Suriy-i-Qamis/GPT4 13

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Oh people of eloquence, have you not forgotten the time when the Most High came to you with authority by the command, and the scholars of distinction denied him until they issued a fatwa against him and killed him? It was an ordeal in which the heavens and the earth wept, the closest ones lamented, the people of the curtains of nearness and holiness, and beyond them the stones and the trees, and only a few of you believed in him. When he returned once more to distinguish the truthful from the liar, then you denied him and rejected him until you disbelieved in what you had believed in before, and God suffices as a witness between us. Whoever possesses the knowledge of secrets, say, "You are known among the higher assembly for lying and in the powers of eternity for doubting and in the dominion of names for disbelieving, for you have disbelieved in the signs of God after having used them as proof of your status." This is how God makes apparent the treachery of souls and what release and the polytheists hide. Whoever said these verses were not revealed upon the human nature, by God, had indeed appeared upon the structure of a servant who stood at the door with submission and penitence, roaring and saying, "Woe to you, O assembly of the oppressors! By God, I have been created according to the command of the Most High." Such a witness testifies to itself, but these evildoers do not understand. By God, it boasts of its relationship to our true self, while we have always been rich without it. We created it and everything by the command of the Most High,20 and none denies this except every denier, disbelievers, who set their lying tongues to them so that they say what they do not feel and fabricate lies against God. Say, "Who is more unjust than him who fabricates lies against God and denies his verses after having been revealed in the nights and mornings?" Say, "Die in your rage; there is no escape for you today except that you deny what is with you or affirm what has come down from the power of the command from near the Mighty, the Chosen." Say, "Do you say as the scholars of distinction said, or do you not feel ashamed of God who created you and provided for you and taught you the manifestation of his own self with signs which minds and thoughts have failed to comprehend?"