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Paragraph Persian English {{{4}}}
و همچنين قبل از آن در مازندران كه همين ميرزا يحيی همراه بود، كه ايشان را اسير نموده شهر به شهر و ديار به ديار گرداندند. و روزی كه جميع علما و ساير ناس بر رجم جمال احديّه مجتمع شدند و آن جمال مبارك را در محضر ظالمين حاضر نمودند وقع ما وقع، يستحی القلم أن يذكر ما ورد علی مظهر نفس الله. و بعد اراده نمودند كه ميرزا يحيی را تأديب نمايند فرمودند:[۳۱۲]" او با من بود، اگر تقصيری شده از من بوده." و به اين جهت به او تعرّض ننموده و به آن جمال قدم وارد آوردند آنچه وارد آوردند. و همچنين توسّط از ساير همراهان فرمودند، از جمله جناب ملّا باقر حرف حیّ - عليه بهاء الله - كه الان موجود است، جويا شويد. (edit)
And also before that in Mazandaran, where this same Mirza Yahya was with him, who captured him and took him from city to city and country to country. And on the day when all the scholars and other people gathered on the stone of Jamal Ahadiya and presented that blessed Jamal in the presence of the oppressors, Waqah Ma Waqah, it is a shame for the pen to remember what we said about the Manifestation of God's Self. And then they wanted to discipline Mirza Yahya and said: [312] "He was with me, if there was a fault, it was my fault." And for this reason, they did not object to him and brought what they brought to that beauty. And they also said through other companions, including the honorable Mulla Baqir, seek the living word - upon Bahá'u'lláh - which is now available. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و از اين مراتب هم گذشته در نيالا كه دهی از دهات دار المرز است بغتةً خمسة مأة نفس أو ازيد بر آن جمال احديّه هجوم آوردند و وارد شد در آن ارض آنچه وارد شد. اگر انصاف دهی از اوّل ظهور بديع تا حين ابداً آسايش نديده اند، و مع ذلك نوشته آنچه را كه نوشته. اين امور چرا واقع شده و از برای كه واقع شده؟ شايد اين امور را هم انكار نمائی، چه كه از آن نفوس عجيب نيست. (edit)
And after these levels, in Niala, which is a tenth of the villages of Dar al-Marz, suddenly, five hundred people, or Azid, attacked that Jamal Ahadiyya, and what entered that land entered. If you are fair, they have never seen comfort from the first appearance of Badi until now, and yet he wrote what he wrote. Why did these things happen and why did they happen? Maybe you will deny these things, which is not strange for those souls. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
حال از معرض بالله مرشدت بگو كه در اين امر بر او چه وارد شده؟ مسلّم است كه لازال به اكل و شُرب و تصرّف در ابكار و نساء ناس بوده، و اعمالي كه و الله خجلت مي كشم از ذكرش مرتكب. بعد از فسادی كه در ارض طا نمود منهزم گشته به عراق آمده و در بيت ايشان وارد شد. و به قسمی خائف كه با وجود حضرت ابهی، كه جميع مي دانند كه كلّ ناس در صدد آن وجود مبارك بودند، مع ذلك - فوالّذی نفسی بيده- به مجرّد يك خبر كه از ايران[۳۱۳]مي رسيد از عراق به اطراف مي رفت و متّصل هم به عيش و عشرت نفسانی مشغول. مع ذلك آنچه مشهود است انكار نموده و نوشته كه از كجا معلوم شد كه اين قيام للّه بوده؟ (edit)
Now, tell me about your teacher, what has happened to him in this matter? It is certain that he was still addicted to eating, drinking, and excessive drinking in Abkar and Nisa, and he committed acts that I am ashamed to mention. After the corruption he did in the land of Ta, he came to Iraq and entered his house. And to some extent afraid that despite the existence of Hazrat Abhi, who everyone knows that all people were aiming for that blessed existence, nevertheless - I will give it my all - just a news that arrived from Iran[313] would go around from Iraq and Also engaged in carnal luxury. However, he denied what is evident and wrote that how did it become known that this was the uprising of God? (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ای مغلّ معرض، از كجا بر تو معلوم شد كه لغير الله بوده؟ هرگز نفس مقدّس را در آنی حفظ نفرموده اند. در اين مقام يك فقره از مناجات كه مع الله نموده اند ذكر می شود، لعلّ تتذكّر فی نفسك و تكون من المتذكّرين. مضمون آن به لسان پارسی اين است: ای اله من، هرگز نفس خود را در سبيل تو حفظ ننموده ام و با اعدايت مداهنه ننمودم. در كلّ اوان در دست اعدا مبتلی بوده ام و در احيان قضايای وارده اراده چنان بود كه جان انفاق نمايم. ولكن تو، ای پروردگار من، به حِكَم بالغه و مصالح مستوره از انظر بريّه عبد خود را حفظ فرمودی. ولكن اين حفظ نه به جهت آسايش او بوده، بلكه لاجل قضای آخَر. و توئی محمود در كلّ افعال خود و محبوب در اراده خود. حال اگر امثال تو در كلمات منزله الهيّه نظر می نمودند مطّلع می شدند به اموری كه احدی بر آن مطلع نشده، ولكن قضی عنك و عنهم. (edit)
