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مثلاً اگر بخواهد كلّ آنچه را در ظهور قبل عنايت فرمود اخذ نمايد احدی را نرسد كه بر او اعتراض نمايد، چه كه او قادر بوده و خواهد بود. يك بيان از نقطه بيان - روح ما سواه فداه - ذكر می شود، لعلّ تستشعر فی نفسك و تكون مِن المستشعرين. قوله - جلّ كبريائه - : مثل كلّ بيان مثل جوهری است كه نزد كسی امانت گذارد و در يوم ظهور مظهر حقيقت اگر از كلّ خواهد اخذ نمايد آنچه به ايشان داده قدر شیء صبر ننمايند. نه آن که يكی به مسئله فروع آن محتجب گردد و يكی به اصول آن و يكی به شئون حكم و يكی به شئون عزّ، بلكه كلّ از اوست و به او راجع مي گردد. و او را شناخته به آيات او و احتياط در عرفان او نكرده كه به قدر همان در نار محتجب خواهيد بود. و اگر در مابين[۱۷۹] خود و خدا توجّه مي كنيد مثال او است كه در افئده شما است. به او از او محتجب نگرديد. بشناسيد كسی را كه از برای عرفان او خلق شده ايد. (edit)
For example, if he wants to take all that he provided in the previous appearance, he should not reach anyone who will object to him, which he was and will be able to do. A statement from the point of expression - our soul other than sacrifice - is mentioned, because the poetry is written in your heart and mind. Qoleh - Jall al-Kabriaeh -: The example of the whole statement is like a substance that he entrusts to someone, and on the day of the appearance of the manifestation of the truth, if he wants to take from the whole what he has given them, they should not be patient. Not that one object to the issue of its branches, and one to its principles, and one to the matters of judgment, and one to the matters of honor, but the whole is from Him and refers to Him. And he did not know him by his verses and he did not take precautions in his mysticism, which is why you will be in the fire. And if you pay attention between yourself and God, it is His example that is in your favor. Do not object to him. Know the one for whom you were created. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
حال ملاحظه نمائيد كه چه قدر از شاطی بحر عرفان دور مانده ايد و چه مقدار به حجاب نفس و هوی از موجد و محقّق اسماء محروم گشته ايد. فوالله آنچه نقطه بيان خواسته خلاف او نموده ايد، آنچه آيات محكمات او بوده به ظنونات افكيّه تحريف و تأويل نموده ايد. قطره از بحر تقديس نياشاميده ايد و به هبوبی از ارياح عزّ تنزيه فائز نگشته ايد. مع اين که كوثر بيان، كه از معين قلم سلطان امكان جاری شده، گاهی فروع ذكر مي نمائيد و گاهی اصول مذكور مي داريد. و الله مقصودی نداشته و نداريد جز آن که به حبلی از حبال نفس تمسّك جسته و به آن بر سلطان احديّه اعتراض نمائيد. (edit)
Now consider how far you have remained from the shores of the sea of wisdom and how much you have been deprived of the originator and verifier of names by the veil of ego and spirit. By Allah, what you have stated against him, what were the verses of his judgments, you have distorted and interpreted them according to the suppositions of the Afiqe. You haven't drunk a drop from the sea of sanctification and you haven't touched a single drop of Ezz Tanzia Faez's air. However, Kausar Bayan, which was issued by Moin Qalam Sultan, sometimes mentions the branches and sometimes has the mentioned principles. And Allah did not and you do not have any intention except that you cling to a rope from the ropes of the soul and object to it against the Sultan of Ahadiya. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
حال ملاحظه نمائيد كه كلمات الهی چگونه محقّق شده. نصّ فرموده اند كه در آن يوم احدی به ذكر فروع و اصول و حكم و شئون عزّ محتجب نماند، چه كه آن ساذج قدم خود بنفسه مطاع بوده و هر چه در حين ظهور بفرمايد آن حكم الهی و امر او بوده ما بين عباد. مع ذلك تو و امثال تو به ذكر اصول و فروع احتجاج بر حقّ نموده ايد و مرشد به شئون[۱۸۰] عزّ وحكم. اليوم كلّ در نار مشاهده مي شويد إلاّ مَن تمسّك بالله المقتدر العزيز المختار. (edit)
