Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 273

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Say: Die in your rage. Indeed, he has appeared in truth and does not fear anyone, and he awaits what has been decreed for him by his beloved, the Almighty, the All-Knowing, the Wise. And he says at every moment, addressing your swords, spears, and arrows: Come and approach, for I am eager for you, and my longing and yearning bear witness to this, then my passion and melodies, if you are among the poets. Indeed, the one who has appeared in truth is my beloved, and I am his beloved; he is my soul, and I am his soul. And what comes out of my tongue is his most beautiful, sweetest, holiest, and invulnerable expression. Whoever has the slightest sense of poetry and the least bit of vision will witness the appearance of God and His greatness, and will find the fragrances of His sanctity from the breezes of these melodies and will be among those firmly established in this greatest and most evident matter.