Today, the sight should be sharpened, the heart should be pure, and the chest should be beautiful, so that a person can recognize and purify himself. And this rank, although it is very high and great, but it is very easy and easy in the eyes of the judges, even though the people of Bayan have reached a position and have objected to the right of things that from the beginning of creation until now, no one has the right to object to such things. did not All of these worshipers have been around us for years. And Allah the Great, who has never had anything from the beauty of the world, and if it had, we would all have been partners. And every soul that enters the great house, it is as if he is the owner of the house, and he is fully cared for. And yet the people of Bayan have protested against Allah against all of us during the noon of truth, even drinking tea, and also [352] in clothes and the like. Oh them and their beards!