Now consider how the divine words have come true. The text has said that on that day of Uhud, he did not hesitate to mention the verses, principles, rulings, and affairs of the Most High, because that simple person was obedient in his soul, and whatever he said at the time of appearing, that was the divine ruling and his command among us among the servants. However, you and those like you have protested the truth by mentioning the principles and branches, and you are a guide to matters [180] of glory and wisdom. All of you will be seen in the fire today except for me. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ای بی خبران، به شأنی مبالغه فرموده اند كه می فرمايند در آن يوم احتياط در عرفان او مكنيد كه به قدر همان احتياط در نار خواهيد بود. مع ذلك وارد آورده ايد آنچه را كه هيچ يك از مظاهر نفی و سجّين وارد نياورده اند. يك بيان ديگر از بيان منزل بيان لوجه الله ذكر می شود، شايد اثواب رثيثه بغضا را از هيكل بياندازيد و به رداء عزّ الهی فائز شويد. قوله – جلّ كبريائه -: ولی مغرور نگشته به حبّ نقطه و حروف حیّ كه آن روز روز امتحان است! اگر كسی آن نقطه و حروف را دوست داشت و به هدايت آن مهتدی گشت دليل است كه اين نقطه و حروف را دوست داشته. (edit)
O ignorant people, they have exaggerated so much that they say that on that day, do not be careful in his knowledge, because you will be in the fire as much as you are careful. However, you have brought in what none of the Nafi and Sajjin manifestations have brought. Another statement from Bayan Manzil Bayan Luja Allah is mentioned, perhaps you will throw away the wealth of the heirs from the temple and be blessed with the robe of God's glory. Qoleh - Jall Kabriaeh -: But he is not proud to love dots and letters because that day is the day of the exam! If someone liked that dot and letters and became a mahteed under its guidance, it is because he liked these dot and letters. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ملاحظه كن كه چه مقدار محكم و متقن اين امر ابدع امنع اقدس را در كتاب ذكر فرموده اند. حتّی آن که می فرمايند به حبّ من مغرور نشويد و از آن جمال قدم محجوب نمانيد. مع ذلك در كلّ حين به احتجاجات لا يحصی احتجاج نموده و مي نمائيد. و اگر بگوئيد اين ظهور آن ظهور نيست، اين همان قولی است كه كلّ ملل قبل در احيان ظهور مظاهر احديّه گفته اند. مثلاً در حين ظهور روح الله[۱۸۱] وكلمه او جميع به كتب قبل استدلالات بر بطلان او نموده و جميع معارض و منكر آن إلاّ مَن شاء ربّك كه معدودی قليل بودند. و همچنين در ظهور خاتم انبيا، كه از مشرق بطحاء اشراق فرمود، كلّ منكر شدند كه "تو آن ظهور موعود نيستی" و ادلّه های مجعوله ذكر نموده رسائل بر ردّ حقّ نوشتند. و همچنين در ظهور نقطه بيان مشاهده نموده و مي نمائيد كه چه كرده و مي كنند. چه فرق است ما بين اين طايفه و آن گروه؟ (edit)
Notice how firmly and firmly this matter has been mentioned in the book. Even what they say, don't be proud of my love and don't be shy of that beauty. However, he has been protesting countless protests all the time. And if you say that this apparition is not that apparition, this is the same statement that all the previous nations have said when the apparitions of Ahadiya appeared. For example, during the appearance of the Spirit of God[181] and His Word, all of them argued against His invalidity in the previous books, and all opposed and denied it, except for the Lord's will, which were few and far between. And also, in the appearance of the seal of the prophets, which appeared from the east, they all denied that "you are not the promised appearance" and cited fake evidences and wrote letters denying the truth. And also in the emergence of the point of expression, you observe and show what they have done and are doing. What is the difference between this clan and that group? (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
