Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 528

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O people of religion, I swear to you by the Master of the Day of Judgment, do you sense the slightest scent of truth in these words? No, by the truth of God, these words resemble the words of the lowly people of the earth, who, while quarreling with each other, mention that "my power is greater than yours, and my strength is superior to yours," and the like - empty words that are common among the ignorant. By God, lamenting over the inevitable situation, what level of humility, reverence, submission, and contentment have been shown towards this manifestation, and yet you have engaged in these words which the lowly are ashamed of and have argued for the falsehood of the truth with them. Indeed, the matter of God has been reduced to such a level that all of us in the expression are bound by your word and those of Mirza Yahya, Sayyid Muhammad, Ali Muhammad Siraj, and the likes of those souls, just as in the later days of the age of discernment, all divine matters and the firm divine law were bound and conditioned by the word of a Sheikh from among the Sheikhs.