Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 356
And likewise, the mention of "Seal of the Prophets" in the Quran, as well as the signs of the coming appearance and the signs of the Resurrection, such as the "splitting of the sky," the "splitting of the earth," the "disintegration of mountains," and the "raising of the dead from their apparent graves," and similar statements have been signs of the Resurrection. And to this day, they are deprived of the Master of names and attributes due to these expressions. Now, what will you do? Will you confirm or deny it? Because, according to the apparent meaning of what is recorded, it has not appeared. Either you must say that it is all false, or you must say that they have not understood its meanings. And in the text of "Seal of the Prophets," I do not know what you would say, since the first point explicitly states that a prophet has come from the very beginning and will come until the very end, even though it is considered impossible for anyone to come after the Prophet and claim prophethood.