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Paragraph Persian English {{{4}}}
و همچنين می فرمايند بيانه - عزّ بيانه -: احدی بر بيان مطّلع نه و به علم او محيط نبوده و نخواهد بود، مگر آن هيكل الهيّه و معدن و منبع علوم ربّانيّه. مع ذلك نفوسي كه به محاربه برخواسته ادّعای علم نموده و می نمايند، مع آن که فو الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه در دبستان علم حقيقی با طفل ابجد خوان برابری نكرده[۱۵۸] و نخواهند كرد، بلكه در آن محضر اگر وارد شوند خود را كليل مشاهده نمايند. می فرمايد: روح كلّ در قبضه اقتدار آن ظهور امنع اقدس بوده و خواهد بود و در نزد كلّ نيست مگر شبحی از او. و اين هم اگر بر حقّ ثابت باشند و إلاّ می فرمايد كه قابل ذكر نيستند. (edit)
And they also say Bayaneh - Ezz Bayaneh -: No one is knowledgeable about Bayaneh, and there is no environment for his knowledge, and there will be no environment, except for that temple of God and the mine and source of divine knowledge. However, the souls who have called for Muharribeh claim knowledge and do so, despite the fact that in the elementary school of true knowledge, they have not been equal to a child of Abjad Khan[158] and they will not, but if they enter that presence, they will see Kalil. He says: The soul of the whole has been and will be in the possession of the authority of that holy manifestation, and there is nothing but a ghost of him in the sight of the whole. And this is also if they are established on the truth and otherwise he says that they cannot be mentioned. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
حال ملاحظه كن اين نفوس را كه به چه مقام افتاده اند، فوالله فی أسفل الهاوية لو أنتم تشعرون. اليوم كلّ علوم ارض عندالله معدوم و غير مذكور، بلكه علم الهی، كه مقصود بوده و در كلّ كتب ربّانی و زبر صمدانی ممدوح، علم به مظهر نفس او بوده در هر ظهوری حين ظهور. اليوم هر نفسی به آن فائز شد و لو حرفی عالم نباشد اعلم ناس عندالله مذكور. و اگر العياذ بالله از اين فضل اعظم محروم ماند و حافظ كلّ كتب باشد اجهل از كلّ ناس عندالله مشهود. (edit)
Now, look at the status of these people who have fallen. Today, all the knowledge of the earth in the presence of God is extinct and not mentioned, but the knowledge of God, which is intended and is praised in all the books of Rabbani and Samadani's poetry, is the knowledge of the manifestation of His soul in every manifestation. Today, every soul has benefited from it, and if there is no word of knowledge, it is known to God. And if Al-Ayaz, by God, is deprived of this great grace and is the keeper of all books, he is more ignorant than all people in the sight of God. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بشنو بيان ديگر منزل بيان - روح ماسواه فداه - را قوله - عزّ إجلاله -: و همچنين تصوّر كن در نزد ظهور آن جمال قدم كه اگر كلّ اهل بيان در جوهر علم مثل او گردند كه ثمر نمی بخشد إلاّ به تصديق به او. فلتعتبرنّ أن يا أولی العلم، ثمّ إيّاه تتّقون. والله حال خجلت مي برد اين عبد[۱۵۹]كه چه ذكر نمايد. اين بيان نقطه اولی - روح ماسواه فداه – و آن كلمات شما كه عالم را به كدورت و غبار تيره نموده. فارفع رأسك عن النّوم، ثمّ إشهد أنوار تجلّی ربّك لعلّ تطّلع بما كنتَ غافلاً عنه و تكون من التّائبين إلی الله الّذی خلقنی و إيّاك و جعلنا من الّذينهم أدركوا أيّام لقائه و كانوا مِن الفائزين. از خدا می طلبم كه نسيم عنايتی بوزد كه شايد آن مرده را به عرصه حيات كشاند و از فضل و عنايت خود قطره از ماء حيوان وكوثر جاريه از يمين عرش ربّك الرّحمن مشروب فرمايد. و او است بر كلّ شیء قادر و توانا. (edit)