O Mughal, how did it become clear to you that it was other than Allah? They have never preserved the holy breath in ani. At this point, one paragraph of the supplications that they prayed to Allah is mentioned, so that you may remember in your heart and be among those who remember. The meaning of it in Persian language is: O my God, I have never saved my life for your sake and I have never made excuses. All these years, I have been suffering from enemies, and sometimes I had the will to sacrifice my life. But you, my Lord, with mature wisdom and hidden interests, protected your servant from the naked eye. But this preservation was not for his comfort, but for the sake of the last judgment. And you are Mahmood in all your actions and beloved in your will. Now, if people like you looked at the words of God's status, they would be informed about things that no one has been informed about, but the judgment of Ank and Anham. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اين که نوشته بودی: نصرت امر الله كسانی نمودند كه در مازندران چرم خوردند[۳۱۴]، فرمودند: در ايّامي كه در ارض طا محبوس بوديم چند يوم اوّل چرم هم نبود كه كسی بخورد. فواحسرتا عليك، يا أيّها الغافل عن كلّ خير و العامل بكلّ شرّ! تنطق بما لا علمته، و هذا لم يكن من عندك بل بما ألقی الشّيطان فی صدرك. نسئل الله بأنْ يأخذه أخذ عزيز مقتدر. جميع ذرّات شهادت مي دهند كه جمال ابهی وحده در مقابل اعدا قائم بودند، چنانچه بعضی از احبّا از ارض طفّ در آن ايّام نوشتند و استدعا نمودند كه چند روزی مستور شوند، چه كه امر به قسمی صعب شده بود كه هر نفسی در كلّ يوم بين يدی وارد می شد خبری جديد از مكر ماكرين و اراده معرضين ذكر مي نمود. و به شأنی اعدا به اعراض برخواستند كه در كوچه ها و اسواق بعضی را معيّن نموده كه در حين مرور به ضرب رصاص شهيد نمايند. مع ذلك آنی وجه مبارك را ستر نفرموده و وحده از بيت بيرون تشريف مي آوردند و ابداً اعتنا به نفسی نمي فرمودند و هميشه "واشوقا للقاء المحبوب!" مي فرمودند. اهل ملأ اعلی از فعلشان متحيّر و جميع به "تبارك الله احسن المُبدِعين!" ناطق. و تو جميع را انكار نموده، چه كه به انفُس فجّار مأنوس گشته و از حقّ تبرّی جسته. (edit)
And the fact that you wrote: Those who ate leather in Mazandaran [314] helped Allah's command, he said: During the days when we were imprisoned in the land of Ta, no one ate leather for the first few days. Your sorrow is upon you, O you who are ignorant of all good and the doer of all evil! Argue with me without your knowledge, and this is not me with you, but with me, I cast the devil in your chest. We ask God to take it away from the beloved Almighty. All the particles bear witness that Jamal Abi Wahadh stood firm in front of the enemy, as some of his friends wrote from the land of Taff in those days and begged them to hide for a few days, because the matter had become so difficult that every soul in the whole day between A hand came in and mentioned new news about the machinations of the cunning and the will of the exposed. And in a dignified manner, they set up some people in the streets and markets to kill them with bullets. However, Ani did not cover the face of the blessed one, and they used to bring him out of the house alone, and they never paid attention to anyone's soul, and they always said, "Washogha lalqa al-muhoob!" They used to say Ahl al-Malla Ala are surprised by their actions and all of them say "Blessed be God, Ahsan al-Mobdeein!" speaker And you have denied everything, because you have become accustomed to the blasphemy and have sought freedom from the truth. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بلی، چيزی[۳۱۵]كه فرق بوده اين بوده كه اين ظهور ابدع ناس را از قتل و نزاع و جدال منع فرمودند، چنانچه در سنين توقّف در عراق ابداً در محلّ محاربه واقع نشد و تصريحاً در آيات نازل كه نصرت و تبليغ امر به مواعظ حسنه و بيانات شافيه بوده و خواهد بود، نه به مجادله و محاربه. و به شأنی اين حكم محكم نازل شده كه در بعضی از كلمات الهی مذكوركه اگر نفسی به ابنا و يا ذوی قرابه من ضُرّی وارد آورد نزد اين عبد احسن و محبوب تر است از اين که متعرّض نفسی شود. فانظر فيما نزّل فی الألواح لعلّ تنصف فی نفسك و تكون من المنصفين. و لذا در اين مدّت امری واقع نشد مگر اين که چند نفر از اين طايفه خود به امر مرشدت يك ديگر را كشتند و ديگر به احدی متعرّض نشدند. و در جميع الواح نازل كه مقصود اين ظهور اتّحاد و اتّفاق بوده، نه افتراق و اختلاف. (edit)
Yes, the thing that was different [315] was that they forbade this emergence of Ibade Nas from killing and quarreling, as during the years of Toqaf in Iraq, it never took place in the place of Muharribeh, and explicitly in the revealed verses that support and preaching are the order of preaching. Shafia's good deeds and statements have been and will be, not for fighting and fighting. And in the dignity of this firm ruling, it is mentioned in some of the divine words that if a person causes harm to my children or relatives, it is better and more beloved to this slave than if he becomes a victim of his own. So look at what was revealed in the panels, because there is fairness in your soul and I am the fair-minded. And therefore, during this period, nothing happened except that several people from this tribe killed each other at the order of the master and did not have any conflict with anyone. And in all the revealed tablets, the purpose of this emergence was unity and agreement, not division and disagreement. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اين که نوشته بودی كه نه اشخاصي كه در بغداد و جای ديگر در ايّام و ليالی در صرف چای با سماور و اوضاع و دستگاه الخ. ای ارذل وجود، و الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه اگر اقلّ از ذرّه نجابت در تو و مرشدينت بود هرگز چنين كلمات مذكور نمي نمودی و نفس الله را به جهت سرور انفس خبيثه نمي آزردی. تا حال[۳۱۶]هيچ رذلی چنين كلمات ذكر نموده كه تو نموده؟ لا فو ربّ العالمين، إلاّ أنت و أمثالك. إسمع نداء نقطة البيان، ثمّ إستحی عن جماله و لاتضرب محبوبه بسيوف البغضاء و لا مقصودَه برماح الفحشاء! إتّق مِن يوم تضطرب فيه كلّ الوجود مِن الغيب و الشّهود و تقشعرّ فيه جلود العالمين. (edit)
And the fact that you had written that not the people who in Baghdad and elsewhere during the days and nights were having tea with a samovar and the situation and device etc. O scoundrel of existence, and God is the only god, if there was even an iota of decency in you and your mentors, you would never have mentioned such words and you would not have offended the soul of God for the sake of the master of the evil soul. Until now [316] no scoundrel mentioned such words as you did? No, Lord of the worlds, except you and the likes of you. Listen to the call of the point of the statement, then I am ashamed of the beauty and hit the beloved with the swords of the indignity and not the intention of the sword of the obscenity! Be afraid of the day when the whole existence will be troubled by the unseen and the witnesses, and the world will be dismayed. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قوله - عزّ إعزازه و جلّ كبريائه -: ثمّ فی ليلة مِن آلاء الله تسعة عشر عدّة بين أيديكم لَتحصون. إلی عدد المستغاث أذن لمن يقدر، و لا تحزننّ إذا أنتم لاتستطيعون. می فرمايد تا عدد مستغاث اگر مستطيع باشيد در يك مجلس حاضر نمائيد اذن داده شده ايد، و مع ذلك تو نفهميده اعتراضاً علی الله ذكر چای و سماور و اطعمه و شيرينی و مهماني ها نموده. مع آن که امر نقطه بيان است كه می فرمايند قوله - عزّ ذكره -: فلتضيفنّ فی تسعة عشر يوماً تسعة عشر نفساً ولو أنتم ماء الواحد لتؤتون. و همچنين می فرمايند كه فرض است بر هر نفسی كه عدد واحد از بلّور دربيت خود موجود نمايد. و همچنين می فرمايد قوله - عزّ ذكره - : و أنتم أسبابكم الّتی بها فی سرّكم لَتعيشون من الذّهب و الفضّة تصنعون. مع ذلك تو پست فطرت و ارذل اعتراض به چای و سماور نموده. جميع اين بيانات را نقطه اولی ذكر نفرموده مگر آن که كسی تمسّك نجويد كه "خبز شعير[۳۱۷]خوردم تا به رتبه اعلی فائز شدم." (edit)
