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و ديگر از آن منبع كبر و غرور القا شده بود قوله - حقر قدره -: سهل است ادّعای آن دارند كه كلّ آيات مدّعی را كه در مدّت عمر نوشته در يك روز خواهم نوشت، بهتر و خوب تر و فصيح تر، كه هر طفلی تميز دهد. (edit)
And another source of arrogance and pride was instilled with the saying - Haqr Qadar -: It is easy for them to claim that I will write all the verses of the claimant that I have written in a lifetime, better and better and more eloquent than any child. to give (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
جميع فضيلت های شما و او از اين يك كلمه معلوم شده. اين عبد متحيّر است كه در اين مقام چه ذكر نمايد، چه كه به كلمه تنطّق كرده كه و الله فرعون هم در مقابل كليم به چنين كلمه تكلّم ننموده. به يكتا خداوند بی مانند كه اگر مقابل يك نفر از طائفين حول قادر بر تكلّم باشد، تا چه رسد به منبع و مظهر و مصدر فيوضات ربانيّه! و حال همين قول را تجربه نمائيد! آن معرض حاضر و خدّام بيت هم حاضر، اگر توانست به شأنی از شئون با خدّام مقابله نمايد نُصدّقكم فی كلّ ما قلتم. مع آن که زياد گفتن دليل بر حقيّت نبوده و نخواهد بود، چون تو اعتراضاً علی الله به اين دلائل وهميّه مستدلّ شده، لذا اين عبد در جواب به اين كلمات ذاكر لِئلّا يبقی لك من عذر و حجّة و برهان و دليل. و إلاّ ساحت[۲۶۹]اقدس اطهر از جميع اين دلائل و اذكار و كلمات و اشارات و مدلولي كه به آن تمسّك جسته ايد مقدّس بوده و خواهد بود. (edit)
All the virtues of you and him are known from this one word. This servant is puzzled as to what he mentions in this position, what he uttered with the word that God and Pharaoh did not speak with such a word in front of Kalim. God alone is unique, if he is able to speak in front of a person from different sects, how far he can reach the source, the manifestation and the source of divine blessings! And now experience this promise! If the person who is present and the servant of the house is also present, if he can confront the servant in a dignified manner, I will tell you that we will not be honest with you. Despite the fact that saying too much is not and will not be a proof of your truth, because you are arguing against Allah with these fictitious proofs, so this servant in response to these words of Zakir Leila will leave me with an excuse, argument, proof, and reason. And except for the purest [269] of all these reasons, mentions, words, allusions, and symbols that you have tried to cling to, it was and will be sacred. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ای بی خبر، تا حال معادل آنچه از سماء بيان نازل شده نازل، و به يك آيه معادله نمی نمايد كلّ آنچه در آسمان ها و زمين است. و اگر تو به اين شئون ناظری پس حاضر شو بين يدی تا ملاحظه نمائی كه حين نزول آيات احدی از عهده تحرير آن بر نيايد. جرِّب، يا أيّها المجرّب، بعد الّذی لا ينبغی لأحد أن يجرّب الله، بل إنّه يُجرّب عباده و يمتحنهم كما إمتحنك و رجّعك إلی أسفل الجحيم. (edit)
O ignorant one, until now it is equivalent to what has been revealed from the heavens, and it does not equate all that is in the heavens and the earth to a single verse. And if you are a watcher of these things, then be ready to take care that when the verses are revealed, no one will be able to write them. Try, O you who are tested, after that no one should try Allah, but He tests worship and tests them as He tests you and returns you to the bottom of Hell. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
