Kitab-i-Iqan/Page6/GPT4 119
Part of that sovereignty manifested from that Sun of Oneness. Haven't you heard how it distinguished between light and darkness, the fortunate and the unfortunate, the believer and the disbeliever with just one verse? All the signs and indications of resurrection, including the gathering, resurrection, accountability, book-keeping, and more, were made clear and brought to the arena of witnessing with the revelation of that single verse. Also, that revealed verse was mercy for the righteous, meaning those souls who said "We hear and obey" while listening, and it became a punishment for the wicked, meaning those who said "We hear and disobey" after listening. It served as the Sword of God to distinguish believers from disbelievers and fathers from sons. As you have seen, those who acknowledged and those who denied were willing to risk their lives and wealth. How many fathers turned away from their sons, and how many lovers sought protection from their beloved ones. This wondrous sword was so sharp and decisive that it severed all relationships. From one perspective, observe how it united. As it was observed, a group of people, who for years had the seeds of resentment and hostility sowed among them by the satan of self, became so united and agreed due to faith in this unique and resolute Cause that it seemed they emerged from a single lineage. In this way, God unites the hearts of those who have turned to Him and believed in His verses, and they were among those who drank from the abundance of His grace with the hands of might. Moreover, observe how many people of various beliefs, sects, and dispositions have worn the new garment of oneness from this divine breeze of goodwill and this spiritual garden and have drunk from the cup of singularity.