Qula - the glory of the glory and the glory of the greatness -: Then, in the night of Allah's glory, there are nineteen numbers between my hands for protection. Until the number of those asking for permission, I can't do it, and if you don't worry, you won't be able to do it. He says that if you are able to attend a meeting, you have been given permission to attend the meeting, and yet you did not understand, he mentioned tea, samovar, food, sweets, and parties as a protest against Allah. However, it is a point of expression that they say, "Az-zakrah-: Let them eat nine times a day for nine times a day, even if you are the same water for you." And they also say that it is obligatory for every soul to have a single number of crystals in its house. And he also says the saying - Ezz-e-Zakrah -: And you are the ones who create gold and silver in your head so that you can live with me. However, you objected to tea and samovar in the post of Fitrat and Arzal. All these statements are not mentioned by the first point unless someone insists that "I ate barley bread [317] until I attained the highest rank." (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بلی، آن قدر هست كه انسان بايد به قليل كفايت كند و شاكر باشد و به كثير از حقّ غافل نشود، اصل امر اين است. و إلاّ رياضت و عدم آن علامت حقّ و باطل نبوده، و علامت احبّای حقّ از جبينشان ظاهر و مشهود، چنانچه اليوم به خاتم عقيق معانی بر جبين احبّای الهی مرقوم كه "هذا مِن أهل الله بين العالمين". و والله مقصودی از اين بيان نداشته اند مگر آن که شايد به عنايت الهی عباد از اين حدودات فارغ شوند. فرمودند: اگر ممكن می شد اليوم امر مي نمودم كه جميع اهل الله بر اكراس ذهب جالس شوند، چه كه آنچه خلق شده در حقيقت اوّليه مخصوص مؤمنين بالله بوده. كجا است اين نظر و آن نظری كه در چای خوردن اعتراض می نمايد، مع آن که از مذهب بيان است؟ (edit)
Yes, there is so much that a person should be satisfied with a little and be thankful and not neglect the truth too much, the principle of the matter is this. And there is no sign of truth and falsehood except discipline and the absence of it, and the sign of the lovers of the truth is visible and evident from their foreheads, as today the agate seal means on the foreheads of the lovers of God, that "This is from the people of God among the worlds." And by God, they did not mean this statement, except that perhaps by the grace of God, the worshipers will be freed from these limitations. He said: If it were possible, I would order today that all the people of God should sit on the golden thrones, even though what was created was originally for the believers of God. Where is this opinion and that opinion that protests against drinking tea, even though it is an expression of religion? (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ای اهل بيان، تفكّر در اعتراضات معرضين نمائيد كه چه وارد نموده اند! تفكّروا لتكوننّ فيهم لَمن المتبصّرين! چه زود جميع شئونات الهيّه را تبديل نموده اند، چه كه مخصوص حضرت اعلی - روح ماسواه فداه - در كلّ يوم چای ميل مي فرمودند و جميع احبّا را امر فرموده اند به شرب چای. و می فرمايند به رياضت به اين مقام نرسيده ام، چنانچه جمال ابهی می فرمايند هرگز رياضت[۳۱۸]نكشيده ام و از اهل علم نبوده ام، بلكه اين عنايتی كه ظاهر شده از فضل پروردگار بوده مِن غير استحقاقی بِهِ. ولكن به اضطرارْ بسيار از ليالی كه از نعماء الهی بين يدی هيچ شیء نبوده حتّی نان، و همچنين دو سنه متواليه به حسب ظاهر هيچ از اسباب تعيّش نبوده، ولكن در كلّ حال شاكر بوده ايم و راضی خواهيم بود. (edit)