Listen to another statement of the house of speech - the spirit of self-sacrifice - Qula - Ezz Ijlalah -: and also imagine before the appearance of that beautiful step that if all the people of speech become like him in the essence of knowledge, it will not bear fruit except by confirming him. Let them believe that, O first of knowledge, then you will be righteous. By God, this servant [159] is ashamed of what he mentions. This statement of the first point - the spirit of self-sacrifice - and those words of yours that darkened the world with darkness and dust. So raise your head from sleep, then witness the lights of your Lord's manifestation, so that you may be aware of what you were unaware of and be among those who repent to Allah, the One who created us and made us aware of the days of His meeting and be among the winners. I ask God to blow a breeze that may bring that dead person to the realm of life, and from his grace and care, let him drink a drop of animal water and a flowing kotsar from the right side of the throne of Rabbak al-Rahman. And he is able and powerful over all things. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
از اين مراتب گذشته در يحيی بن ذكريّا و عيسی بن مريم چه می گوئيد، كه يحيی بن ذكريّا مبعوث شد قبل از عيسی و ادّعای نبوّت هم نمود، چنانچه جميع فِرَق اسلام به نبوّت او قائل و مذعنند؟ و به احكام و شرايع هم ظاهر شدند، چنانچه هر نفسی، كه بين يديه حاضر می شد و به رسالتش معترف، به آدابي، كه در آن وقت از سماء مشيّت نازل، باب غسلش مي داد و تلقين كلمات الهيّه مي فرمود. و همچنين بشارت مي داد ناس را به ظهور كلمه اعظم يعنی روح الله. (edit)
What do you say about Yahya Ibn Zacharias and Jesus Ibn Maryam, that Yahya Ibn Zacharias was sent before Jesus and claimed prophethood, as all the sects of Islam agree and disagree with his prophethood? And they appeared according to the rules and laws, just as every soul, who appeared among the Jews and confessed to his mission, performed his ghusl according to the manners, which at that time was sent down from heaven, and recited the words of God. And he also gave good news to people about the emergence of the great word, that is, the Spirit of God. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بعد از آن که روح ظاهر شد و كلمه الهيّه از خلف حجبات ستريّه به اشراقات احديّه طالع و مشرق و منير گشت[۱۶۰]ناس اعتراض نمودند چه كه آن حضرت به حسب ظاهر با خاطئين مُجالس و مؤانس بودند. چنانچه در خود انجيل مسطور و مكتوب كه با عشارين معاشرت مي فرمود، چنانچه در مواضع عديده بر آن سلطان احديّه اعتراض نمودند. مخصوص در يومی از ايّام بعضی از غافلين بين يديه حاضر و اعتراض نمود: "يا روح الله! اصحاب يحيی بن ذكريّا بسيار زاهد و عابد بودند به شأني كه در ايّام صائم و ليالی به ذكر الله قائم. لكن آنچه از شما و اصحاب شما مشاهده می شود به عبادت و ذكر مشغول نيستيد، بلكه اجتناب از مال ناس نمي نمائيد." فتفكّر الرّوح فی نفسه، ثمّ رفع رأسه و قال: "لو كان يحيی علی ما أنتم تقولون لِمَ قتلتُمُوهُ، يا ملاءَ المشركين؟" می فرمايد به قول شما من خاطی، يحيی بن ذكريّا كه تقصيری نكرده و جميع هم مقرّيد به زهد و تقوای آن جمال مبين، پس او را چرا كشتيد؟ فبهت الّذی كفر، و خائباً خاسراً راجع گشت. (edit)
After the spirit appeared and the word of God appeared from behind the veils of the veil to the illuminations of the Horoscope, the East, and the Moon [160], people protested that according to appearance, the Holy Prophet was consorting with sinners. As it is recorded in the written Bible that he was associating with the Asharins, as they protested against that Sultan of Ahadiya in many places. Especially on one of the days of some of the heedless among the Yadiyeh, he protested: "O Spirit of God! The companions of Yahya bin Zacharia were very ascetic and devout, to the extent that they fast during the days of fasting and nights in remembrance of God. But what I saw from you and your companions It is possible that you are not engaged in worship and remembrance, but you are not avoiding people's wealth. So the soul thought about itself, then raised its head and said: "If Yahya had been our Ali, you would say why did you kill him, O Mullah of the polytheists?" He says, according to you, I am a sinner, Yahya bin Zachariah, who has not committed any sin and all are bound by the beauty of asceticism and piety, so why did you kill him? Fabhat al-Zhi is disbelief, and it is lost. