Paragraph | Arabic | Authorized | Elder |
21 | (21) من مات ولم يكن له ذرّيّة ترجع حقوقهم الى بيت العدل ليصرفوها امنآء الرّحمن في الايتام والارامل وما ينتفع به جمهور النّاس ليشكروا ربّهم العزيز الغفّار (edit)
Should the deceased leave no offspring, their share shall revert to the House of Justice, to be expended by the Trustees of the All-Merciful on the orphaned and widowed, and on whatsoever will bring benefit to the generality of the people, that all may give thanks unto their Lord, the All-Gracious, the Pardoner. (edit) | Whoever dies having no offspring, his rights return to the House of Justice (bayt al-'adl) in order that the Stewards of the Merciful (umana' al-rahman) may spend it on orphans and widows, and on what benefits the multitude of people. This, that they may thank their Lord, the Forgiving, the Mighty One. (edit) |
22 | (22) والّذي له ذرّيّة ولم يكن ما دونها عما حدّد في الكتاب يرجع الثّلثان ممّا تركه الى الذّرّيّة والثّلث الى بيت العدل كذلك حكم الغنيّ المتعال بالعظمة والاجلال (edit)
Should the deceased leave offspring, but none of the other categories of heirs that have been specified in the Book, they shall receive two-thirds of the inheritance and the remaining third shall revert to the House of Justice. Such is the command which hath been given, in majesty and glory, by Him Who is the All-Possessing, the Most High. (edit) | Whoever has offspring but does not have anyone else of those stipulated in the Book - two-thirds of what he leaves goes to his offspring and one-third to the House of Justice.
Thus ruled the Self-Sufficient One, who is exalted with Greatness and Majesty. (edit) |
23 | (23) والّذي لم يكن له من يرثه وكان له ذو القربى من ابنآء الاخ والاخت وبناتهما فلهم الثّلثان وإلاّ للاعمام والاخوال والعمّات والخالات ومن بعدهم وبعدهنّ لابنآئهم وابنآئهنّ وبناتهم وبناتهنّ والثّلث يرجع إلى مقرّ العدل امراً في الكتاب من لدى الله مالك الرّقاب (edit)
If the deceased should leave none of the specified heirs, but have among his relatives nephews and nieces, whether on his brother’s or his sister’s side, two-thirds of the inheritance shall pass to them; or, lacking these, to his uncles and aunts on both his father’s and his mother’s side, and after them to their sons and daughters. The remaining third of the inheritance shall, in any case, revert to the Seat of Justice. Thus hath it been laid down in the Book by Him Who ruleth over all men. (edit) | Whoever has no children [Note 2] but has relatives, sons and daughters of a brother or sister, they are to have two-thirds. Otherwise the inheritance goes to paternal and maternal uncles and paternal and maternal aunts; after them to their sons and daughters. The third goes to the Resting-place (House) of Justice (maqarr al-'adl). This is because of a command in the Book from God, the Possessor of Persons. (edit) |
24 | (24) من مات ولم يكن له احد من الّذين نزّلت اسمآئهم من القلم الاعلى ترجع الاموال كلّها الى المقرّ المذكور لتصرف فيما امر الله به انّه لهو المقتدر الامّار (edit)
Should the deceased be survived by none of those whose names have been recorded by the Pen of the Most High, his estate shall, in its entirety, revert to the aforementioned Seat that it may be expended on that which is prescribed by God. He, verily, is the Ordainer, the Omnipotent. (edit) | Whoever dies without having any offspring of those whose names have been sent down by the Most High Pen, the whole of his wealth goes to the above-mentioned Resting-place, (10) to be spent as God commanded. [Note 3]
He is the Powerful, the Commanding One. (edit) |
25 | (25) وجعلنا الدّار المسكونة والالبسة المخصوصة للذّرّيّة من الذّكران دون الاناث والورّاث انّه لهو المعطي الفيّاض (edit)
We have assigned the residence and personal clothing of the deceased to the male, not female, offspring, nor to the other heirs. He, verily, is the Munificent, the All-Bountiful. (edit) | We appointed the dwelling house and the special garments (of the deceased) for the males of the offspring, not for the females and (other) heirs.
