّ و به حقّق الحقّ اعتراض نموده. فواحسرة عليك و بما إرتكبت فی الحيوة الباطلة! فوا أسفا عليك بما ضيّعت عمرك و ما كنت من المستشعرين. (edit)
However, you did not mention the words of God's advice to him, and he took a sword and engaged in his actions. And this position was a protest against him, not against Haqq. And Allah has done what no one has done. A person who [292] issued a fatwa on the killing of all the prophets, considered him to be right, and also protested against the truth of the truth. I am sorry for you and for what you have done in the life of vanity! I'm sorry for the loss of your life and we were sorry for you. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
هر نفسي كه اقلّ مِن ذرّ شاعر باشد يقين می نمايد كه اگر ايشان اراده مي فرمودند هرگز او موجود نبود. بيست سنه در اين امر و بيست سنه قبل از اين امر به كمال شفقت و مهربانی در حفظ و تعليمش جهد بليغ فرمودند، ثمره آن شد كه شنيده ايد. قد بكتْ السّموات و الأرض، ثمّ الهواء و المياه و الأحجار و الأشجار و الأثمار و الأوراق، ولكنّ المشركين هم فی فرح عظيم. (edit)
Every soul who is even less than a poet is certain that if he had said will, he would never have existed. For twenty years in this matter and twenty years before this, they made an eloquent effort to preserve and teach it with complete compassion and kindness, the fruit of which you have heard. The height of the heavens and the earth, then the air and the water, the stones, the trees, the fruits and the leaves, but the polytheists are also in great joy. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و ديگر كجا شما در اين ارض بوده كه ظلم فهميده و نسبت داده؟ و الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو، كه اگر احدی به آن نفس معرض تكلّم نموده تا چه رسد به ظلم! ظالم را مظلوم دانسته و مشرك را موحّد شمرده. خود تو اقرار بر اخلاق حقّ نموده و مع ذلك ظلم نسبت مي دهی. لا تشعر ما تقول. در كلّ اوقات با نساء متعدّده در محلّ راحت به عيش و عشرت مشغول بوده. بلی، در اين ارض آن سيّد مفسد، كه انشاء الله خير نبيند و به مقصودش نرسد، به او تلقين نموده آنچه تلقين نموده، و جميع اين امور از تدبيرات او است. اگر چه خود اصل[۲۹۳]شجره اعراض و الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه به مكر و خدعه ظاهر شده كه در ابداع مثل و شبه نداشته و ندارد. درايت شما معلوم شد كه خوب مطلب را می فهميد، يحرّكك هواء الشّرك و النّفاق كيف يشاء. (edit)
And where else in this land have you understood and attributed injustice? And God, there is no god but Him, that if someone speaks to that soul, how much will it lead to oppression! He considered the oppressor to be the oppressor and considered the polytheist to be one. You yourself acknowledge the right morality and yet attribute injustice. We don't feel you say. At all times, he was engaged in luxury with many women in a comfortable place. Yes, in this land, that corrupt master, who, God willing, does not see good and does not achieve his purpose, has instilled in him what he has instilled, and all these matters are his plans. Although the original[293] of the tree of Araz and Allah Al-Dhi, there is no god but He, who appeared by trickery and trickery, did not have and does not have any similitudes in inventing. Your tact has turned out that you understand the matter well. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قوله - عظم إفترائه -: خلاصه از شما بسيار تعجّب است: سابقاً هر كه از دنيا و رياست او گذشته ممدوح بود، حال اسم او را شما "خوف" گذاشته ايد. و كسي را كه حضرت اعلی در توقيعات به او "مِن الله" و "إلي الله" اوّل عنوان توقيع مي نوشته، شما بنويسيد كه در چادر نسوان مخفی شده. عجب عجب طالب حقّ بوده ايد، و خوب زيراب از انبياء سابق كشيديد! عيسی كه در مغاره ها مأوی گزيده بود، و پيغمبر كه در جوال مخفی گشته، و ذكريا كه در درخت مقرّ جسته. و كلّ اوليا از خوف و يا جهت ديگر نَفَس نمي كشيدند، از شهر به شهر و ديار به ديار فرار مي كردند. (edit)
