Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 301

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"O assembly of eloquence, have mercy upon yourselves and do not cause discord and commit the act that would lead to the disintegration of the united community because of the Cause of God! Reflect on the matters that arise, purely for the sake of God! By God, the One Who there is no god but Him, the truth has always appeared at every time and age with such a state that it has left no room for doubt, suspicion, or uncertainty for the discerning and just, except for those souls that have brought confusion upon themselves. Fear God, O assembly of eloquence, and cling to God, O assembly of eloquence, and have mercy upon yourselves, O assembly of eloquence, and do not oppose the one in whom you believed during the previous Manifestation, and through whom the faith of every believer, the certainty of every certain one, the unity of every unifier, the knowledge of every knower, and the remembrance of every rememberer have been established. This is the best advice from the servant to you, if you are among the just."