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و همچنين اعتراض می نمودند كه تو شريعت يحيی را تغيير داده مع آن که هنوز امر او مابين عباد ثابت نشده و تكميل دوره او نگشته. چه كه ايّامی نگذشت مابين آن ظهور و اين ظهور و او عباد را باب غسل مي داد و تو قائل كه به روح القدس غسل مي دهم، چنانچه اصحابت داده اند. و آنها صائم بودند[۱۶۱] و اصحاب تو آكل. و او به تمام زهد ظاهر، چنانچه ابداً در اموال ناس به قدر خردلی تصرّف ننموده و اصحاب شما هر يك كه از مزارع عبور می نمايند اجتناب از اخذ و اكل نمی نمايند و ديگر به هيچ عملی عامل نيستند. فرمودند: "اين ايّام ايّام شادی و عيش است. وقتی آيد كه به كلّ اعمال عامل شوند." و مقصودشان اين بود كه چون ايّام لقاء الله است فی الحقيقة مقام جنّت احديّه است و در آن مقام اگر در بعضی از امور ظاهره اهمال رود حقّ - تعالی شأنه – عفو خواهد فرمود، و بعد از ارتقای روح به رفيق اعلی آنچه به او مأمور شده اند البتّه عامل خواهند شد. (edit)
And they also objected that he changed Yahya's law even though his order has not yet been established among the worshipers and his term has not been completed. No days passed between that apparition and this apparition, and he bathed the servants, and you believed that I bathed in the Holy Spirit, as your companions did. And they were fasting [161] and your companions were eating. And he, despite all the apparent asceticism, has never spent as much as mustard on other people's property, and each of your companions who pass through the fields do not avoid taking and eating, and they are no longer involved in any action. He said: "These days are the days of joy and happiness. When it comes, they will be responsible for all actions." And their intention was that since it is the days of the meeting of Allah, in truth, the position of heaven is one, and in that position, if the truth is neglected in some apparent matters, the Almighty will forgive him, and after the soul is elevated to the companion of the Supreme, what is assigned to him. And, of course, they will become agents. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و فوالله ظهور نقطه اولی و اين ظهور ابدع ابهی بعينه ظهور يحيی بن ذكريا و روح الله است و جميع مطابق واقع شده. همان قسم كه يحيیْ نبیّ و رسول بود مِن عندالله و همچنين مبشّر به ظهور بعد چنانچه مي فرمود: "يا قوم، إنّی أبشّركم بملكوت الله و إنّه قد إقترب" و در مقام ديگر: (و قد إقتربتْ ملكوتُ الله) و همچنين صاحب احكام و شريعت بوده و همچنين در ايّام ظهور او روح ظاهر شده، نقطه اولی - روح ما سواه فداه - بعد از آن که اخذ عهد از كلّ نموده و بشارت داده به ظهور بعد می فرمايد: و لقد قرُب الزّوال و أنتم راقدون[۱۶۲]، كه بعينه همان مضمون است كه يحيی بن ذكريّا به آن تكلّم نموده و بشارت داده. (edit)
And by Allah, the emergence of the first point and this emergence of Abd'a Abhi is the same as the emergence of Yahya bin Zachariah and the Spirit of God, and all of them are in accordance. The same oath that Yahya was a prophet and a messenger from God and also a tiding of the next appearance, as he used to say: "O people, I am giving you good tidings of the kingdom of God and it is near." And in another place: (and the kingdom of God is near) It was the law, and also during the days of his appearance, the spirit appeared, the first point - our spirit, apart from sacrifice - after he took the covenant from the whole and gave good news about the next appearance, he says: And we are near the end of the world and you are sleeping [162], who It is exactly the same theme that Yahya bin Zachariah spoke about and gave good news. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و در اين ظهور هم آنچه به عيسی بن مريم اعتراض نمودند، ملاء بيان هم همان اعتراضات را نموده. چنانچه شما مي نويسيد كه تكميل دوره نشده. و همچنين مي نويسيد كه بايد احكام تغيير داده نشود. و تلويحاً مي خواهيد ذكر نمائيد كه احكام را تغيير داده اند. و همين را كذب محض به شما تلقين نموده اند، چه كه مخصوص فرموده اند كه به بيان پارسی عمل نمايند. (edit)
