Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 454

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"Glory be to You, O Allah, my God and my Beloved! You are the One who, by Your command, raised the sound of the Supreme Pen between earth and heaven, and by it, You decreed upon the Tablets what You decreed with Your preserved knowledge, Your irrevocable command, and by what You confirmed upon the Tablet, You manifested in creation what was determined by Your will and decreed by Your desire. So, O my God, listen to the cry of this pen that has been distanced from the shore of Your nearness and meeting and has been tested between the fingers of one of the most wretched among Your creation. By Your glory, O my Beloved! I am fearful of the power of Your wrath and the consequences of Your vengeance. So, bear witness to the turmoil of my soul, the shaking of my heart, and the trembling of my body due to what You have made me suffer at the hands of this idolater, who has not inhaled the scents of fairness from the gardens of Your justice and Your gifts, nor has he found the breezes of goodness from the shirt of Your bounty and Your grace."