O people of expression, think about the objections of the exposed people, what they have brought! Thinking and being among them is the blessing of the discerning! How quickly they have changed all the affairs of God, what they used to say about tea every day and ordered all their loved ones to drink tea. And they say that I have not reached this position through discipline, as Jamal Abhi says, I have never practiced discipline [318] and I was not from the people of knowledge, but this favor that appeared was from the grace of God, I do not deserve it. However, due to the urgency of many nights when there was nothing from God's favors, not even bread, and also for two consecutive years, according to the appearance, there were no means of living, but we have been grateful and will be satisfied. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و اليوم احبّای الهی بايد به هيچ وجه بر خود سخت نگيرند. در صورت امكان به اغذيه لطيفه متنعّم شوند و در كلّ احوال به حدّ اعتدال حركت نمايند. و اگر غذا واحد باشد احبّ است عند الله. ولكن جهد نموده كه آن واحد از اغذيه لطيفه باشد علی قدر وسع. و بايد اولو الغَنا فقرا را فراموش ننمايند، چه كه فقرا امانات الله اند بين عباد. أن أنفقوا، يا قوم، ما رزقكم الله به و كونوا من (الّذين يُؤْثِرُون علی أنفسهم و لو كان بهم خَصَاصَةٌ). كذلك نزل فی البيان، ثمّ فی الفرقان، ثمّ فی الإنجيل و الزّبور و التّوراة و صحف الله المهيمن العزيز القيّوم. (edit)
And today, God's friends should not be hard on themselves in any way. If possible, indulge in light food and move in moderation in all circumstances. And if the food is one, it is loved by Allah. But he has tried to make it one of the nicest foods. And first of all, they should not forget the poor, because the poor are God's trust among the servants. That we spend, O people, we will provide you with Allah's provision and be mine (those who influence themselves and if it was characteristic of them). It was also revealed in al-Bayan, then in al-Furqan, then in al-Anjil, al-Zabor, al-Torah, and the pages of Allah, the Mighty, the Mighty, the Mighty and Majestic. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
باری امر الله مقدّس از جميع اين امور بوده و كلّ آنچه خلق شده ما بين سموات و ارض مخصوص مظاهر امر خلق شده. ولكن فو الله الّذی لا اله إلاّ هو كه آن نفوس مشرقه از افق احديّه لازال خود به قليل كفايت فرموده اند و ناس را در اين امورات بر انفس مبارك[۳۱۹]خود مقدّم داشته اند، چنانچه بسا شده كه آنچه در بيت حاضر بوده مخصوص احبّا فرستاده اند و آن ليل و يا يوم را اهل حرم گرسنه مانده اند. فللّه الحمد فی كلّ الأحوال و إنه إطّلع ما لا إطّلعتم به، يا معشر المفترين! (edit)
Allah's order is the most sacred of all these matters, and all of our creations between the heavens and the earth are special manifestations of the created order. But by God, there is no god but that those souls of the east from the horizon of Ahadiya have always said that they are enough for a little and have put people before themselves in these matters, as it is enough that what was present in the house is for the loved ones. They have sent and the people of the shrine have remained hungry that night or day. Praise be to God in all circumstances, and it is our knowledge, not your knowledge, O group of transgressors! (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اگر كلّ مَن علی الأرض و آنچه در او خلق شده از نعمای لطيفه و فواكه طيّبه در يك مجلس حبّاً للّه از برای نفس مؤمن بالله حاضر شود، اسراف نبوده و نخواهد بود. ولكن تو و امثال تو اگر لقمه نانی تصرّف نمائيد مسرف بوده و خواهد بود، چه كه اسراف در غفلت از حقّ مشهود است. و همان لقمه نان كه به نفس آن معرض بالله معذّب شده پناه مي برد به خدا از اين که نصيب او گشته. و والله كلّ ما يأكل لَينوح و يضجّ و يقول: "يا إلهی، بأیّ جرم جعلتنی رزق هذا الفاجر الّذی كفر بك و بآياتك؟" ولكن تو شاعر نشده و نخواهی شد. (edit)