نزد هر عاقل بالغی اين ادلّه شما مثل كلمات صبيان بوده و خواهد بود. قد جعلتم أمر الله لهواً و لعباً و هزواً و سخريّاً. فسوف يأخذكم الله بقهر من لدنه و إنّه لَقهّارٌ مقتدر قدير. روايح دليل و استدلالتْ رياحين رضوان دليل و برهان الهی را پژمرده نموده، و اگر خود اقلّ مِن آن در كلماتت به انصاف ملاحظه نمائی بر قبائحش اقرب مِن آن ملتفت شوی. هيچ شنيده از اوّل ابداع تا حين كه نفسی به حقّ معارضه نمايد به آنچه تو در اين كتاب سجّين خود معارضه نموده؟ لا فوربّ العالمين، ما شهدتْ عين الإبداع أحجبَ منك و لا عين الإختراع أغفل منك، ولكن[۲۷۰] إنّك أنت تفرح بما رقمتَ و تكون من الفرحين. نسئل الله بأن يبدّل فرحك بالحزن الكبری إلاّ بأنْ تتوب و ترجع إليه و تكون من التّائبين. (edit)
We are talking about a sane, eloquent adult, where is the evidence for it, such as the words of the boys of Buddah and Khawahid Buddh. You have made God's command a diversion, a game, a mockery, and a mockery. Then God will take you by force from Himself, and He is the Subduer, the Powerful, the Powerful. Arwa’ih Dalil wa’l-Istidalat Riyahin Riyahin Radwan Dalil wa Burhan al-Hiyyah Ra pzhmrdah Namudah, and the most important is less than that in the words with fairness, a developmental observation, rather than its abominations, is closer than that. What is the evidence for the first innovation when I have the right to oppose it? No, by the Lord of the worlds, the eye of creation has not seen more obscure from you, nor the eye of invention more neglected than you, but [270] You rejoice in what you have numbered and you are among those who rejoice. We ask God to replace your joy with great sorrow unless you repent and return to Him and be among those who repent. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و ديگر به القای آن مشرك ملقی نوشته: عجب تر از اين خودشان ادّعای آن دارند كه عبارات من آيه است، و رسولان ايشان مي گويند اطفال هفت ساله ايشان هم آيه مي گويند. پس كجا آيات مَن يُظهره الله دليل حجّيّت او خواهد بود كه خلق او هم آيه گويد و پسر كوچك ايشان هم آيه مي گويد؟ و اگر گويند كه آيه هم از مقام خلق و حروفات ظاهر گردد و هم از اصل نقطه و شجره حقيقت، پس نفس آيه دليل بر حقيّت اصل شجره نخواهد بود، شیء ديگر لازم است. بيان شود كه چه چيز است. (edit)
And again, inspired by that polytheist, Mulaqi wrote: Even more amazing is that they themselves claim that my expressions are verses, and their messengers say that their seven-year-old children also recite verses. So where will my verses of God's revelation be the proof of his authenticity, when his people also recite verses and their little son also recites verses? And if they say that the verse appears both from the position of creation and letters and from the origin of the dot and the genealogy of truth, then the essence of the verse will not be a proof of the authenticity of the origin of the genealogy, something else is necessary. Explain what it is. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بلی، إنّه لو يُريد أنْ ينطق كلّ نفس بثناء نفسه لَيقدر و إنّه لهو المقتدر القدير. و لو يريد أن يظهر نفساً بكلّ الآيات لَيكون قادراً بسلطانه و ليس لأحد أن يعترض عليه، و كان الله علی ما أقول شهيد. إنّه أنطق صبيّاً من الصّبيان ليكونَ دليلاً عليه و برهاناً لنفسه. و هذا مقام الّذی أنتم تشكرون الله بذلك و تحمدونه، و أنتم فتحتم ألسنكم بالإعتراض بهذا الذّكر الّذی ظهر بإسم الأبهی بين السّموات و الأرضين. (edit)
Indeed, if He wanted every soul to speak with praise of Himself, He would be able, and He is the Powerful, the Powerful. And if he wanted to show a soul with all the signs, then he would be able with his authority, and no one would object to him, and God would be a witness to what I say. He spoke to a boy from among the boys to be a proof of him and a proof for himself. And this is the position in which you thank God for that and praise Him, and you opened your tongues by objecting to this remembrance that appeared in the name of the most sublime between the heavens and the earth. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