Qoleh - Azm Iftraeh -: In short, I am very surprised by you: previously, whoever passed away and his leadership was praised, now you have named him "Khof". And the one whom Hazrat Al-Ala writes "Min Allah" and "Ili Allah" as the first title of the signature in his autographs, you should write that he is hiding in a women's tent. Wow, you have been a seeker of the truth, and you have learned from the previous prophets! Jesus, who took shelter in the caves, and the Prophet, who hid in the cave, and Zachariah, who sought shelter in the tree. And all the ancients did not breathe out of fear or in any other direction, they fled from city to city and country to country. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
كذبتَ بالله الّذی خلق كلّ شیء. تو خبر از آنچه از نزد نقطه اولی صادر شده نداشته و نداری. چند جزوه از سماء مشيّت نقطه بيان نازل، در بعضی "مِن الله إلی الله" و در بعضی "مِن الله إلی مَن يُظهره الله" مذكور، و مقصود كلّْ اين ظهور امنع اقدس بوده كه تو و امثال تو از او معرض و به كمال انكار منكر. يكی مخصوص ميرزا اسد الله نازل و نقطه[۲۹۴]بيان او را "ديّان" فرموده و به كلّ اسماء حُسنی ناميده، و مرشدت او را سبّ و لعن نموده و فتوی بر قتل او داده و آن بيچاره را شهيد نمودند. و همچنين يكی مخصوص جناب آسيّد ابراهيم از سماء مشيّت مقتدر عظيم نازل و او را مرشدت "ابو الدّواهی" ناميده. بعضی از امور وارده بر اين دو نفر از قبل ذكر شده، فاقرئه لِتطّلع بحسنات مُرشدك و بما ورد عليهما. (edit)
The lie of God, the Creator of all things. You did not and do not know about what was issued from the first point. Some pamphlets from Sama Mashit are the point of revelation, in some it is mentioned "From Allah to Allah" and in some "From Allah to whom Allah will appear", and the whole purpose of this appearance is the Holy One, whom you and those like you are exposed to and completely deny. denial One for Mirza Asadullah Nazl and the point [294] of his statement called him "Dian" and called him by all the good names, and cursed his mentor and gave a fatwa to kill him and martyred that poor person. And also one specially for Mr. Asid Ibrahim, from the sky, the mighty providence came down and called him "Abu Al-Dawahi" as your mentor. Some of the things that happened to these two people have already been mentioned. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اين كلمات مذكور شد تا مِن حيث لا يشعر سخن نگوئی و به هر ريحی متحرّك نشوی و از حقّي، كه اگر بخواهد جميع اسامی كه تو او را احصا نموده به قبضه از تراب راجع نمايد قادر است، اعراض نكنی. چه كه يك مقام از مقاماتِ توصيفِ حقّ آن است كه چون در كلّ شیء آثار تجلّيات خود مشاهده می فرمايد، لذا به ادنی آيه ظاهره در ارض كلّ اسماء و صفات راجع شده و خواهد شد. چه كه مقصود از اسماء حسنی كه به او خطاب می شود راجع است به آن تجلّی ربانيّه كه مِن غير جهة در او تجلّی فرموده. و تا اين آيه تجلّی در كلّ شیء باقی بر كلّ شیء اطلاق كلّ اسماء صادق، و بعد از اعراض هر يك محروم و به مقرّ نار راجع. و اگر مشاهده می شد كه قابل عرفانی، هر آينه بحر معانی و عرفان رشحی به تو مبذول مي فرمود. ولكن بهتر همان كه[۲۹۵]محروم باشی و به همين كلمات محدوده مؤتفكه محتجبه تكلّم نمائی. لا تخرج مِن أهل السّجّين إلاّ كلمات السّجّينيّة. (edit)
These words were mentioned so that you don't speak out of ignorance and don't be swayed by any whims and don't deny the truth, that if he wants, he is able to refer all the names that you have counted to him from Tarab. Because he is one of the authorities of the description of the right, because he observes the effects of his manifestations in all things, therefore, he is and will be referred to the Adni Ayah Zahirah in the land of all names and attributes. What is meant by the names of Hosni that are addressed to him is the manifestation of God that He has manifested in him. And until this verse, the manifestation in the whole thing remains on the whole thing, the application of all the true names, and after the symptoms of each one, it is excluded and referred to the law. And if it was seen that you were capable of mysticism, every mirror would reveal to you the sea of meanings and secret mysticism. But it is better that you are [295] deprived and do not talk with the same words of the range of the mutaifke mohtjeba. Do not come out of the people of the prisoners except the words of the prisoners. