Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 593

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He says - may His glory be exalted and His majesty be magnified -: "Then on a night of Allah's blessings, nineteen in number before you to count. To the number of the needy, permission is given to whoever is able, and do not grieve if you cannot." He says that if you are able to present the number of the needy in one gathering, you are allowed. However, you still misunderstood and mentioned tea, samovar, food, sweets, and parties in objection to God. Yet, the command of the Point of Explanation says, "Host nineteen souls for nineteen days, and even if you are the water of the one, you will give." And likewise, he says that it is assumed that each soul has the number one of crystal in his abode. Also, he says - may His remembrance be exalted -: "And you make your means by which you live secretly with gold and silver." Despite all this, you, of low nature, have contemptuously objected to tea and samovar. All these statements were not mentioned by the First Point unless someone seeks to cling, saying, "I ate barley bread [317] to attain the highest rank."