Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 377
Leave behind these polytheistic views and observe with the sight of monotheism, so that you may see all manifestations as a single breath and all laws as a single Sharia. All these differences have been and will continue to be due to the requirements of time, place, and the capacities of the manifestations of existence. God has had blessed, pure, and sacred lands where, at the time of sowing the seeds of appearance, the ears of the latter can be seen closer than the twinkling of an eye. And this is the station of the world of command, and creation is incapable of comprehending it, as He says, "His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, 'Be,' and it is." And these are the lands about which He says, "Its vegetation comes out by the permission of its Lord." However, in the lands of polytheistic souls, nothing will grow except what the truth - exalted is His mention - has informed by His saying, "Nothing comes out of it but a bitter thing." In the lands of those souls, even if there is a delay of a hundred thousand years in the appearance, as you say, the pure ears will never sprout from those lands and will not be seen.