انسان بصير بايد اليوم به نفس ظهور و اصل امر ناظر باشد. اگر همان بيّنه و برهان كه به آن اثبات نقطه اوليّه و طلعت احديّه نموده مشاهده نمود، اقلّ مِن آن توقّف جايز نه، چه كه به قدر همان توقّف در نار خواهد بود. و إلاّ از برای ناظرين منظر اكبر نفس ظهور بنفسه حجّت بوده. اين عبد متحيّر است كه چه ذكر نمايد، چه كه مشاهده می شود كه از تصريح كلمات الهی محروم مانده ايد، چه رسد به تلويح و اشاره. و گويا اراده ادراك هم نداشته ونداريد. لذا قول اين عبد و ترنّماتش مثل نواختن بربط است از برای نفوسی كه از سمع محروم باشند. اين فرد در اين مقام مناسب است: (edit)
A discerning person should be aware of the essence of the emergence and the principle of the matter. If he observes the same evidence and proof that he has given to prove the first point and the first point, then stopping less than that is not permissible, which will be as much as stopping in the fire. And except that for the observers, it was the biggest view of the self-appearance of the self. This servant is surprised that he mentions, that it is observed that you have been deprived of the explanation of the divine words, let alone implying. And it seems that you don't have the will to understand. Therefore, the words of this servant and his hymns are like playing music for people who are deprived of hearing. This person is suitable for this position: (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
نكته رمز سنائی نزد نادانان چنان که پيش كر بربط[۱۸۲] سرای پيش كور آيينه دار ضرب الله علی آذانكم وَقْراً و علی قلوبكم غِشاوَةً مِن النّار. (edit)
The point of telling the code to the ignorant is the same as that of the mirrored house of the blind

May God strike hardness on your ears and on your hearts a veil of fire. (edit)

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أنْ يا ايّها الغافل، می فرمايند - عزّ ذكره –: لا تحتجبوا بحجب العلم و الحكمة، فإنّ هذا ليصدّنّكم عن صراط الله. تازه شما اشارات علميّه پيش سلطان معلوم هديه مي فرستيد و ورقه يابسه به رضوان عزّ احديّه تحفه ارسال مي داريد. ای كاش صاحب علم و حكمت هم مي بوديد! لا والله لا شیء محض و جلود يابسه مشاهده مي شويد، كه در آن احجار صغيره باشد و در حين حركت صدائی از او ظاهر و از وجود و حركت اصلی بی نصيب و عاری. (عِجْلٌ جَسَدٌ لَهُ خُوَارٌ). (edit)
O you heedless ones, they say - Ez-Zakrah -: Don't hide behind the veil of knowledge and wisdom, for this will block you from the path of God. You are sending scholarly references to the Sultan as a gift, and you are sending a gift to Rizvan Ezz Ahadiya. I wish you had knowledge and wisdom! By God, you will see nothing pure and bare, in which there are small stones, and during the movement, there is no sound from it, and it is devoid of the original existence and movement. (Ejlٌ جَسَدٌ لَحُ خوَارٌ). (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اليوم هيچ ادلّه مدلول را از امرش منع نمی نمايد و هيچ شیء از آنچه ما بين سموات و ارض خلق شده كافی نبوده و نخواهد بود، مگر دخول در ظلّ امر او. اگر كلّ ارض مملوّ از كتب شود مقابله نمی نمايد با يك حرف كه از لسان جوهر قدم اليوم ظاهر مي گردد. بريزيد اين تحقيقات لا يُسمنه لا يُغنيه را و پاك كنيد صدور را از وساوس عبارات اولی الاشارات، كه شايد در اين ربيع الهی به رضوان بديع فائز شويد. از دونش بگسليد و به او متمسّك گرديد! جهد نمائيد كه شايد اليوم به كلمات و اشارات و اسماء و مظاهر آن از موجد و محقّق آن محجوب[۱۸۳] نمانيد. اين است كه نقطه بيان - جلّ اعزازه - می فرمايد قوله - عزّ قوله -: كلّ از برای اين است كه در يوم ظهور به اسماء محتجب نمانيد بلكه نظر كنيد بما يقوم به الاسماء مِن كلّ شیء، حتّی ذكر النّبیّ. فإنّ ذلك الإسم يُخلق به بما ينزل الله. (edit)
