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O you who are immersed in the sea of signs, know that your turning away and objecting is not due to myself, but to God, my Lord, your Lord, and the Lord of our forefathers. Because I am a servant who believed in him and his messengers and his elite, and I do not find any existence for myself, because he sent me with the truth and sent me to the worlds. If you want to object, go to him and say: “With what direction did you send him who was afraid of my being, then the facts of the polytheists?” And if you find him and you are able in yourself, then mention to me a word he has, so that he may save me from you and from the affliction of the wicked, and make me from those who are cut off. Say: O Lord, you know the fullness of clarification, why did you send this servant of yours[143]? So witness it under their swords, claws and nails, O in whose hand is the kingdom of the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. Have mercy on him, O Master of kings, then help him with the truth, and that You are the Powerful, the Exalted, the Overcoming, the Mighty, the Willing.