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اين که نوشته: سابق هر كه از دنيا و رياست او گذشته ممدوح بود، حال شما اسم او را خوف گذاشته ايد و نوشته كه فلان در چادر نسوان مخفی شده، آنچه مِن عند الله نازل و المنزل هو الحقّ و هو صادق فيما قال و يقول. خوب منقطعی يافتی! بلی، منقطع از حقّ، نه منقطع از ما سوی. فوالله شرم دارم كه ذكر اعمالش نمايم، چه كه تو مطّلع نيستی. نفوسي كه با او بوده اند حال موجود. نفسي كه در شهوت نفسانی به مقامی رسيد كه از حرم يزدانی نگذشت و تصرّف در حرم نقطه نمود، فو الله سِتر حجاب اكبر را هتك كرد، اين بی ادب بی شرم او را "منقطع" مي نويسی. (edit)
And the fact that he wrote: Previously, whoever passed away from this world and his leadership was praiseworthy, now you have named him Khuf, and it is written that so-and-so is hiding in a women's tent. he says Well, you found a break! Yes, disconnected from the truth, not disconnected from us. By God, I am ashamed to mention his deeds, which you are not aware of. The people who were with him are now present. A soul who reached a position in carnal lust that did not pass the Yazdani shrine and took possession of the shrine, God forbid, violated the veil of the Great Hijab, you call this shameless rude person "disconnected". (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
در سنين قبل هفت نفر شهدای ناريّه معيّن نموده، يكی از آن نفوس بعد از اطّلاع تائب شده و رجع إلی الله و تاب إليه و ألبسه الله ثوبَ غفرانه و رداءَ فضله و إرتقاه إلی جنّة الأبهی فوق سِدرة المنتهی، الّذی سمّی بموسی فی ملكوت الأسماء. إنّه لهو الّذی إرتقی إلی أفق الأعلی و حينئذ يكون بالمنظر الأبهی و يطوفنّ فی حوله أهل مدائن البقاء. و آن نفس مبارك ميرزا موسی قمّی - عليه بهاء الله - بود كه شكست صنم وهم و هوی را[۲۹۶]و در فلك ابهی باذن الله خالق الأرض و السماء مستقرّ شد و بعد إلی الله رجوع نمود. و نفس ديگر ابداً قبول اين افك ننمود، كأنّ روح القدس أخبره و حفظه عن مفتريات هؤلاء المفترين. (edit)
In the previous years, seven people were appointed martyrs of Narayeh, and one of those souls repented after being informed and returned to God and repented to Him, and God clothed him in the garment of forgiveness and the robe of virtue, and elevated him to the Father's Paradise above Sidra al-Muntahi, the one who poisoned Moses in the Kingdom of the Names. This is the day when it will rise to the horizon of the highest and then it will be in the view of the abhi and it will rain in the towel of the people of Mada'in. And that blessed soul was Mirza Musa Qummi - peace be upon Bahá'u'lláh - who defeated idolatry and illusion[296] and settled in the firmament of Abhi with the permission of God, the Creator of the earth and the sky, and then turned to God. And the soul never accepted this view again, as if the Holy Spirit had informed and protected them from the slanders of these slanderers. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
باری اگر تفصيل ذكر شود به طول مي انجامد. مختصر آن كه سه نفر از آن نفوس باقی و در آن جزوه اين نفوس را شهيد نموده و تصريح نوشته كه هر كدام دختر بكری از برای او بفرستند مع درهم و دنانير. و آن جزوه الان در دست موجود. يقين اين امور را از انقطاع شمرده. فو الله اين امور مذكوره نسبت به اعمال ديگرش حسنه بوده و اين عبد شرم مي نمايم از ذكر آن. تا حال ستر كبريائی عيوبش را پوشيده بود. چون خرق نمود ستر را، لذا حقّ كشف فرمود. العجب كلّ العجب، بل العجب بنفسه يقول: "العجب، ثمّ العجب" كه فرق ميانه خزف و لؤلؤ ننموده و از اين مقرّ اقدس گذشته مفتريات به نبيّين و مرسلين هم بسته به جهت اثبات امر موهومی زبان شتم به سلاطين وجود گشوده. (edit)