He is the Bountiful Giver. (edit) |
26 | (26) ان الّذي مات في ايّام والده وله ذرّيّة اولئك يرثون ما لابيهم في كتاب الله اقسموا بينهم بالعدل الخالص كذلك ماج بحر الكلام وقذف لئالي الاحكام من لدن مالك الانام (edit)
Should the son of the deceased have passed away in the days of his father and have left children, they will inherit their father’s share, as prescribed in the Book of God. Divide ye their share amongst them with perfect justice. Thus have the billows of the Ocean of Utterance surged, casting forth the pearls of the laws decreed by the Lord of all mankind. (edit) | Whenever a man who has offspring dies, while his father is still living, his offspring inherit what was their father's according to the Book of God. Divide among them with pure justice. Thus the sea of God raged, and the pearls of commandments were cast by the Possessor of People. (edit) |
27 | (27) والّذي ترك ذرّيّة ضعافاً سلّموا ما لهم الى امين ليتّجرلهم الى ان يبلغوا رشدهم او الى محلّ الشّراكة ثمّ عيّنوا للامين حقّاً ممّا حصل من التّجارة والاقتراف (edit)
If the deceased should leave children who are under age, their share of the inheritance must be entrusted to a reliable individual, or to a company, that it may be invested on their behalf in trade and business until they come of age. The trustee should be assigned a due share of the profit that hath accrued to it from being thus employed. (edit) | If weak (minor) offspring are left behind, their wealth is to be given to a guardian to trade with until they reach maturity, or to a company. Appoint to the guardian a proper amount from what he has made by trading and gain. (edit) |
28 | (28) كلّ ذلك بعد ادآء حقّ الله والدّيون لو تكون عليه وتجهيز الاسباب للكفن والدّفن وحمل الميّت بالعزّة والاعتزاز كذلك حكم مالك المبدء والمآب (edit)
Division of the estate should take place only after the Ḥuqúqu’lláh hath been paid, any debts have been settled, the expenses of the funeral and burial defrayed, and such provision made that the deceased may be carried to his resting-place with dignity and honor. Thus hath it been ordained by Him Who is Lord of the beginning and the end. (edit) | All this is to be paid after God receives His rights and the debts are paid, if there are any, as well as providing the things necessary for the shroud, the burial, and the carrying (of the body) with honour and glory.
So ruled the Possessor of the Beginning and the Return. (edit) |
29 | (29) قل هذا لهو العلم المكنون الّذي لن يتغيّر لانّه بدء بالطّآء المدلّة على الاسم المخزون الظّاهر الممتنع المنيع وما خصّصناه للذّرّيّات هذا من فضل الله عليهم ليشكروا ربّهم الرّحمن الرّحيم تلك حدود الله لا تعتدوها باهوآء انفسكم اتّبعوا ما امرتم به من مطلع البيان
والمخلصون يرون حدود الله مآء الحيوان لاهل الاديان ومصباح الحكمة والفلاح لمن في الارضين والسّموات (edit)
Say: This is that hidden knowledge which shall never change, since its beginning is with nine, the symbol that betokeneth the concealed and manifest, the inviolable and unapproachably exalted Name. As for what We have appropriated to the children, this is a bounty conferred on them by God, that they may render thanks unto their Lord, the Compassionate, the Merciful. These, verily, are the Laws of God; transgress them not at the prompting of your base and selfish desires. Observe ye the injunctions laid upon you by Him Who is the Dawning-place of Utterance. The sincere among His servants will regard the precepts set forth by God as the Water of Life to the followers of every faith, and the Lamp of wisdom and loving providence to all the denizens of earth and heaven. (edit) | Say: This is the Hidden knowledge which never changes because it begins with al-ta' (nine),[note 1] which indicates the treasured, manifest, well-fortified and unapproachable Name.
