Kitab-i-Iqan/Page9/GPT4 161

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Now grasp the command of return, which has been revealed so explicitly in the Qur'an itself, and yet no one has understood it to this day. What do you say? If you say that He was the return of the previous prophets, as inferred from the verse, and likewise His companions would be the return of previous companions, as from the mentioned verses the return of previous servants is clear and obvious. And if they deny, they have spoken against the command of the Book, which is the greatest proof.

So, just like this, understand the command of return, resurrection, and gathering in the days of the appearance of His manifestations, so that you may observe the return of the holy spirits in pure luminous bodies directly, and purify the dusts of ignorance and the darkness of the self with the water of divine knowledge. Perhaps by the power of God, divine guidance, and the light of the lamp, you distinguish the path of the dawn of guidance from the dusk of misguidance, and make a separation.