And in this apparition, what they objected to Isa bin Maryam, Mullah expressed the same objections. If you write that the course has not been completed. And you also write that the provisions should not be changed. And implicitly you want to mention that they have changed the rules. And they have taught you this as a pure lie, which they have specifically told you to follow the Persian statement. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و ديگر تغيير احكام دخلی به رتبه ندارد كه هر ظهوری ادّعای برتری از ظهور قبل نمايد. بايد احكام تغيير دهد و ناسخ اوامر قبل باشد، چنانچه خود نقطه بيان فرموده كه اگر اعتراضات اهل فرقان نمي بود شريعت فرقان را نسخ نمي نمودم. و از آن گذشته به اعتقاد خود شما و جميع حضراتْ داود يكی از انبيای اعظم است و صاحب كتاب. مع ذلك ناس را به شريعت تورات امر فرمود. و همچنين از كلمه عيسی بن مريم است كه می فرمايد: (ما جاء ابن الإنسان ليدين العالم بل جاء ليُحيی العالم.) از اين بيان همچه معلوم می شود كه در اوّل ظهور اراده تغيير احكام قبل نداشته اند، چنانچه يحيی بن ذكريا هم تغيير كلّيه نداده اند إلاّ در بعض امور. و آنچه[۱۶۳]مسلّم است حكم سبت را حضرت روح تغيير دادند و يوم احد قرار فرمودند. و همچنين حكم سيف را مرتفع فرمودند و طلاق را هم منع نمودند. (edit)
And changing the rules does not affect the rank, so that each appearance claims superiority over the previous appearance. He should change the rules and abrogate the previous orders, as the point himself stated that if it were not for the objections of the Farqan people, I would not have canceled the Farqan Sharia. And after that, according to your own belief and that of all gentlemen, David is one of the great prophets and the owner of the book. However, he commanded Nas to follow the Torah law. And it is also from the words of Jesus ibn Maryam who says: (We came Ibn al-Hussan to see the world, but he came to see the world.) From this statement, it is clear that they did not intend to change the previous rules at the first appearance, just as Yahya ibn Zachariah also changed the whole. They have not given except in some matters. And what [163] is Muslim, the ruling of the Sabbath was changed by Hazrat Ruh and made it the day of Uhud. And they also lifted the rule of Saif and prohibited divorce. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
ولكن در اين ظهور اگر ملاحظه نمائيد با اين که در اوّل امر جز عبوديّت صرفه امری ظاهر نشد، مع ذلك ذئاب ارض از ملاء بيان به اعراض و اعتراض برخواستند و از ايكات نفاق به قصد نيّر آفاق بيرون آمدند. با آن که حكم محكم بيان است و دركلّ الواح الله مسطور كه اگر نفسی به آيات ظاهر شود به او معارضه ننمائيد و مجادله نكنيد و احتجاج ننمائيد، و بشأنی در اين حكم مبالغه فرموده اند كه والله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو حكمی از اين محكم تر و ثابت تر در بيان نازل نشده، گويا جميع بيان در اين امر ابدع امنع نازل شده، مع ذلك اوّل معرض و امثال او به اعراض برخواسته و وارد آورده اند آنچه را كه هيچ ظالمی عامل نشده. شما اين ارض نبوده ايد كه مطّلع باشيد. به حقّ نقطه اولی و جميع نبيّين و مرسلين كه به حقّ و راستی تكلّم مي نمايم. (edit)
However, in this appearance, if you notice that, at first, nothing but servitude appeared, yet the wolves of the land rose up from the open air to complain and protest, and came out of hypocrisy with the intention of tying the horizons. Even though the firm ruling is clear and hidden in all the tablets of Allah, that if a soul appears in the verses, do not oppose him, do not argue, and do not protest, and they have exaggerated something in this ruling, that by Allah, there is no god but a more firm ruling than this. And it is not more stable in the revelation, as if all the revelations were revealed in this matter, the original and safe ones, however, the first one and his likes raised objections and brought in what no oppressor has done. You are not from this land to know. Regarding the first point and all the prophets and messengers, we speak the truth. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