The inheritance which We have assigned especially for the offspring is of the favour (fadl) of God that they may thank their Lord, the Merciful, the Compassionate. These are the stipulations of God. Do not transgress them because of your own passions. Follow what you are commanded to do by the Rising-place of Explanation (al- Bayan). The sincere ones will see the stipulations of God, the Water of Life to the people of (all) religions, and the Lamp of Wisdom and Prosperity to those who are in the earths and heavens. (edit) |
30 | (30) قد كتب الله على كلّ مدينة ان يجعلوا فيها بيت العدل ويجتمع فيه النّفوس على عدد البهآء وان ازداد لا بأس ويرون كانّهم يدخلون محضر الله العليّ الاعلى ويرون من لا يرى وينبغي لهم ان يكونوا امنآء الرّحمن بين الامكان ووكلآء الله لمن على الارض كلّها ويشاوروا في مصالح العباد لوجه الله كما يشاورون في امورهم ويختاروا ما هو المختار كذلك حكم ربّكم العزيز الغفّار ايّاكم ان تدعوا ما هو المنصوص في اللّوح اتّقوا الله يا اولي الانظار (edit)
The Lord hath ordained that in every city a House of Justice be established wherein shall gather counselors to the number of Bahá, and should it exceed this number it doth not matter. They should consider themselves as entering the Court of the presence of God, the Exalted, the Most High, and as beholding Him Who is the Unseen. It behooveth them to be the trusted ones of the Merciful among men and to regard themselves as the guardians appointed of God for all that dwell on earth. It is incumbent upon them to take counsel together and to have regard for the interests of the servants of God, for His sake, even as they regard their own interests, and to choose that which is meet and seemly. Thus hath the Lord your God commanded you. Beware lest ye put away that which is clearly revealed in His Tablet. Fear God, O ye that perceive. (edit) | God has ordained that in every city they make a House of Justice, and the souls according to the number of al-Baha' will assemble in it. There is no harm if the number increases. They shall see as though they are entering the presence of God, the High, the Most High. And they shall see Him who is not seen. They must be stewards of the Merciful among (those in the realm of) the possible and agents of God for the whole earth.
And God has ordained that they shall consult about the welfare of creatures (al-'ibad) for the sake of God, just as they consult about their own affairs, and that they choose what is the choice. Thus commanded your Lord, the Mighty One, the Forgiver. Beware lest you neglect what is inscribed in the Tablet. [note 1] Fear God, O you who see. (edit) |
31 | (31) يا ملأ الانشآء عمّروا بيوتاً باكمل ما يمكن في الامكان باسم مالك الاديان في البلدان وزيّنوها بما ينبغي لها لا بالصّور والامثال ثمّ اذكروا فيها ربّكم الرّحمن بالرّوح والرّيحان الا بذكره تستنير الصّدور وتقرّ الابصار (edit)
O people of the world! Build ye houses of worship throughout the lands in the name of Him Who is the Lord of all religions. Make them as perfect as is possible in the world of being, and adorn them with that which befitteth them, not with images and effigies. Then, with radiance and joy, celebrate therein the praise of your Lord, the Most Compassionate. Verily, by His remembrance the eye is cheered and the heart is filled with light. (edit) | O multitude of Creation, furnish houses (of worship) in the most complete way possible in the name of the Possessor of Religions in the lands. Decorate them with what is fitting, not with pictures and statues.
Then make mention in them of your Lord, the Merciful, with joy and sweetness (bi l-rawh wa l-rayhan). Is it not by mentioning him that breasts are enlightened and eyes are consoled? (edit) |
32 | (32) قد حكم الله لمن استطاع منكم حجّ البيت دون النّسآء عفا الله عنهنّ رحمة من عنده انّه لهو المعطي الوهّاب (edit)
The Lord hath ordained that those of you who are able shall make pilgrimage to the sacred House, and from this He hath exempted women as a mercy on His part. He, of a truth, is the All-Bountiful, the Most Generous. (edit) | God has ruled that those of you who are able - except the women - make the Pilgrimage (hajj) to the House. God has exempted the women as a mercy on His part.