If the whole of me on earth and all that is created in it from the graces of beauty and the fruits of goodness are present in one assembly for the sake of God for the sake of the soul of the believer, it would not be an extravagance. But you and those like you, if you waste a morsel of bread, you are and will be wasteful, which wastefulness is evident in neglecting the right. And the same morsel of bread, whose soul has been subjected to torture, takes refuge in God because it has become his share. And by God, all of us eat linuh and yizj and say: "O God, by what crime did you falsify the sustenance of this early morning, the one who disbelieves in you and your revelations?" But you are not a poet and you will not be. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و از اين مراتب گذشته و الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو و به حقّ طلعت مبارك خود ايشان كه اكثر اوقات در حَرَم غذای يوم نبوده. و بسا از ايّام كه قريب به عصر نان از برای اهل حرم تحصيل می شد، آن هم به دَين. و بعضی احيان كه بعضی از اصحاب ضيافت می نمودند بعضی از احباب را حبّاً للّه طلب مي فرمودند و بعد از قرائت آيات الهی و كلمات[۳۲۰]عزّ صمدانی هر كسی به قدر خود مرزوق می شد. و اين مقصود اظهار حبّ بوده. باری در آن ايّام خيال نمي رفت كه مثل تو معرض محتجبی پيدا شود كه به اين گونه امور اعتراض نمايد، ولكن فو الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه آن نفس معرض بالله كه جميع اين كلمات را به تو القا نموده در جميع ايّام راحت بوده و با نساء متعدّده به عيش مشغول. و به حقّ خود ايشان كه لازال زخارف ملكيّه نزدش موجود و هر وقت كه فی الجملة گفتگوئی در عراق می شد عازم بصره و ديار اخری بوده، چنانچه كلّ مي دانند. ولكن كلمات الحقّ لا يزيدك إلاّ غلّا و إعراضاً. (edit)
And beyond these levels, and God Almighty, there is no god but Him, and by the right of his blessedness, he was not in the sanctuary of the food of the day most of the time. And probably from the days when it was close to the age of bread, it was taught to the people of the Haram, that too about religion. And sometimes, when some of the companions would have a feast, some of the friends would ask for the love of God, and after reciting the divine verses and the words [320] of Ezz Samdani, everyone would be blessed according to their own level. And this is meant to express love. In those days, it was never imagined that there would be a protester like you who would object to such matters, but by God, that soul is subject to God, who inspired all these words to you, and was comfortable in all the days. Lives with many women. And by his own right, he still has Zakharov Malikiya with him, and whenever there was a conversation in Iraq, he was going to Basra and other countries, as everyone knows. But the words of the truth do not help you, except for grain and symptoms. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ای بی خبر بی بصر، در حسين بن علیّ چه مي گوئی كه در حين حركت از مدينه طيّبه مباركه با هودج های زرّين حركت فرمودند و با كمال اسباب ظاهره، چنانچه امثال تو مي گويند كه ساربان حضرت چون ديده بود كه بند اِزار مبارك مطرّز به لئالی است، لذا بعد از شهادت حضرت رفته و بعد واقع شد آنچه اين عبد شرم می نمايد از ذكر آن. البتّه آن را هم نسبت به دنيا خواهی داد. (edit)
O ignorant, blind person, what do you say about Husayn bin Ali, that while moving from the blessed city of Madinah, they moved with golden hodges and with all the visible equipment, as people like you say that the messengers of the Prophet, when he saw that the band of Ezar Mubarak was It is loyal, therefore, after the martyrdom of the Prophet, he left and then what this Abd is ashamed of mentioning happened. Of course, you will also give it to the world. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و از كلّ اين امور گذشته در اين ظهور تا به حال اسباب دنيا فراهم نيامد تا تو يا غير تو اعتراض نمايد. فی كلّ حين قد كنّا فی بلاء و شدّةٍ[۳۲۱]عظيم لو أنتم مِن المنصفين. و اين که به القای آن معرض ملقی نوشته كه جمال احديّه با اجامر و اوباش معاشر بوده اند و به صحبت های لاطايل مشغول بوده اند، يكذّبك كلماتُ بعدِك كلماتِ قبلك. مي نويسی بيست سال با عرفا مجالس و مؤانس بوده اند و بعد نوشته با اجامر و اوباش. مُتْ بغيظك، يا أيّها الغافل، إنّک أنت الّذی ذُكرتَ فی كتاب القبل بقوله - تعالی -: (كَمَثَلِ الكلبِ إنْ تَحْمِلْ عليه يَلهَث أو تَترُكهُ يَلهَث.) در كلّ احوال به هوی ناطقند و در مسالك نفس سالك. بلی، و الله اگر با اجامر معاشر نبودند البته با سيّد محمّد و مرشدش معاشر نمی شدند. اجامر و اوباش امثال اين نفوس بوده اند، و إلاّ آن اجامر كه بوده و اوباش چه نفوسی بوده اند؟ (edit)