حال ملاحظه كن كه[۲۷۱]هيچ جاهلی چنين اعتراض نموده و يا می نمايد؟ لا و الله، مگر تو و امثال تو كه از هواء نفس و ماء اعراض و نار حسد و تراب بغضا خلق شده ايد. إذاً موتوا بغيظكم! إنّه قد ظهر بالحقّ و لا مردّ له. و إنّ ربّكم الرّحمن قد كتب علی نفسه بأن يظهر فی الأكوان أدلّاء عليه لِيقومنّ بين السّموات و الأرض و ينطقنّ بثناء نفسه و يرتفعنّ أعلام النّصر بين الخلائق أجمعين. أولئك عباد الّذين جعلهم الله مطهّراً عن دونه و منقطعاً عمّا عندكم و متمسّكاً بحبل الله المحكم المتين. أولئك لا يمنعهم إشارات مَن علی الأرض و دلالات المشركين. (edit)
If you notice, be like [271] Are you ignorant of what you object to, and what do you want? No, by God! So die with your anger! It has appeared with the truth and there is no turning back from it. And your Lord, the Most Merciful, has ordained for Himself that there will appear in the universes His guides to stand between the heavens and the earth, to speak with His praise, and to raise the flags of victory among all creatures. Those are the servants whom God has made purified from other than Him and cut off from what is with you and clinging to God's firm and firm rope. They are not prevented by the signs of those on earth and the indications of the polytheists. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بگو: ای جاهل، نقمت را از نعمت فرق نداده و خير محض را شرّ شمرده و جوهر رحمت و عدل را نفس ظلم دانسته. بلی، طفلی از اطفال بيت در سنّ شش سالگی به آيات الله تكلّم نموده و آن طفل حال حاضر است. و والله خود همان شجره فساد به كرّات مي گفت كه آنچه از او شده از هيچ نفسی از بديع اوّل تا حين ظاهر نشده و اكثر ليالی و ايّام به ثنائش مشغول بوده. و حال امر به قسمی شده كه از حقّ منيع اعراض نموده. سهل است از اطفال هم دست برنداشته و نخواهد داشت و تا ارض را به اين دماء مطهّره صبغ ندهند دست برندارند. و هذا ما نزل[۲۷۲]فی الألواح إن أنتم من النّاظرين. به كرّات فرموده اند كه او را در طفوليّت به آيات ناطق فرموده ايم تا دليل باشد بر اين ظهور رحمانی و طلوع قدس صمدانی، و تو اين رحمت كبری را نقمت شمرده. عوض آن که شكر نمائی حقّ منيع را شكايت آغاز كرده. (edit)
Say: O ignorant one, you have not distinguished punishment from blessing, and you have considered pure good as evil, and you have considered the essence of mercy and justice to be the soul of injustice. Yes, one of the children of Bayt spoke to Ayatollah at the age of six and that child is present. And by God himself, the same tree of corruption said many times that what has become of him has not appeared from any soul since the first Badi until now, and most of the nights and days he was busy praising it. And now the matter has become such that it has denied the right of prohibition. It is easy, he has not given up children and will not have them, and they will not give up until they dye the earth with this pure blood. And this is our revelation [272] on the tablets, if you are not looking. It has been said many times that we have spoken to him in his childhood with verses to be a proof of this merciful appearance and the rising of the Holy of Holies of Samdani, and you have considered this great mercy as a reward. Instead, he started complaining about the inalienable right. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اين که نوشته كه خودشان ادّعای آن دارند كه عبارات من آيه است، نزد خود استهزاءً علی الله عبارات ذكر كرده. خُذ زمامك، يا أيّها الجاهل! هذا مقامٌ إنقطعت عنه يداك و أيدی المشركين. نقطه بيان می فرمايد كه كلّ آنچه در ارض موجود است آيات او بوده و خواهد بود، تا چه رسد بما نزل من عنده و ظهر من لدنه. و الحقّ يقول: فاعلم بأنّ هذا لهو الّذی ظهر من قبل و يظهر من بعد، و من فرّق بينه و بين من ظهر أو يظهر إنّه كفر بالله و آياته. و لو يكون ذا بصر حديد لَيشهد كلّ الظّهورات فی هذا الظّهور الّذی ظهر بالحقّ بآياتٍ مبين. (edit)