چون ملاحظه نمودند كه آيات الهی مثل غيثِ هاطلْ نازل و بحر اعظم ربّانی در امواج و شجره عزّ صمدانيّه به اثمار بديعه منيعه مزيّن شده و ارياح فضليّه از يمين عرش الهيّه در هبوب و سماء مرتفعه قدميّه به انجم علوم[۱۶۴]و معارف جديده مطرّز، به نفاق برخواست و در صدد قطع شجره ربّانيّه افتاد. و چون از آن عاجز شد مكر صدرش ظاهر گشت و جميع مهاجرين مضطرب و اهل حرم در نوحه و ندبه مشغول و جمال احديّه از بين بريّه خارج شدند. بعد به افترا و كذب برخواستند و اراده نمودند كه به مفتريات جعليّه و ظنونات افكيّه خبيثه ستر نمايند آن فعل شنيع را. و بعد عامل شدند آنچه را كه عامل شدند، چنانچه خود شما هم مي دانيد كه آن مفسد مفتری كه به آن ارض آمده چه گفته و چه كرده. و به آن اصل هاويه نفسی متعرّض نشده و سخن نگفته. مع ذلك خود را مظلوم ناميده و به امثال خود القا نموده آنچه را كه شيطان به اوليای خود القا نموده و مي نمايد. فويلٌ لهم و للّذين إتّبعوهم. تالله إنّهم لفی خسرانٍ عظيم. (edit)
When they noticed that divine verses such as Ghaith Hatal Nazl and Bahr Azam Rabbani in the waves and the tree of Ezz Samdaniyyah are decorated with the fruit of the innovation of Mania, and the holy verses from the right side of the throne of God are in the air and the high sky, they are the star of knowledge [164] and the new knowledge of Motraz. He rose to hypocrisy and tried to cut off the family tree of Rabbani. And when he was unable to do so, the malice of his chest appeared and all the distressed pilgrims and the people of the shrine were engaged in lamentation and mourning, and Jamal Ahadiyyah came out of the desert. Then they resorted to slander and lies and wanted to cover up that heinous act with false rumors and malicious suspicions. And then they became the perpetrators of what they became perpetrators of, as you yourself know what the corrupt corrupter who came to that land said and did. And he did not object to that principle and did not speak. However, he called himself oppressed and instilled in his ilk what the devil instilled and instills in his parents. A foil for them and for those who follow them. By Allah, they are a great loss. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قول ديگر آن که: بايد اكمل و اتمّ باشد چنانچه ظهور هر رسولی و نبيّی اعلی از ظهور سابق بوده و ربّ اعلی همچنين ادّعا نموده بالنّسبة به سابقين. اين است كه هر لاحقی نسخ سابق نموده. (edit)
The other saying is that: it should be complete and complete, as the appearance of every great messenger and prophet is from the previous appearance, and the Almighty God has also claimed in relation to the previous ones. It is that every later one has copied the previous one. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اوّلاً آن که اگر بصر انصاف مفتوح، مشاهده می نمايد كه شبه اين ظهور در ابداع نيامده، و يشهد بذلك ما نزّل مِن جبروت الله المهيمن العزيز القدير. فافتح بصراك[۱۶۵]لِتشهدَ بأنّ جمالَ الظّهور قد كان حينئذٍ مستقرّاً علی عرش العظمة و الإستقلال و عن يمينه نقطةُ البيان بسلطانِ العزّة و الإجلال، و عن يساره محمّدٌ رسولُ الله بأنوار الله العزيز المتعال، و فی مقابلة الوجه قد قام الرّوحُ بقبيل مِن ملاء الأعلی و نزل بالحقّ إن أنتم تفقهون، ثمّ عن خلفه صفوفاً مِن ملئكة السماء بأباريق مِن كوثر البقاء و أكواب مِن التّسنيم إن أنتم تعلمون. و كلّهم ينوحنّ و يبكينّ و يصيحنّ علی ما ورد علی جمالِ الله المهيمن العزيز القيّوم. (edit)
Firstly, if the eye is fairer and more open, seeing what we see is similar to where the appearance of Niamdah's creativity, and this is testified by what was revealed of the might of God, the Dominant, the Mighty, the Powerful. So open your eyes [165] to testify that the beauty of manifestation was then settled on the throne of greatness and independence, and on his right the point of statement with the authority of glory and glory, and on his left Muhammad is the Messenger of God with the lights of God, the Mighty, the Exalted, and in front of the face the spirit has risen with a kiss from the angels of the Most High. And He descended with the truth, if you understand, then behind Him rows of the angels of the sky with jugs of Kawthar Al-Baqa and cups of Tasneem, if you know. And all of them are wailing, weeping, and yelling over what came to the beauty of God, the Dominant, the Mighty, the Subsisting. