Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 463

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"And indeed, this is an oppressed one who has stood before the city of Your justice and mercy, and indeed, this is a needy one who has clung to the hem of Your riches, and indeed, this is a deprived one who has sought shelter in the shade of the sanctuary of Your holiness and Your grace. I ask You by Your Name, by which You shattered the idols of illusion and desire, adorned those who are near with the garment of Your knowledge and forgiveness, and removed from the polytheists the robe of Your names and Your grace, to send down from the clouds of Your power and the heavens of Your bounty what will calm my heart and reassure my soul. Ah, ah, O my Beloved, then, agitation and helplessness have seized me at the establishment of the throne of Your chosen Name, for if You were to punish the wrongdoer who has wronged me with the eternity of Your dominion and Your sovereignty, my soul would not rejoice in that, my terror would not disappear, and my agitation and helplessness would not subside. For my face, O my God, has turned yellow with shame for what has appeared from me, and this is a scent that will not leave me even if the winds of Your forgiveness blow upon me from the right of Your care, for the eternity of Your absolute might. So do You see, O my Beloved, a loser more lost than me or a humiliated one more humbled than me?"