He is the Munificent One, the Generous One. (edit) |
33 | (33) يا اهل البهآء قد وجب على كلّ واحد منكم الاشتغال بامر من الامور من الصّنآئع والاقتراف وامثالها وجعلنا اشتغالكم بها نفس العبادة لله الحقّ تفكّروا يا قوم في رحمة الله والطافه ثمّ اشكروه في العشيّ والاشراق
لا تضيّعوا اوقاتكم بالبطالة والكسالة واشتغلوا بما ينتفع به انفسكم وانفس غيركم كذلك قضي الامر في هذا اللّوح الّذي لاحت من افقه شمس الحكمة والتّبيان ابغض النّاس عند الله من يقعد ويطلب تمسّكوا بحبل الاسباب متوكّلين على الله مسبّب الاسباب (edit)
O people of Bahá! It is incumbent upon each one of you to engage in some occupation—such as a craft, a trade or the like. We have exalted your engagement in such work to the rank of worship of the one true God. Reflect, O people, on the grace and blessings of your Lord, and yield Him thanks at eventide and dawn. Waste not your hours in idleness and sloth, but occupy yourselves with what will profit you and others. Thus hath it been decreed in this Tablet from whose horizon hath shone the daystar of wisdom and utterance. The most despised of men in the sight of God are they who sit and beg. Hold ye fast unto the cord of means and place your trust in God, the Provider of all means. (edit) | O People of al-Baha', it has been made incumbent on everyone of you to work at something, in artisan crafts, in gain or something like that. We have made your working at them your very worship ('ibada) of God, the Real One.
O people (ya qawm), think upon the mercy and benefits of God. Then thank Him at eventide and sunrise. Do not waste your time in idleness and laziness. Work at something that will benefit you and others. Thus decided the Command in this Tablet, which has shone from the horizon of the Sun of Wisdom and Clear Explanation (al-tibyan). God hates most those who sit and beg. Catch hold of the Rope of Causes, trusting in God, the Causer of Causes. (edit) |
34 | (34) قد حرّم عليكم تقبيل الايادي في الكتاب هذا ما نهيتم عنه من لدن ربّكم العزيز الحكّام ليس لاحد ان يستغفر عند احد توبوا الى الله تلقآء انفسكم انّه لهو الغافر المعطي العزيز التّوّاب (edit)
The kissing of hands hath been forbidden in the Book. This practice is prohibited by God, the Lord of glory and command. To none is it permitted to seek absolution from another soul; let repentance be between yourselves and God. He, verily, is the Pardoner, the Bounteous, the Gracious, the One Who absolveth the repentant. (edit) | The kissing of hands is forbidden in the Book. This (kind of reverence for religious leaders) is what you were forbidden by your Lord, the Mighty, the Wise.
No one need beg forgiveness of another. Repent to God for yourselves. He is the Mighty and Relenting Giver and Forgiver. (edit) |
35 | (35) يا عباد الرّحمن قوموا على خدمة الامر على شأن لا تأخذكم الاحزان من الّذين كفروا بمطلع الايات
لمّا جآء الوعد وظهر الموعود اختلف النّاس وتمسّك كلّ حزب بما عنده من الظّنون والاوهام (edit)
O ye servants of the Merciful One! Arise to serve the Cause of God, in such wise that the cares and sorrows caused by them that have disbelieved in the Dayspring of the Signs of God may not afflict you. At the time when the Promise was fulfilled and the Promised One made manifest, differences have appeared amongst the kindreds of the earth and each people hath followed its own fancy and idle imaginings. (edit) | O creatures of the Merciful One, rise to the service (khidma) of the Cause that griefs caused by those who disbelieved in the Rising-place of the Verses (al-ayat) may not overtake you.[note 1]
When the Promise came and the Promised One appeared, the people disagreed and each faction held to its own opinions and illusions. (edit) |
36 | (36) من النّاس من يقعد صفّ النّعال طلباً لصدر الجلال قل من انت يا ايّها الغافل الغرّار ومنهم من يدّعي الباطن وباطن الباطن قل يا ايّها الكذّاب تالله ما عندك انّه من القشور تركناها لكم كما تترك العظام للكلاب تالله الحقّ لو يغسل احد ارجل العالم ويعبد الله على الادغال والشّواجن والجبال والقنان والشّناخيب وعند كلّ حجر وشجر ومدر ولا يتضوّع منه عرف رضآئي لن يقبل ابداً هذا ما حكم به مولى الانام