And where is the name of the word "Khodshan" claiming that these phrases are from the verse "Ast", we add to the mockery of Allah the phrases of Dhikr as Kurdish. Take control, you ignorant! This is a place from which your hands and the hands of the polytheists have been cut off. A point of clarification that it is true that every creature in the earth exists six verses or Buddhas and thoughts of Buddha, so that he recounts what came down from Him and appeared from Him. And the truth says: So know that this is what appeared before and appears after, and whoever distinguishes between it and what appears or appears, he disbelieves in God and His verses. And if he had an iron sight, he would witness all the appearances in this apparition that appeared with the truth with clear signs. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بدان كه آنچه از اوّل لا اوّل كه حجج و براهين ظاهر شده از جميع انبيا و مرسلين، كلّ حجّت اين ظهور بوده. و آنچه در اين ظهور حجّت است لازال حجّت حجج قبل و بعد بوده و خواهد بود. ولكن اين طفل را مخصوص به آيات ناطق فرموديم تا بعضی از نفوس كه به رشحی از فيوضات ما لانهايه اين بحر اعظم فائز[۲۷۳]شده اند استكبار بر منزل آيات ننمايند. آن نفسی را كه به او متمسّكی لازال بين يدی بوده و به رشحی از بحر البحور محروم ماند. و رجع إلی مقرّه فی النّار و إنّها لمقرّ الفجّار و بئس مقرّ هولاء الأشرار لو أنت من الموقنين. (edit)
Know that the proofs and proofs that have appeared from the beginning of all prophets and messengers have been the whole proof of this revelation. And what is proof in this appearance is still the proof of previous and later proofs and will be. But we have made this child special for the verses, so that some souls who have been blessed with this great ocean by a secret of our blessings, do not become arrogant in the house of the verses. That soul that you cling to is still in your hand and was somehow deprived of Bahr al Bohor. And return to the abode of the Fire, and this is the abode of the Al-Fajr, and it is the abode of the wicked. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بدان: ما بين شمس و تجلّيات آن بر جدار و احجار، فرق لايُحصی مشهود. هر بصر ضعيفی ادراك می نمايد تا چه رسد به اَبصر حديده. و از اين گذشته مثال شمس در مرآت ظاهره مشاهده می شود، آيا مي توان گفت كه اين نفس شمس سماء است؟ بلكه فرق ما بين ارض و سماء مشهود، و لا ينكر هذا إلاّ كلّ مغلٍّ مبغوض. چنانچه اليوم اگر سمعت را لطيف نمائی و از آنچه شنيده از مشركين پاك و طاهر كنی كلمات معرض بالله را مثل كلمات صبيان بل احقر عند كلمات منزله از سماء بيان رحمن مشاهده مي نمائی. قسم به خدا كه نسبت نمي توان داد، بلكه دونش لايق ذكر نه. و در صورتی قابل ذكرند كه به عنايت الهی موقن باشند، و بعد از انكار لاشیء محض بوده و خواهند بود. (edit)
Know: There is an immeasurable difference between the sun and its manifestations on walls and stones. Every weak sight perceives, until it reaches Hodeida's sight. And since the example of Shams is seen in Merat Zahirah, can it be said that this soul is Shams Sama? Rather, our difference between the earth and the sky is evident, and no one can deny this except the hated Mughals. Today, if you soften what you hear and purify what you have heard from the polytheists, you will see the words of God like the words of children, but the words of the Most High, the Most Merciful. I swear to God that it cannot be attributed, but his knowledge is not worth mentioning. And they can be mentioned if they are due to God's providence, and they are and will be pure bodies after denial. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بدان: لازال اصل حجّت آيات الهی بوده، ولكن از اين ظهور اعظم من دون آيات ظاهر شده آنچه از اتيان به مثلش كلّ عاجز بوده و خواهند بود. خف عن الله و لا تتّبع ما يأمرك هويك، فاتّبع الحقّ[۲۷۴]الّذی جائكم من مشرق الرّوح بنبأ الله المقتدر المهيمن العزيز القيّوم. و إنّه لَيكفيكم عن كلّ شیء و من دونه لن يكفيكم و لو تتمسّكوا بخلق السّموات و الأرضين إن أنتم توقنون. هذا نصح الله عليك و علی عباده. من إستنصح بنصح ربّه فله و من أعرض إنّ الله غنی عمّا كان و عمّا يكون. (edit)