If the details are mentioned, it will take a long time. In short, three of those people remained and in that booklet he martyred these people and wrote a statement that each of them should send him a virgin daughter with dirhams and dinars. And that pamphlet is available now. The certainty of these matters is considered as interruption. By Allah, these things mentioned are good compared to his other deeds, and this Abd is ashamed to mention them. Until now, he had covered his flaws with a giant mask. Because he broke the cover, he revealed the truth. Al-Ajab is all of Al-Ajab, but Al-Ajab himself says: "Al-Ajab, the result of Al-Ajab" which did not differentiate between porcelain and pearls, and beyond this holy place, slanders were opened to prophets and messengers depending on the purpose of proving the illusory matter of slandering the sultans. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ای بی اطّلاع، بشنو! امّا عيسی بن مريم، از اوّل بعثت اكثر ايّام در هيكل با رؤسای يهود مكالمه مي فرمود و مِن غير تقيّة تبليغ امر مي نمود، چنانچه در كتب ثبت است و تو نديده. نصّ انجيل است وقتي كه آن روح مقدّس[۲۹۷]رحمانی را در مجلس يكی از علمای يهود كه موسوم به حنّاس بود بردند و او از حضرت سؤال نمود كه قول تو چيست و چه مي گوئی؟ حضرت فرمودند كه چرا از من سؤال مي نمائی؟ از ملأ يهود سؤال كن، چه كه من در خلوت كلمه نگفته ام، بلكه آنچه گفته ام در هيكل و در مجمع يهود گفته ام. بعد يكی از عسكريه كه در آن مجلس حاضر بود طپانچه بر صورت مبارك حضرت زده كه چرا به كاهن بزرگ به گستاخی تكلّم مي نمائی؟ (edit)
O ignorant, listen! But Isa bin Maryam, from the beginning of his mission, spent most of his days in the temple talking to the leaders of the Jews, and preached without piety, as it is recorded in the books and you have not seen it. The text of the Bible is when that holy spirit [297] was taken in the assembly of one of the Jewish scholars, who was called Hanas, and he asked the Holy Prophet what is your word and what are you saying? Hazrat said why are you asking me? Ask the crowd of Jews whether I did not say a word in private, but what I said I said in the temple and in the assembly of the Jews. Then one of the soldiers who was present in that assembly shot a pistol in the face of Mubarak Hazrat saying, "Why are you talking to the high priest so rudely?" (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بعد آن عالم حكم نمود كه حضرت را نزد قيافا كه قاضی آن سنه بود بردند، يعنی در آن سنه احكام شرعيّه ملّت يهود با او بود. با اين که نصّ كتاب است كه هر روز در هيكل تبليغ امر الله جهرةً مي فرمود حال نوشته كه عيسی در مغاره ها بوده و از خوف نفس نمي كشيدند. بسيار تعدّی نموده و از شأن خود تجاوز جسته! (edit)
After that, the scholar ruled that the Holy Prophet was taken to Caiaphas, who was the judge of that year, that is, in that year, the laws of the Jewish nation were with him. Even though the text of the book is that every day in the tabligh temple, he said openly that Jesus was in the caves and they did not breathe because of fear. He violated a lot and violated his dignity! (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
در اين مقام يك بيان از روح ذكر می شود كه شايد از كوثر بيان جمال رحمن به حديقه سبحان وارد شوی. فلمّا رأی الصّليب حمله بنفسه، ثمّ إعتنقه قائلاً:" هلمّ، يا صليبی العزيز، الّذی منذ ثلثة و ثلثين سنة أنا منتظرك و مفتّشاً عليك و أريد أن أموت مسمّراً فيك حبّاً بأغنامی." اگر چه نفحات اين كلمه را جز روحانيّين نيابند و لذّت اين بيان را جز اهل منظر رحمن درك[۲۹۸]ننمايند امثال آن نفوس بی نصيب بوده و خواهند بود، چنانچه ادراك اين مقام ننموده. اگر مي نمودی به اين گونه جسارت و بی حرمتی به آن شموس افق تجريد تحرير نمي نمودی. بشنو كه چه فرموده در حيني كه جميع يهود بر قتل آن حضرت مجتمع شده بودند، و چون صليب حاضر نمودند و چشم مبارك بر صليب افتاد فرمود: "بيا بيا كه سی و سه سنه است منتظر توام و مشتاق تو." كجا است اين مقام و مقامي كه تو درك نموده و نوشته. (edit)