كم من عبد اعتزل في جزآئر الهند ومنع عن نفسه ما احلّه الله له وحمل الرّياضات والمشقّات ولم يذكر عند الله منزل الايات لا تجعلوا الاعمال شرك الآمال ولا تحرموا انفسكم عن هذا المآل الّذي كان امل المقرّبين في ازل الازال قل روح الاعمال هو رضآئيوعلّق كلّ شيء بقبولي اقرئوا الالواح لتعرفوا ما هو المقصود في كتب الله العزيز الوهّاب من فاز بحبّي حقّ له ان يقعد على سرير العقيان في صدر الامكان والّذي منع عنه لو يقعد على التّراب انّه يستعيذ منه الى الله مالك الاديان (edit)
Amongst the people is he who seateth himself amid the sandals by the door whilst coveting in his heart the seat of honor. Say: What manner of man art thou, O vain and heedless one, who wouldst appear as other than thou art? And among the people is he who layeth claim to inner knowledge, and still deeper knowledge concealed within this knowledge. Say: Thou speakest false! By God! What thou dost possess is naught but husks which We have left to thee as bones are left to dogs. By the righteousness of the one true God! Were anyone to wash the feet of all mankind, and were he to worship God in the forests, valleys, and mountains, upon high hills and lofty peaks, to leave no rock or tree, no clod of earth, but was a witness to his worship—yet, should the fragrance of My good pleasure not be inhaled from him, his works would never be acceptable unto God. Thus hath it been decreed by Him Who is the Lord of all. How many a man hath secluded himself in the climes of India, denied himself the things that God hath decreed as lawful, imposed upon himself austerities and mortifications, and hath not been remembered by God, the Revealer of Verses. Make not your deeds as snares wherewith to entrap the object of your aspiration, and deprive not yourselves of this Ultimate Objective for which have ever yearned all such as have drawn nigh unto God. Say: The very life of all deeds is My good pleasure, and all things depend upon Mine acceptance. Read ye the Tablets that ye may know what hath been purposed in the Books of God, the All-Glorious, the Ever-Bounteous. He who attaineth to My love hath title to a throne of gold, to sit thereon in honor over all the world; he who is deprived thereof, though he sit upon the dust, that dust would seek refuge with God, the Lord of all Religions. (edit) | Some people sit in a Row of Sandals (saff al-ni'al),[note 2] seeking the seat of honour (sadr al-jalal). Say: Who art thou, O careless, conceited man (al-gharrar)? [note 3]
Of them there is he who claims the Hidden (al-batin) and the Hidden of the Hidden. [note 4] Say: O liar, by God, what thou hast is husks. We have left it for you as bones are left for the dogs. By God, the Truth, if one were to wash the feet of everybody in the world and worship God in thickets and in green valleys, on mountains, hill-tops, and summits, and at every stone, and tree, and clod, and yet the fragrance of My good pleasure be not diffused front him, he would never be accepted. This is what the Master of Mankind has ruled. How many a creature in the isles of India has withdrawn from the world and deprived himself of what God has made lawful for him and endured retreats and hardships; yet these things will not be remembered by God who sends down the Verses. Do not make deeds (al-a'mal) a snare of hopes (sharak al-amal). Do not deprive yourselves of this end which was the hope of those who drew nigh (to God) in the eternity of past eternities. Say : The spirit of the deeds is my good pleasure; everything depends on my acceptance. Read the Tablets in order to know what is the purpose of the books of God, the Mighty One, the Munificent. Whoever attains unto My love has a right to sit on a throne of native gold in the chief seat in (the realm of) possibility. Whoever is deprived of My love, were he to sit on the ground, it would take refuge in God, [note 1] the Possessor of Religions. (edit) |
37 | (37) من يدّعي امراً قبل اتمام الف سنة كاملة انّه كذّاب مفترٍ نسئل الله بان يؤيّده على الرّجوع ان تاب انّه هو التّوّاب وان اصرّ على ما قال يبعث عليه من لا يرحمه انّه شديد العقاب من يأوّل هذه الاية أو يفسّرها بغير ما نزّل في الظّاهر انّه محروم من روح الله ورحمته الّتي سبقت العالمين خافوا الله ولا تتّبعوا ما عندكم من الاوهام اتّبعوا ما يأمركم به ربّكم العزيز الحكيم سوف يرتفع النّعاق من اكثر البلدان اجتنبوا يا قوم ولا تتّبعوا كلّ فاجر لئيم هذا ما اخبرناكم به اذ كنّا في العراق وفي ارض السّرّ وفي هذا المنظر المنير (edit)