Today, He does not prohibit any evidence from His command, and nothing from what we have created between the heavens and the earth is sufficient, and will not be, except entering into the shadow of His command. If the whole earth is filled with books, it will not be able to resist a single letter that appears from the tongue of the essence of the first day. Drop these researches, La Yasmana La Yoghniyyah, and clear Isdar from the preoccupations of the first phrases of the signs, that you may be blessed with Rizvan Badi in this divine Rabi'a. Get rid of him and cling to him! Try not to be obscured by its words, signs, names, and manifestations from its originator and creator [183]. This is the point of the statement - Jall Azazah - says Qulah - Ezz Qulah -: All of this is so that on the Day of Resurrection you should not be afraid of the names, but consider what is related to the names of the whole thing, even the mention of the Prophet. For that name is created by what Allah sends down. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اگر منصف باشيد از اين بيان جمال رحمن ادراك مي نمائيد آنچه را كه اليوم از او محتجب شده ايد. چنانچه به اسمی از اسماء كه نمي دانيد كي است و چي است از خالق آن محروم مانده ايد. چند نفری جمع شده به ايادی وهميّه ظنونيّه هيكلی ترتيب داده ايد و بعد به او عاكف شده ايد. صنَعتُم بايادی الجهل هيكلَ العِجل، ثمّ إتّخذتُمُوهُ لأنفسكم ربّاً مِن دون الله. فويلٌ لكم، يا ملاءَ الشّرك و النِّفاق. (edit)
If you are honest, you will understand from this statement of Jamal Rahman what you have objected to him today. If you are deprived of its creator by a name that you don't know who it is and what it is. You have gathered a few people and arranged a structure for a suspicious idol and then attacked him. I will make you ignorant of the structure of the fast, then you will take it for yourselves, my Lord, besides Allah. A foil for punching, or full of polytheism and hypocrisy. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
از جميع آيات و كلمات مي گذريم، امری را اليوم مجدّداً ميزانِ معرفة الله قرار دهيد و طرفين را بسنجيد، اگر چه حقّ بايد عباد را امتحان نمايد و بسنجد، نه عباد او را. چه كه نفس حقّ و ما يظهر مِن عنده مقدّس از ميزان ناس بوده و خواهد بود. ولكن به اين راضی شديم كه حقّ از باطل معلوم شود، چه كه حجّت الهی را حجّت نمي دانيد و برهان او را طرد نموده ايد. در اين صورت إتماماً لحجّة الله عليكم اظهار می شود كه هر ميزان و برهانی كه نزد آن گروه ميزانِ معرفتِ حقّ است ميزان قرار دهند تا حقّ[۱۸۴]از باطل معلوم شود. و اين كلمه به عقايد شما ذكر می شود تا ديگر عذری نماند و حقّ چون شمس بر هر نفسی ظاهر و لايح و هويدا گردد. و إلاّ حقّ مقدّس از ميزان عباد و برهانهم و حججهم و دلائلهم بوده و خواهد بود. چه كه ميزان الله اليوم نفس حقّ بوده و برهان و حجّتش ما ظهر مِن عنده إنْ أنتم تفقهون. (edit)
We are going through all the verses and words, put a matter again today as the measure of Allah's knowledge and weigh both sides, although the truth should test and measure the servants, not His servants. What the soul of truth and ours appears from the Holy One has been and will be. However, we were satisfied with the fact that the truth is known from the falsehood, because you do not consider divine proof as proof and you have rejected his proof. In this case, it is stated that every measure and evidence that is the measure of knowledge of the truth according to that group should be measured so that the truth [184] can be determined from the falsehood. And this word will be mentioned to your beliefs so that there will be no more excuses and the truth will shine on every soul like the sun. And except for the holy truth, it has been and will be the measure of worshipers and their proofs and proofs. The measure of Allah today is the soul of truth, and we have the proof and proof of it at noon, if you understand. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اين که به لسان شرك و اعراض القا نموده كه ظهور چنين شخصی لغو خواهد بود و اخبار حقّ كلّ كذب، قطع (edit)
And the fact that he insinuated with the tongue of idolatry and excuses that the appearance of such a person will be canceled and the news of the truth is false. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