Badan: The origin of the proofs of the verses of God is still there, but where is the appearance of a greater one without verses that are apparent and severe, when it was brought to him like every incapacitated person with his Buddh and Khawand Budh. Be light on God and do not follow what your whim commands you, so follow the Truth[274] who has come to you from the east of the soul with the news of God, the Powerful, the Dominant, the Mighty, the Subsisting. And He suffices you for everything, and without Him it will not suffice you even if you cling to the creation of the heavens and the earth if you are certain. This is God's advice to you and his servants. Whoever seeks the advice of his Lord will have it, and whoever turns away, God is self-sufficient in what was and what will be. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و ديگر القای آن معرض ملقی: اگر گويند كه آنها تصديق ايشان نموده، حال سخن ميرزا يحيی هم همين سخن است، كه بر فرض كه شما هم آيه بگوئيد يا هزار كس، چنانچه ربّ اعلی فرموده كه به عدد كلّ شیء اگر خواهم مبعوث بلسان آيات نمايم، باز بايد تصديق من نمايند و در ظلّ من باشند، به علّت آن که اوّل مرآت هستم و كلّ منعكس از من مي باشند، چون كه فطرة الله از من ظاهر است به تصديق نقطه بيان. (edit)
And the other implication of that is open to Malaqi: if they say that they have confirmed him, then Mirza Yahya's statement is the same, that on the assumption that you too recite a verse, or a thousand people, as God the Most High said that if I will, I will be sent to speak verses. I say, they must confirm me and be under my shadow, because I am the first to be blessed and all are a reflection of me, because the nature of God is apparent from me to confirm the point of expression. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بر فرض تصديق از برای حقّ لم يزل و لايزال مرايا بوده و اوّليت آن را احدی احصا ننموده و اين مخصوص به نفسی دون نفسی نبوده. كلّ شیء مرايای الهيّه بوده و خواهند بود، و لكن ظهور قبل از مرايا بكلّها شكايت فرموده اند بقوله - عزّ و جلّ -: لأشكونّ إليك، أن يا مرآت جودی، عن كلّ المرايا. كلٌّ بألوانهم إلیّ لَينظرون**.** و مخاطباً لذلك الإسم می فرمايند كه توئی آن مرآت اوليّه كه لم يزل از حقّ حكايت كرده[۲۷۵]و لايزال حكايت خواهی كرد. در مقام ديگر اوّل من آمن را مرآت اوليّه فرموده اند و اين اذكار در رتبه ملكيّه ذكر می شود، و إلاّ از برای مرايا نه اوّلی بوده و نه آخری. و جميع اين مرايا به قولی خلق شده و خواهند شد، مادامي كه در ظلّ شجره فردانيّه مستقرّند انوار حقّ در آنها ظاهر بحيث لا يُری فيهنّ إلاّ الله، و بعد از انحراف مظاهر شيطانيّه بوده و خواهند بود. فو الّذی نفسی بيده كه اين شكايتی كه از جميع مرايا فرموده اند برهانی است عظيم اگر باشيد از شاعران. (edit)
On the assumption of confirmation of the right of Lam Yazal and Laizal, it was a mirror, and no one counted its priority, and this was not specific to a soul without a soul. All things have been and will be the mirrors of God, but before the appearance of all the mirrors, they have complained with the saying - Glory be to Him -: I am afraid of you, O Judi's mirrors, about all the mirrors. All of them are in their colors and they look at them**. And they say that you are the first person who told about the truth [275] and you will still tell about the name. In another place, Awl Man Amen has been called the first mirror, and this remembrance is mentioned in the royal rank, and it is neither the first nor the last, except for the mirrors. And all these mirrors were and will be created according to a word, as long as they are established under the shadow of the Fardaniyah tree, the lights of truth will appear in them so that there is no way to see anything but Allah, and after the deviation of Satanic manifestations, they have been and will be. Fu al-Zhi, give a breath, this complaint that they have said about all the mirrors is a great proof if you are one of the poets. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اين شأن مرايا كه ذكر شد به نصّ نقطه بيان. و مع ذلك تلقاء شمس ذكر مرايا مي نمائی كه شموس مرايا عند تجلّی او معدوم صرف بوده و خواهند بود. اگر نفس ظهور بر جميع اشياء اطلاق مرآتيّت در رتبه اوليّه فرمايد حقّ لاريب فيه. بشنو ندای اين عبد را و از اين اراضی جرزه خود را نجات ده و به فضاهای قدس وارد شو! فو الله اين اذكار جز بر توهّمات و حجبات نيفزايد، و هر قدر به اين كلمات مشغول شوی از زلال سلسال بی مثال حضرت لايزال بعيد مانی و محروم گردی. بريز اين امثال را! به حقّ و ما يظهر من عنده ناظر شو، چه كه كلّ به او منتهی و از او ظاهر. اين كلمات خوب است از برای امثال خود در فنون[۲۷۶]جهليّه ظاهريّه، كه به زعم خود علم ناميده ايد، استدلال نمائيد. قطره ملح اجاج به بحر عذب فرات مفرست! بدان كه آنچه لفظ "وجود" بر آن صادق، مخلوق بوده و خواهد بود. (edit)
This honor of the mirrors that was mentioned in the text of the point of expression. And yet, you mention the Sun of the Mirrors, that the Sun of the Mirrors was and will be indestructible when he manifests. If the self-appearance of all things applies merit in the first rank, it is the right of Larib. Hear the call of this servant and save yourself from these lands and enter the holy spaces! God willing, these mentions only add to illusions and obscurations, and no matter how much you are busy with these words, you will still be far away from the incomparable glory of the Prophet. Stop these proverbs! By the truth and we are visible, be an observer with him, because everything leads to him and appears from him. These words are good to argue for people like you in the techniques of apparent ignorance, which you call science in your opinion. A drop of Ajaj salt to the Euphrates Sea! Know that what the word "existence" refers to is created and will be. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ذكر فطرة الله نموده، كلّ اشياء بر فطرة الله خلق شده اند، فطرت را ندانسته. از اين گذشته بشنو ندای فطرت را كه به هيكلی مبعوث و تلقاء باب اعظم به اين كلمات ناطق، قوله - عزّ بهائه -: و مِن المشركين مَن قال: "هذه الآيات ما نزلتْ علی الفطرة." تالله الحقّ إنّ الفطرة حينئذٍ قد ظهرت علی هيكل خادم و قامت لدی الباب بخضوع و إناب و يضجّ و يقول: "فويلٌ لكم، يا معشر المغلّين! تالله إنّی قد خُلقتُ بأمرٍ من لدنه." كذلك تشهد لنفسها ولكن لايفقهون هولاء الأشرار. تالله إنّها لَتفتخر بنسبتها إلی نفسنا الحقّ و إنّا لم يزل كنّا غنيّاً عنها. قد خلقناها و كلَّ شیء بأمر من لدنّا و لا ينكر ذلك إلاّ كلّ منكر كفّار. (edit)
He mentioned God's innate nature, His creation. Where did you tell him about what you called for, if you broke your fast, see him with a structure sent to him, and meet a greater chapter with it? By God, the truth is that the instinct at that time appeared on the structure of a servant, and he stood at the door with humility, humiliation, and clamor saying: “Woe to you, O people of the oppressors! By God, I was created by a command from Him.” She also bears witness to herself, but these wicked people do not understand. By God, she is proud of her attribution to our true selves, and we have always been in need of her. We have created it and everything is by order from Ourselves, and no one denies that except everyone who denies disbelief. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اين آياتی است كه از قبل در ذكر فطرت اصليّه الهيّه از سماء ابهی نازل، و اين از مطالب اهل فرقان است چنانچه در كتاب الهی نازل: أَقِمْ (للّدينِ حنيفاً فِطْرَةَ الله الّتی فَطَرَ النّاسَ عَلَيهَا). اين است كه در حديث نبوی وارد: (كُلُّ مولودٍ يُولدُ علی الفطرة) إلی آخر. و اين فطرت همان[۲۷۷]فطرة الله بوده، و اين مقام صادق مادامي كه در ظلّ ايمان مستقرّ باشد. و بعد از تغيير از مشركين محسوب، چنانچه باقی حديث می فرمايد: (إنّما أبواه يهوّدانه و يمجّسانه و ينصّرانه.) (edit)