Whoso layeth claim to a Revelation direct from God, ere the expiration of a full thousand years, such a man is assuredly a lying impostor. We pray God that He may graciously assist him to retract and repudiate such claim. Should he repent, God will, no doubt, forgive him. If, however, he persisteth in his error, God will, assuredly, send down one who will deal mercilessly with him. Terrible, indeed, is God in punishing! Whosoever interpreteth this verse otherwise than its obvious meaning is deprived of the Spirit of God and of His mercy which encompasseth all created things. Fear God, and follow not your idle fancies. Nay, rather, follow the bidding of your Lord, the Almighty, the All-Wise. Erelong shall clamorous voices be raised in most lands. Shun them, O My people, and follow not the iniquitous and evilhearted. This is that of which We gave you forewarning when We were dwelling in ‘Iráq, then later while in the Land of Mystery, and now from this Resplendent Spot. (edit) | Whoever claims Command (amr) before the completion of a thousand years is a false liar. [note 2]
We ask God to help him to return. If he repents, He is the Relenting One. If he persists in what he has said, one who will have no mercy on him will be sent against him. He is the Strong in punishment. Whoever explains this verse or interprets it in any other way than that plainly sent down, he will be deprived of the Spirit and Mercy of God, which preceded the worlds. Fear God and follow not your illusions. Follow what your Lord, the Mighty and Wise One, commands. The sound of bleating [note 3] shall arise from most of the lands. O people, avoid every vile sinner and do not follow him. This is what we informed you when we were in Iraq, in the land of the Secret (fí ard al-sirr), [note 4] and in this illuminating Spectacle (al-manzar al-munir). (edit) |
38 | (38) يا اهل الارض اذا غربت شمس جمالي وسترتسماء هيكلي لا تضطربوا قوموا على نصرة امري وارتفاع كلمتي بين العالمين انّا معكم في كلّ الاحوال وننصركم بالحقّ انّا كنّا قادرين من عرفني يقوم على خدمتي بقيام لا تقعده جنود السّموات والارضين (edit)
Be not dismayed, O peoples of the world, when the daystar of My beauty is set, and the heaven of My tabernacle is concealed from your eyes. Arise to further My Cause, and to exalt My Word amongst men. We are with you at all times, and shall strengthen you through the power of truth. We are truly almighty. Whoso hath recognized Me will arise and serve Me with such determination that the powers of earth and heaven shall be unable to defeat his purpose. (edit) | O people of the earth, when the sun of My beauty goes down [note 5] and the heaven of My temple is hidden, do not be troubled. Arise to the help of My Cause and the exaltation of My Word among the worlds.
We are with you in all circumstances. We shall help you with Truth. We have been able. Whoever knows Me let him arise to My service with an arising at which the hosts of heavens and earths do not cause him to sit down. (edit) |
39 | (39) انّ النّاسنيام لو انتبهوا سرعوا بالقلوب الى الله العليم الحكيم ونبذوا ما عندهم ولو كان كنوز الدّنيا كلّها ليذكرهم مولاهم بكلمة من عنده كذلك ينبّئكم من عنده علم الغيب في لوح ما ظهر في الامكان وما اطّلع به الاّ نفسه المهيمنة على العالمين
قد اخذهم سكر الهوى على شأن لا يرون مولى الورى الّذي ارتفع ندآئه من كلّ الجهات لا اله الاّ انا العزيز الحكيم (edit)
The peoples of the world are fast asleep. Were they to wake from their slumber, they would hasten with eagerness unto God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. They would cast away everything they possess, be it all the treasures of the earth, that their Lord may remember them to the extent of addressing to them but one word. Such is the instruction given you by Him Who holdeth the knowledge of things hidden, in a Tablet which the eye of creation hath not seen, and which is revealed to none except His own Self, the omnipotent Protector of all worlds. So bewildered are they in the drunkenness of their evil desires, that they are powerless to recognize the Lord of all being, Whose voice calleth aloud from every direction: “There is none other God but Me, the Mighty, the All-Wise.” (edit) | People are asleep. Were they to wake they would hasten with all their hearts to God, the Knower, the Wise One.