And from all these past affairs, in this advent, until now, no worldly reasons have been provided for you or anyone else to protest. At all times, stand tall in calamity and severity [321] if you are among the righteous. And the fact that, by inducing it, Maalqi wrote that Jamal Ahadiya was hanging out with Ajamar and mobsters and was engaged in dirty talk, it is a lie of the next words of the previous words. You write that they have been with mystics for twenty years, and then you write with Ajamer and mobs. Die, you who are ignorant, you are the one who was mentioned in the Book of the Predestined by the Exalted: (Like a dog, if you bear it when it breathes or let it breathe). Yes, and Allah, if they did not associate with Ajamer, of course they would not associate with Seyyed Muhammad and his mentor. There have been thugs and mobs like these people, and what kind of people were there other than those thugs and thugs? (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
البتّه كلمات الهی را لا طايل دانسته، چه كه تكلّم نفرموده اند مگر به آيات الهی. برو و از اهل عراق سؤال كن! بسيار كلمات صدقی به تو القا نموده اند. يُكذّبك كلُّ شیء ولكن أنت لا تشعر. از اين گذشته، ای بی انصاف ظالم، تو كجا بوده و كجا ديده كه ايشان با اجامر و اوباش نشسته باشند؟ البتّه اراذل و اوباش مؤمنين بالله را دانسته. لا زال در احيان هر ظهور مشركين مخصوص به همين كلمه تكلّم نموده اند، بقوله - تعالی -: (و ما نراك إتّبعك إلاّ[۳۲۲]الّذينهم أراذِلُنا بادیَ الرّأی). چنانچه از قبل ذكر شد، لايق تو آن که به امثال اين كلمات تكلّم نمايد. فو الله همين كلمه تو دليل بر حقيّت حقّ بوده و خواهد بود. لعن الله أوّل ظالم ظلم نقطة الأولی فی ظهوره الأخری و إفتری علی نفسه و كفر بآياته و ملاء صدره مِن غلّه و بغضائه، و بهذا اللّعن يلعنه كلّ مَن فی السّموات و الأرضين. (edit)
Of course, he considered God's words useless, because they did not speak except for God's verses. Go and ask the people of Iraq! Many sincere words have inspired you. You deny everything, but you don't feel it. After this, O unjust and cruel one, where have you been and where have you seen them sitting with thugs and thugs? Of course, he knows the thugs and thugs of the believers of Allah. Still, at every appearance of polytheists, they have spoken about this particular word, with the saying - Exalted -: (And we will not follow you except [322] those who are our rascals, Badi al-Rai). As already mentioned, it is worthy of you to speak like these words. God willing, this very word of yours has been and will be proof of the truth of the truth. The curse of Allah, the first oppressor, the first point of oppression in the last appearance, and defamation of the verses, and his chest full of grain and malice, and with this curse he curses all of me in the heavens and the earth. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو، بلايائی بر اين جمال مظلوم وارد شده كه بر احدی از اوّل ابداع تا حين وارد نشده. امری كه مشهود عالميان است او را انكار نموده ايد. مثل آن که كلّ مشاهده نموده اند كه در امر الله به نفسی مداهنه نفرموده اند و به نفسی ملتجی نشده اند، چنانچه در عراق سركار مشير خواستند معاشرت نمايند قبول نفرمودند، تا آن که بالاخره به مسجد تشريف بردند، چنانچه كلّ شنيده اند. و بعد از ورود به مدينه كبير هم نزد احدی نرفتند و به نفسی توجّه نفرمودند و كلّ شاهد و گواهند. مع ذلك چنين نفسی را مي نويسيد كه با اجامر و اوباش معاشر بوده. و نفسی را كه برای لقمه نان به كلّ نفوس شكايت كرده كه سواد عرايضش الان موجود و زن مخصوص نان به سرايه فرستاده و به استانبول دويده و به هر نفسی ملتجی شده، افعال چنين نفسی مقبول و افعال[۳۲۳]حقّ غير مقبول. ای و الله، كذلك ينبغی لكم و لأنفسكم. (edit)