And these are the verses that have already been revealed in the mention of the original nature of God from the misty sky, and this is from the content of the people of the Fargans, as revealed in the Divine Book: Aqem This is what is said in the hadith of the Prophet: (All born are born to Ali al-Fitr) until the end. And this nature is the same [277] as the nature of God, and this position is honest as long as it is established in the shadow of faith. And after the change, he was considered one of the polytheists, as the rest of the hadith says: (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بگو: ای مهمل مبهم، تو اليوم به چشم و گوش مشاهده و استماع مي نمائی كه بحر آيات موّاج و چون غيثِ هاطل از سماء مشيّت نازل. مع ذلك مي نويسی كه ميرزا يحيی مي گويد كه صاحب آيات منعكس از من مي باشد. ای محروم، اين مقام از عاكس و معكوس مقدّس است. اگر به عدد واحد در بيان بالغ مشاهده می شد، هرآينه ارض عرفانی منبسط مي گشت كه كلّ مذعن شوند بر آن که حرفی از بيان ادراك ننموده اند. ولكن تا حال كه مشاهده نشده و بعد الأمر بيده. (edit)
Say: O vague negligent, today you see and hear with your eyes and ears that the sea of wavy verses and like the rain of the will descends from the sky. However, you write that Mirza Yahya says that he is the owner of the verses that reflect me. O dispossessed, this position is sacred. If it was seen as a single number in the mature statement, every mystical land would expand so that everyone would deny that they did not understand a word of the statement. But until it has not been observed and then give the order. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قوله - كبر غفلته -: قطع نظر از كلّ سخن ها الان ميرزا يحيی مدّعی هر مقامي كه فوق آن متصوّر نشود مي باشند به دليل آيات. هر كه مدّعی باشد بايد اتيان به مثل و اعلای از آن نمايد. (edit)
Qoleh - great negligence -: regardless of all the words, now Mirza Yahya is the claimant of any position that cannot be imagined because of the verses. Whoever is the claimant must make a claim equal to and higher than it. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اين كلمات ظاهر نشده مگر از منبع غرور و معدن كذب و مطلع فحشاء. اگر تصديق مرآتيّت او شود نقطه اولی - روح ما سواه فداه - می فرمايد كه: اگر مرآت ادّعا نمايد كه "من شمس هستم" نزد شمس واضح است كه او شبحی است از او كه مي گويد**.** فوالله اين بيان منزل بيان نصّ صريح است بر اين که[۲۷۸]بعد از او بر حقّ اعتراض نمايند، و نفوسي كه دعوی مرآتيّت دارند در مقابل شمس حقيقت ادّعای شمسی كنند. فويلٌ له و لك! تفترون علی أنفسكم، ثمّ علی الله و لا تشعرون. (edit)
These words did not appear except from the source of pride and the mine of lies and informer of prostitution. If his veracity is confirmed, the first point - our soul is different from sacrifice - says: If Merat claims that "I am Shams", it is clear to Shams that he is a ghost of the one who says **. The text is clear that [278] after him they will object to the right, and people who have a rightful claim should claim the truth of Shams against Shams. Crushed foil! Taftrun on myself, then on Allah, and no tafrun. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)

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