On the assumption of confirmation of the right of Lam Yazal and Laizal, it was a mirror, and no one counted its priority, and this was not specific to a soul without a soul. All things have been and will be the mirrors of God, but before the appearance of all the mirrors, they have complained with the saying - Glory be to Him -: I am afraid of you, O Judi's mirrors, about all the mirrors. All of them are in their colors and they look at them**. And they say that you are the first person who told about the truth [275] and you will still tell about the name. In another place, Awl Man Amen has been called the first mirror, and this remembrance is mentioned in the royal rank, and it is neither the first nor the last, except for the mirrors. And all these mirrors were and will be created according to a word, as long as they are established under the shadow of the Fardaniyah tree, the lights of truth will appear in them so that there is no way to see anything but Allah, and after the deviation of Satanic manifestations, they have been and will be. Fu al-Zhi, give a breath, this complaint that they have said about all the mirrors is a great proof if you are one of the poets.