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اگر صاحب بصر بودی و به منظر اكبر راجع می شدی بالمشاهدة و المشافهة انوار الهی را از مظهر عزّ سلطان لايزالی مشاهده مي نمودی. ولكن رمد اوهام به شأنی ابصار را عليل نموده كه اگر به مقرّ اطهر هم وارد شوند گمان نمي برم كه به لقاء فائز گردند، چنانچه جُعَل اگر قرب رضوان مسكن نمايد از عرف اوراد محروم بوده و خواهد بود، و همچنين اعمی اگر در مقابل شمس حاضر شود از انوار او ممنوع بوده و خواهد بود. ليس لهم نصيبُ مِن هذا البحر الأعظم. (edit)
If you were the owner of basr and you were able to look at the great view, you would see the divine lights from the manifestation of the Sultan's majesty forever. However, the remd of my illusions caused Absar's dignity to such an extent that even if they enter the holy place, I do not think that they will meet Faiz, just as Joal, if he dwells near Rezvan, is and will be deprived of the custom of Aurad, and also Ami if he is present in front of Shams. It has been and will be forbidden from his lights. It is their share in this great sea. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
اين که ذكر نمودی هر لاحقی بايد مقدّم و اعلی بر سابق باشد، اگر مضطرب و متزلزل مشاهده نمی شدی در اين مقام كلمه كه از حقّ استماع نموده ام[۱۶۶] مذكور مي داشتم. و اين مطلبی است كه غير الله هر كه در آن تكلّم نمايد از فضولی محسوب است. الله يعلم مرادَهُ فيما نزّل، چه كه لئالی معانی مكنونه در صدف ابحر كلمات الهيّه را جز نفس ظهور مطّلع نبوده و نخواهد بود. كلّ ذلك علمُهُ عند ربّی و ما إطّلع به أحدٌ إلاّ نفسه العالم العليم. چون ملاء بيان احجب از متوهّمين قبل مشاهده می شوند، لذا بهتر آن که مدارا نمائيم و آنچه را ادراك نموده ايم مستور داريم كه مباد فزع ديگر مرتفع شود. قدرت محيطه و رحمت منبسطه الهيّه هرگز محدود به حدودی نبوده و نخواهد بود. يفعل ما يشاء و يحكم ما يريد. (edit)
The fact that you mentioned that every subsequent one should be prior and superior to the previous one, if you were not seen as anxious and hesitant, I would have heard the words that I heard from the right [166] in this position. And this is a topic that anyone who talks about other than Allah is considered a noob. Allah knows the meaning of what is sent down, and the meanings of the words of God are not and will not be known except by the soul of revelation. All of that is knowledge with the Lord and we know no one but himself, the All-Knowing. Because the eloquent statements of the hypocrites are seen before, so it is better to be tolerant and hide what we have perceived, so that the cause of fear will be removed. The power of the environment and the expansive mercy of God has never been limited and will never be. Our will is what we want and our judgment is what we want. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
و در نسخ احكام سابقْ نقطه بيان - روح ما سواه فداه - می فرمايد كلّ منوط به اراده نفس ظهور است، اگر بخواهد اوامر و نواهی قبل را امضاء می فرمايد و اگر بخواهد نسخ می فرمايد. بيده الأمر، ليس لأحدٍ أنْ يعترضَ عليه أو يقول "لِمَ" و "بِمَ" فی كلّ ما يفعل و يأمر. و مَن قال "لِمَ" و "بِمَ" فقد كفر بالله و حارب بنفسه و جادل بسلطانه و أنكر أمره و كان مِن المشركين. (edit)
And in the abrogation of previous rulings, a point of statement - the spirit of what is other than him, may he be sacrificed - may the foundation of each whose will is entrusted with the same manifestation of the Asth, more than the evidence of commands and prohibitions before the signature of the firm and other evidence of the abrogation of the force. In His hands is the matter, and no one has the right to object to Him or say “why” and “with what” in everything He does and commands. And whoever says “why” and “with what” has disbelieved in God, fought against himself, argued with his authority, denied his command, and was of the polytheists. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