الله لسانَ مُلقيك و كسّر الله يدَهُ و أنامله و قلمه، لأنّه تجاوز عن حدّه و إفتری بالله المهيمن المقتدر العزيز القيّوم و إرتكب ما ضيعتْ به حرمة الأمر بين العباد. إذاً يتبرئنّ منه أهل السجّين و كيف عباد الله المقرّبين. (edit)
God is the tongue of those who address you, and God has broken his hand, his fingertips and his pen, because he transgressed his limits and slandered God, the Dominant, the Powerful, the Subsisting, and he committed what the sanctity of the command between the servants was lost. So the prisoner's family disavow him, and how are the close servants of God? (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بگو: اوّلاً تو آن اخبار را ندانسته و به معنی آن ابداً مطّلع نيستی. همچنان كه ملل قبل هم نظر به عدم ادراك معانی كلمات الهيّه از شاطی بحر احديّه در حين ظهور مظاهر ربوبيّه توقّف نموده محروم گشته اند. از جمله در انجيل در علائم ظهور بعد می فرمايد شمس در آن يوم تاريك می شود و قمر از نور ممنوع و كواكب بر ارض مي ريزند، و به همين عبارات اهل انجيل إلی حال اقبال به شريعه محمّديّه ننموده اند. حال تو چه مي گوئی؟ اين اخبار كذب بوده و يا آن فئه ادراك معانی[۱۸۵] آن را ننموده اند؟ (edit)
Say: First of all, you did not know that news and you are not informed about its meaning at all. Just like the previous nations, due to their lack of understanding of the meaning of God's words, they stopped at the shores of the Ahadiya Sea during the appearance of God's manifestations and were deprived. Among other things, in the Bible, in the signs of the next coming, it says that the sun will be dark on that day, and the moon will be deprived of light, and the stars will fall on the earth, and with these words, the people of the Bible have not accepted Muhammad's Sharia. What do you say now? Is this news false, or did they not understand its meaning [185]? (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و همچنين ذكر "خاتم النّبيين" در فرقان، و همچنين در علائم ظهور بعد و علائم قيامت از "انفطار سماء" و "انشقاق ارض" و "نسف جبال" و "قيام اموات از قبور ظاهره" و امثال اين بيانات كه از علائم قيامت بوده. و كلّ اليوم به همين عبارات از مالك اسماء و صفات ممنوعند. حال چه مي كنی؟ تصديق مي نمائی يا تكذيب؟ چه كه بر حسب ظاهر آنچه مرقوم شده ظاهر نگشته. يا بايد بگوئی كلّ كذب است و يا بگوئی كه معانی آن را ادراك ننموده اند. و در نصّ "خاتم النّبيين" نمي دانم چه خواهی گفت كه نقطه اولی تصريحاً فرموده كه نبیّ از اوّل لا اوّل آمد و إلی آخر لا آخر خواهد آمد، مع آن که محال دانسته اند كه بعد از حضرت رسول نفسی بيايد و ادّعای نبوّت نمايد. (edit)
And also the mention of "The End of the Prophets" in the Furqan, as well as in the signs of the next appearance and the signs of the Resurrection, such as "the destruction of the heavens" and "the splitting of the earth", "the destruction of the mountains" and "the resurrection of the dead from the visible graves" and similar statements that are among the signs of the Resurrection. Been. And the whole day with the same expressions are forbidden from the owners of names and attributes. what are you doing now Do you confirm or deny? What has not appeared according to the appearance of what has been recorded. Either you should say that it is all lies or you should say that they did not understand its meaning. And I don't know what you will say in the text of "Khatam al-Nabiyin" that the first point clearly states that a prophet came from the beginning and will come to the end, even though they knew it was impossible that a soul would come after the Prophet and claim prophethood. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بگو: ای غافل، بدان كه احدی بر معانی كلمات الهيّه علی ما هی عليه مطّلع نبوده و نخواهد بود مگر مظهر علم و حكمت ربّانی. چنانچه نقطه بيان تصريحاً می فرمايند كه احدی بر جواهر معانی الهيّه كه در خزائن كلمات بيان مستور است مطّلع نشده و نخواهد شد مگر نفس ظهور بعد. و اگر كلّ ملل معانی كلمات را ادراك می نمودند هرگز از مشارق وحی و الهام محروم نمی شدند. چنانچه اليوم محتجبين اهل بيان[۱۸۶] نظر به عدم ادراك ما نزّل فی البيان از جمال رحمن محروم مانده اند. والله اگر فی الجملة به شعور آيند از عرفان بلكه از انفس خود منقطع شوند. (edit)
