Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 486
Say: Die in your rage! The idol of illusion and desire has been broken, and it is God who there is no god but He, who has clung to an illusion that had no parallel in creation. I do not know for what reason and proof someone who has rejected those souls preferred. Listen to the advice of this servant and never reject a soul, for the special point of explanation has instructed everyone not to object to anyone. Just as the famous soul, and God there is no god but He, with the utmost cunning and planning, sought to cut off the divine lotus tree and reveal what was hidden in its beginning, they did not object to him until some papers from him were present before them, and all were in denial of God and His verses, and now his writing exists. Therefore, the divine verses have come down from the power of the matter in rejecting those who reject God. And this was not from him, but from God, the Almighty, the Guardian, the Mighty, the Self-Sustaining.