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For the sake of God, how much you want to listen to! He has enmity, where is he imprisoned? You disrespected a prophet and concealed his greatness. Fear God, who created you and everything, and do not be of those who slander God's prophets, trustees, and chosen ones! By Him in whose hand is my soul, every one of them every day calls out to his Lord and says: “I wish I had a thousand souls, a thousand bodies, and a thousand souls to sacrifice for your sake, O beloved of the worlds, O destination of the longing, and O possessor of the breasts of the lovers!” And if they are wicked in these exemplary shrines, they will be in the same place where they are imprisoned. Go back, be like the actions of Decker, and go back to his example. The tail of Ismat Allah Ra has the dust of a soul and the whim of its pace is possible! This is an advice from me to you, if you listen, then it is for yourself, and if you turn away, then it is for you. And God was with us and with you a watcher and a witness.