In this position, a statement from the soul is mentioned that you may enter Hadiqa Subhan from Kausar Bayan Jamal Rahman. When the decision of the cross was made, he attacked himself, then he embraced it saying: "Come, O dear cross, I have been waiting for you for three and a half years. Even if only the spiritual people do not understand the meaning of this word and the pleasure of this statement is not understood except by the people of Manzar Rahman [298], the likes of those souls are and will be without a share, if they do not understand this position. If you could, you wouldn't have written such a bold and disrespectful post on that sun of the horizon. Listen to what he said when all the Jews were gathered for the killing of that Prophet, and when they presented the cross and the blessed eye fell on the cross, he said: "Come, come, I have been waiting for you for thirty-three years and longing for you." Where is this position and position that you understood and wrote. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و در اين مقام اختلاف شده، آنچه در انجيل منصوص آن است كه آن ساذج قدم را بر صليب آويختند و روح را تسليم فرمود و بعد از سی و شش ساعت زنده شد و به آسمان ارتقا جست. و آنچه در اخبار اهل فرقان آن است كه قبل از آن به آسمان ارتقا جست. ولكن حقيقت امر علمُهُ عند ربّی فی كتاب الّذی ما ترك فيه نبأ الأوّلين و الآخرين. چه كه اكثری از ناس معانی كلمات الهی را درك ننموده سخن گفته اند. لذا از اصل مقصود محجوب مانده اند. (edit)
And there is a dispute in this position, what is written in the Bible is that the simpleton was hanged on the cross and he surrendered his soul and after thirty-six hours he was resurrected and ascended to heaven. And what is in the news of Ahl al-Furqan is that he was elevated to the sky before that. But the truth of the matter of knowledge in the eyes of God is in the Book of Al-Zhi, we left the prophecy of the first and others in it. Most people have spoken without understanding the meaning of God's words. Therefore, they remain hidden from the original intention. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اين مجملی از حكايت روح كه ذكر شد و حينئذٍ هذا الرّوح يخاطبكم و يقول: "هلمّوا هلمّوا، يا ملاء المنكرين، بأسيافكم و رماحكم و سهامكم! و إنّی أشتاق كما هو كان مشتاقاً. فو الّذی نفسُ حسين بيده، لَأكون أشدّ إشتياقاً و أعظم إنتظاراً[۲۹۹]ولكن أنتم لا تشعرون." چه كه از كوثر معانی نچشيده ايد و از سلسبيل حبّ نياشاميده ايد. فاه آه عمّا إفتريتَ علی أنبياء الله و ظلمتَ علی مظاهره و مطالع وحيه و مشارق إلهامه و مكامن علمه و مخازن حكمته. و اين ارتكاب را ننموده مگر آن که خواسته عمل مرشدت را تصحيح كنی. كذلك سوّلتْ لك نفسك أمراً و جعلك مِن المعتدين. أفمن كان مستوراً تحت القِناع كمن فدی روحه فی سبيل الله؟ (edit)
Where is my summary of the story of a spirit like a strong male, and then this spirit addresses you and says: “Come, come, O full of deniers, with your swords, your spears, and your arrows! [299] But you do not perceive. What is the meaning of Kawthar? Ah, about what you slandered against the prophets of God, and wronged his appearances, the risings of his revelation, the easts of his inspiration, the repositories of his knowledge, and the storehouses of his wisdom. And this is the act of committing a crime that is not a sinful act, but it is an act of guidance to correct it. Likewise, you begged yourself to do something and made you one of the aggressors. Is he who was hidden under the mask like he who sacrificed his soul for the sake of God? (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قرآن هم نخوانده كه می فرمايد قوله تعالی: (فضّل الله المجاهدين علی القاعدين أجراً عظيماً. أفمَن كان قاعداً فی البيت كمن كان مجاهداً فی سبيل الله)؟ انفس منقطعه را از انفس مشركه محدوده بسی فرق است. قياس مكن و ذيل تقديس انبيا را به غبار ظنون و اوهام ميالای! اين که نوشته كه از خوف نَفَس نمي كشيدند، همچه نفوسی مثل تو خواهند بود. فسبحانهم عن ذلك! (edit)
Hasn't he read the Qur'an, which says the saying of the Almighty: (The reward of Allah is great for the mujahideen on the al-Qa'idin. Is it true that he was always hiding in the house, he was a mujahideen in the cause of Allah)? There is a lot of difference between the broken soul and the polytheist soul. Don't make comparisons and you are mixing the sanctification of the prophets with the dust of doubts and illusions! It is written that they did not breathe out of fear, all souls will be like you. Thank you for that! (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)

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