They would throw away what they have, even were it all the treasures of the present world, that their Master may remember them with a word from Him. Thus He who has knowledge of the Unseen announces to you in a Tablet what appeared in the realm of possibility and what only His Self, the Overseer of the Worlds, has examined. The drunkenness of passion has seized upon them because they do not see the Master of mankind (al-wara), whose cry is raised from all directions: "There is no God besides Me, the Mighty, the Wise." (edit) |
40 | (40) قل لا تفرحوا بما ملكتموه في العشيّ وفي الاشراق يملكه غيركم كذلك يخبركم العليم الخبير قل هل رأيتم لما عندكم من قرار او وفآء لا ونفسي الرّحمن لو انتم منالمنصفين تمرّ ايّام حيوتكم كما تمرّ الارياح ويطوى بساط عزّكم كما طوي بساط الاوّلين تفكّروا يا قوم اين ايّامكم الماضية وايناعصاركم الخالية طوبى لايّام مضت بذكر الله ولاوقات صرفت في ذكره الحكيم
لعمري لا تبقى عزّة الاعزّآء ولا زخارفالاغنيآء ولا شوكة الاشقيآء سيفنى الكلّ بكلمة من عنده انّه لهو المقتدر العزيز القدير لا ينفع النّاس ما عندهم من الاثاث وما ينفعهم غفلوا عنه سوف ينتبهون ولا يجدون ما فات عنهم في ايّام ربّهم العزيز الحميد لو يعرفون ينفقون ما عندهم لتذكر اسمآئهم لدى العرش الا انّهم من الميّتين (edit)
Say: Rejoice not in the things ye possess; tonight they are yours, tomorrow others will possess them. Thus warneth you He Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. Say: Can ye claim that what ye own is lasting or secure? Nay! By Myself, the All-Merciful, ye cannot, if ye be of them who judge fairly. The days of your life flee away as a breath of wind, and all your pomp and glory shall be folded up as were the pomp and glory of those gone before you. Reflect, O people! What hath become of your bygone days, your lost centuries? Happy the days that have been consecrated to the remembrance of God, and blessed the hours which have been spent in praise of Him Who is the All-Wise. By My life! Neither the pomp of the mighty, nor the wealth of the rich, nor even the ascendancy of the ungodly will endure. All will perish, at a word from Him. He, verily, is the All-Powerful, the All-Compelling, the Almighty. What advantage is there in the earthly things which men possess? That which shall profit them, they have utterly neglected. Erelong, they will awake from their slumber, and find themselves unable to obtain that which hath escaped them in the days of their Lord, the Almighty, the All-Praised. Did they but know it, they would renounce their all, that their names may be mentioned before His throne. They, verily, are accounted among the dead. (edit) | Say: Do not rejoice in what you possess at nightfall, when at sunrise another will possess it. Thus does the Knower, the Omniscient One, inform you.
Say: Have you seen that your possessions remain or are loyal to you? No! By My soul, the Merciful. If only you were of the just! The days of your life pass as pass the winds. The carpet of your glory shall fold up as did that of the ancients. Think, O people! Where are your past days? Where are the eras that have elapsed? Blessed are the days that have passed in the remembrance of God and the times spent in the remembrance of Him, the Wise One. By My life, the might of the Mighty shall not abide, nor the vanities of the rich, nor the pomp of the wicked. [note 1] All shall pass away by a word from Him. He, indeed, is the Powerful, the Mighty, the Strong One. Their household goods will not benefit people. They have been careless of what benefits them. They shall be aroused and yet not find what has passed them by in the days of their Lord, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. If they only knew, they would spend what they have, so that their names might be remembered before the Throne, are they not of the dead? (edit) |