Say: O heedless one, know that no one has been informed about the meanings of God's words against us and will not be except the manifestation of God's knowledge and wisdom. If the point of expression clearly states that no one has been informed about the jewel of divine meanings that is hidden in the treasures of the words of expression, and will not be, except for the soul of the next revelation. And if all the nations understood the meanings of the words, they would never be deprived of the revelations and inspiration. If today, the protestors of the People of Bayan[186] are deprived of Jamal Rahman due to our lack of understanding, it was revealed in the Bayan. By God, if they come to consciousness in general, they will be cut off from mysticism, but from their own souls. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ای غافل از كوثر معانی، كلمات الهی را كذب مدان و عبث مشمر و خود را عاجز از ادراك آن مشاهده نما. و از عرفان هر كدام كه خود را عاجز مشاهده نمائی از منبع و معدن علم لدنّی سؤال نما كه شايد از فيوضات بحر معانی لب تشنه نمانی و در بحور وساوس شيطانی غريق و فانی نگردی. حرفی از آنچه نازل شده لغو نبوده و نخواهد بود، بلكه لئالی معانی كلّ در هر حرفی از كلمات منزله سبحانی مستور بوده. و لا يقدر أنْ يُخرجها إلاّ ذو قدرةٍ عظيم. و اگر هم بخواهی نعوذ بالله در كلمات منزله و ظهورات قدرتيّه لغو و فطور ملاحظه نمائی انفس محتجبه اولی است. قل: فانصُب مرآتك فی مقابلة وجهك لِتشهدَ جلدَك و تعرفَ ما فيه. لعلّ توفّق علی الرّجوع و تكون تائباً منيباً معترفاً مقرّاً مذعناً بخطيئاتك و سيّئاتك. و إنّه لهو الغفور الرحيم. (edit)
O you who are oblivious to the abundance of meanings, consider the words of God to be false and absurd and find yourself unable to understand them. And question the mysticism of each one who is unable to see a view of the source and mine of the worldly knowledge, so that you may not be thirsty for the riches of the sea of meanings, and you may not be drowned and mortal in the sea of satanic delusions. Not a single word of what was revealed has been canceled and will not be, but the full meaning of every letter of the words of the Majlis Subhani has been hidden. And only those with great ability can spend it. And if you want to seek refuge with God in words of dignity and appearances of power, canceling and showing self-observance is the first step. Qal: Set your reward in front of your face for your martyrdom and our tariff in it. May you be successful in returning and be repentant, admonishing, confessing, and accepting of your sins and wrongdoings. And this is Lahu al-Ghafoor al-Rahim. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قوله - كبر غلّه - : هنوز هيچ از شئونات و اوامر او به ظهور نرسيده. و علائم ظهور قائم را كه اهل فرقان قائلند، اگر چه علائم حين ظهور ظاهر شده ومردم نفهميده، امّا علائم بعد از ظهور ظاهر نشده. اگر اهل فرقان ايراد[۱۸۷]نمايند كه علائم بعد از ظهور چه چيز است جواب چه خواهد بود؟ از نفهميدن علائم حين ظهور و ظاهر نشدن علائم بعد از ظهور موجب حجاب خلق از حقّ خواهد بود و اين از حقّ دور است. خود ملاحظه فرموده غرس حبّه بدون ظهور اصول و اوراق و اغصان او، حبّه ديگر كه ثمره و قيامت او است چگونه ممكن است؟ (edit)
Qolah - Kabr Ghollah -: None of his affairs and orders have been revealed yet. And the signs of Qaim's appearance, which the people of the sect believe, although the signs appeared during his appearance and people did not understand, but the signs did not appear after his appearance. If Ahl al-Furqan object[187] what are the signs after the appearance, what will be the answer? Not understanding the signs when they appear and the signs not appearing after they appear will cause people to be veiled from the truth, and this is far from the truth. He himself said, how is it possible to plant a seed without the emergence of its principles, leaves and branches, another seed which is its fruit and resurrection? (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
