Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 454

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And you wrote that: If the descending attributes are due to the Name Baha, this Name is among the Names of God and the definitions of the Names of God do not exclusively pertain to this blessed Name, and you had mentioned Mirza Kamal and Mirza Jamal in mockery of God. Thus, you became the first to mock the Incomparable Creation, then [you mocked] the Friend [Abraham], then [you mocked] the Speaker [Moses]. By God, you are the first to mock the Spirit, then to mock Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and then to mock Ali at the time when the dawn of meanings split and the sun of eloquence rose with the sovereignty of God, the Dominant, the Self-Subsisting.

And you were the first to mock this Manifestation, by which everything that descended in the eternity of pre-eternity was established, and by which every soul ascended to the ladder of realities, and every believer entered into the good pleasure of God, the Powerful, the Mighty, the Beloved. Take your pen, O you who mock God! By God, with it lamented the pen of the Most High, and then what was and what will be. And whatever you commit returns and ends with the pen of the first one who turned away from God, the One, the Unique, the Sovereign, the Dominant, the Self-Subsisting. And indeed, the reality of his pen has fled from him and has appeared before God, and it raised an outcry with a clamor that made everything upon which the name of a thing had fallen weep, and it wailed before its Lord. Then it complained about its companion if you are among those who know.