And Allah Almighty, there is no god but Him, calamities have befallen this oppressed beauty that have not befallen anyone since the beginning of creation until now. You have denied him, which is evident to the world. As they have all observed that they did not self-advocate in the command of Allah and they did not accept any self, if they asked to hang out with the adviser in Iraq, they did not accept it, until finally they took him to the mosque, as they all heard. And after entering Madinah Kabir, they did not go to anyone and did not pay attention to anyone, and they are all witnesses. However, you write such a person who has been hanging out with thugs and mobs. And the soul that has complained to all souls for a piece of bread, whose literacy is now available, and sent a special bread woman to Saraya, and ran to Istanbul and became a victim of every soul, the actions of such a soul are acceptable and the actions of the right are unacceptable. Oh God, it should be the same for you and me. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قدری تفكّر كن كه همين كلمه امثال تو چه قدر عظيم است، و چگونه خورشيد نورانی را در فكر افتاده ايد كه به حجبات نفس و هوی مستور داريد و اعمالش را ضايع كنيد. نه، و الله جز امثال تواحدی به اين كلمات التفات ننمايد، چه كه كلّ فعل حقّ را به بصر خود ديده اند. يومی از ايّام فرمودند كه: اعظم از اين بلايا در سرادق قضا مستور است و بايد نازل شود، چنانچه خوابی در عراق ديده ام و از آن چنين مستفاد می شود. قال و قوله الحقّ: كنت نائماً فی ليلة البلماء بعد عفراء. إذاً رأيتُ بأن إجتمعتْ فی حولی النّبيّون و المرسلون و هم قد جلسوا فی أطرافی و كلّهم ينوحون و يبكون و يصرخون و يضجّون. و إنّی تحيّرتُ فی نفسی، فسئلتُ عنهم. إذاً إشتدّ بكائهم و صريخهم و قالوا: "لنفسك، يا سرّ الأعظم و يا هيكل القدم!" و بكوا علی شأن بكيتُ ببكائهم. (edit)
Think for a while about how great this word like you is, and how you have thought of the bright sun that you hide behind the veils of your ego and ego, and waste its actions. No, and Allah does not pay attention to these words except for the likes of Tawheed, because they have seen all the actions of the truth with their own eyes. One day they said that: The greatest of these calamities is hidden in the gate of judgment and must be revealed, as if I had a dream in Iraq and it will be used as such. Qal and Qula al-Haqq: I was sleeping in Lailat al-Balma after Afra. So I saw that the Prophets and the Messengers were gathered together, and they were all sitting in the corners, and they were all lamenting and crying and screaming and shouting. And this is my surprise in my soul, my question is about them. So, their crying and their cries intensified and they said: "For your soul, O Sir-ul-Azam and O Temple of the Eternal!" And cry for the dignity of crying. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و إذاً سمعت بكاء أهل ملاء الأعلی و فی تلك الحالة خاطبونی و قالوا: "قد عظم بلائك، يا سدرة المنتهی! و كبر قضائك، يا سرّ الآخرة و الأولی! عليك بالصّبر يا آيةَ الكبری و ظهورَ نقطة الأولی! ثمّ عليك بالصّبر، يا شجرة القصوی و ظهور القضاء فی ملكوت الإمضإ! فسوف تری بعينك ما لا رئاهُ[۳۲۴]أحدٌ من المعشر النّبيّين و تشهد ما لا شهده أحد مِن العالمين و تسمع ما لا سمعه أذنُ الأصفياء و الأودّاء. فصبراً صبراً، يا سرّ الله المكنون و رمز المخزون و كلمته المحتوم و كتابه المختوم." (edit)
Then I heard the crying of the people of the Most High, and in that state they addressed me and said: “Your affliction has become great, O Sidrat al-Muntaha! And your decree is great, O secret of the hereafter and the first! You have to be patient, O sign of the greatest and the appearance of the first point! Then you have to be patient, O tree Al-Qasawi and the emergence of the judiciary in the kingdom of signature! You will see with your eyes what none of the prophets has seen[324] and witness what no one from the worlds has witnessed, and hear what the ear of the pure and the faithful has not heard. His inevitable word and His sealed book. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)

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