Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 443

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According to the explicit statement of the Exalted Countenance - may our souls be sacrificed for him - everyone was commanded to offer praise and greetings during the manifestation, but no one succeeded in doing so, and they considered the divine advice to be void and erased His testament from their hearts. Indeed, if they did not present themselves with praise and greetings in the presence of the All-Knowing King, they did, however, attack with spears and arrows from all directions. To God belongs the command before and after, and He praises Himself and His Essence if only you knew. Since no one has been successful in offering the praise that is conveyed by the Most Merciful, the Sublime Essence in this manifestation has, therefore, conveyed the mention and praise of Himself by the grace of the Most Merciful. He says - may His praise be exalted -: "O Beloved of Glory, you have conveyed Your mention and praise, then the praise of everything before You upon Myself, so that Your word may be established among the worlds and Your signs may appear to those who know." And then I say: "Upon You, O Beloved of Glory, be the mention of God and His praise, then the praise of the people of the highest assembly, and the praise of the inhabitants of the everlasting cities, then the praise of the people of the greatest depths, then the praise of all the worlds in every time, before the time, after the time, and at the time!"