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O true name, listen to the divine song that was sung on the highness of Sedra Bayan! He says that if you appear at this time, I will be among the first to prostrate and the first to believe in you. And in your modesty and shame, he didn't say a word about this statement and explicitly wrote that he stands in front of it and claims higher, more and better. And Allah, these words are a clear proof against the symptoms, disbelief and hypocrisy of the likes of those souls. And he also says Qula - Ezz-Zakrah -: If all the people of Bayan become like him in the essence of knowledge, it will not bear fruit except by confirming him. And it is very clear that someone in the essence of knowledge like him is possible, except for the soul of the point. That Divine Sun says this about himself, and you are busy mentioning such unworthy words for the sake of your soul that you want to falsely prove the truth of his matter by the words of that Shams. For those who regret it, let it be! God is the only one who shows misguidance.