Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 288

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In particular, since they have observed arrogance and pride among the scholars during the previous Manifestation, they have advised this group a great deal, reminding them with good admonitions and healing explanations so that they may not follow the ways of the past and become heedless of the truth during the time of the Manifestation. For, due to the objections of those souls, all people are veiled from the truth except those whom your Lord wills. As they say - exalted be His mention - at every Manifestation, the people of that Manifestation become veiled from the truth by the scholars of that Manifestation. And now, they are heedless of the fact that with just one "No" from Him, all of these become untrue. Be cautious of the true Manifestation, so that on the day of His appearance, you do not confirm His truth through the confirmation of the people of eloquence, for all their confirmations are transformed into a mere affirmation with just one "Yes" from Him and invalidated with just one "No".