By God, there is no god but him, calamities are coming to this land that no one can count. They have repeatedly said: "What I have been in prison and under chains and shackles, and in the hands of idolaters who have taken me from country to country and dragged me from place to place with bare head and feet, none of it is considered a calamity. Azam Yes, which has not and will not have a falsehood in creation, is that the right will suffer at the hands of a tyrant who is known as justice. What if that unjust trusts in the fools of the earth without fear and without fear, our deeds are commanded by the soul and the divine. As you can see Let the soul that I have nurtured and protected all that time, then arrogantly brought in against God, as a protest against me, and as a protest against him, which no oppressor has brought. Basrand and do not confirm his actions, he would not have committed such actions."