قول ديگر: اگر به طريق استعكاس است، مثل حضرات ائمّه اطهار بالنسبة به حضرت محمّد كه ادّعای مثليّت به آن حضرت می نمودند و حال آن که در ظلّ او بودند، پس[۱۶۷]مطلب واضح است، چه چنين شخصی را نمي سزد كه ادّعای برتری در چنين صورتی نمايد. (edit)
Another saying: if it is through reflection, like the holy Imams of Athar for Prophet Muhammad who claimed to be equal to him, and they were under his shadow, then [167] the meaning is clear. To excel in such a way. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
در بيان قبل ذكر اين مقام شده. ديگر اين كلمات آن مشرك ملقی، كه احقر از كلمات صبيان است، بی جواب بوده و خواهد بود. ای مرد، عكس چه عاكس؟ چه اين ساحتْ مقدّس از ذكر و بيان است و منزّه از ادراك مَن فی الإمكان. (edit)
This authority was mentioned in the previous statement. These words of that polytheist Molaghi, who is the worst of the words of the children, have been and will be unanswered. O man, what is the picture? This is a sacred area of mention and expression, and a sight of my understanding of the possible. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
در اين مقام حكايتی به نظر آمد: ايّامي كه نقطه اولی - جلّ و عزّ - در جبل ماكو مسجون بودند - چنانچه حال هم در اين ارض مسجونند، ولكن اين سجن را به آن سجن قياس مكن، چه كه حال هم مسجون دولتند و هم مسجون اهل بيان، و سجن ظهور قبل مخصوص به دولت بوده، و اگر خوب ملاحظه كنی در اين سجن كلّ دول هم شريك - باری در آن ايّام جناب وحيد يعنی آقا سيّد يحيی - عليه بهاءالله – به نصرت امر عَلَم برافراخته بودند، چنانچه شنيده ايد، و در كلّ ديار علما بر اعراض و انكار بر خواسته و بر كلّ منابر نعوذ بالله به سبّ و لعن نقطه اولی و اصحابش مشغول. امام جمعه طهران، اگر چه فی الحقيقة او مبغض نبود و انصافش هم از جميع برتری داشته، روزی بر منبر رفته مذكور نمود كه از جمله "شنيده ام حضرت باب هوا را مطهِّر دانسته.[۱۶۸]آخر بگوئيد: ای مرد، در كتاب كدام فقها و علما چنين كلمه مشاهده نموده كه هوا مطهِّر است؟" و آنقدر ملتفت نشده (edit)
At this point, a story appeared: the days when the first point - Jal and Azz - were imprisoned in Jebel Mako - as they are now also imprisoned in this land, but do not compare this imprisonment to that prison, because now they are both imprisoned by the government and imprisoned. Ahl al-Bayan, and the prison of the appearance before was reserved for the government, and if you look carefully, all the countries were partners in this prison - at least in those days of Mr. Vahid, that is, Mr. Sayyid Yahya - peace be upon him - they had raised the cause of science, as you have heard. And in all the lands of the scholars, they are busy with the objections and denials of the requests and on all the platforms of seeking refuge in God, with the curse and the curse of the first point and his companions. Imam Juma of Tehran, although in fact he was not hateful and his fairness was superior to all others, one day he went to the pulpit and mentioned that, among other things, "I have heard that Hazrat Bab considered air to be pure. [168] Finally, say: O man, in which book Did jurists and scholars observe such a word that the air is purified?" And it is not so complicated (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)
بود كه مقام اجتهاد نيست، مقامی است ماورای اين اذكار و كلمات، و خود بنفسه مجدِّد شرايع بوده. و همچه ادراك نموده بود كه يكی از فقها هستند و اين مسئله فقهيّه را مخالفاً للعلماء ذكر نموده اند و جايز دانسته اند. (edit)
It was not the position of ijtihad, it is a position beyond these mentions and words, and he himself was a reformer of the laws. And he had realized that they are one of the jurists and that they mentioned this issue of jurisprudence against the scholars and considered it permissible. (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)

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