آنقدر شده كه متّصل بر خود ردّ مي نويسيد و مستشعر نيستيد، چه كه نوشته علائم ظهور قائم در حين ظهور ظاهر شده و مردم نفهميده اند.حال ملاحظه كن اين عدم فهم از چه رو بوده. شكّی نيست كه از عدم ظهورات توهميّه ناس بوده. چنانچه از علائم ظهور آنچه ذكر شده از آن عبارات معانی توهّم نموده و چون موافق توهّمات خود در عالم ملكيّه مشاهده ننمودند لذا به عرفان نقطه بيان فائز نشدند. چنانچه خود تو وامثال تو هم عارف نبوده تا آن که منزل بيان كلمات قبل را تفسير فرمودند، و بعد از بيان هيكل رحمن قليلی تصديق نموده و اكثر انكار. و اين فعلی است كه اليوم تو و امثال تو از ملاء بيان عاملند. چه كه معنی كلمات الهيّه را ادراك ننموده ايد و لا يشعر صيحه مي زنيد كه نبايد اين ظهور ظاهر شود، هنوز تكميل خلق بيان نشده. و اگر ادراك[۱۸۸]مي نموديد البتّه به اين كلمات محتجب نمی شديد. حقّ را مثل خود عاجز مشاهده نموده ايد. فو الله! اگر نفسی به قدرت حقّ موقن باشد ابداً در امثال اين كلمات توقّف نمی نمايد، چه كه قادر است در كلمه از كلماتِ خود كلّ كتب را عود فرمايد و همچنين بدء فرمايد. إنّه لهو المقتدر علی مايشاء و إنّه لهو العليم الحكيم. (edit)
It has become so much that you write rejections on yourself and you are not aware of the fact that the written signs of the emergence of Qaim appeared during the emergence and people did not understand. Now consider what this lack of understanding came from. There is no doubt that he was aware of the absence of illusory apparitions. If they had illusions about the signs of the emergence of what was mentioned from those phrases and because they did not observe in the real world according to their illusions, then they did not gain the mysticism of the point of expression. If you yourself and those like you were not mystics until they explained the previous words, and after the statement of the Most Merciful structure, few affirmed and most denied. And this is the current situation that you and your likes are acting in the public opinion. Because you have not understood the meaning of God's words and you shout without feeling that this apparition should not appear, the completion of creation has not yet been expressed. And if you understood [188], of course you would not object to these words. You have seen the truth as helpless as yourself. Fu Allah! If a soul is capable of the power of the truth, it will never stop at the likes of these words, because it is able to repeat all the books in one word of its own words and also begin. This is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise, and the All-Knowing. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
علائم بعد از ظهور كلّ ظاهر شده، ولكن شما ادراك ننموده، چنانچه به قول خود شما علائم حين ظهور را فئه فرقان عارف نشده اند. و هر علامتی كه بعد از ظهور آن را لازم دانسته و عارف به آن نشده، چنانچه نوشته از منبع علم الهی سؤال نما تا موقن شوی به آن كه كلّ ظاهر شده، ولكن امثال آن نفوس از ادراك كلّ محتجب مانده اند. (edit)
The signs appeared after the appearance of the whole, but you did not understand, as according to your own words, the signs at the time of appearance were not revealed to the mystics. And any sign that was considered necessary after its appearance and did not become knowledgeable about it, if it is written, question the source of divine knowledge until you are sure that the whole has appeared, but the likes of those souls remain hidden from the understanding of the whole. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)

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