Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 243

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Say to the polytheists: If you hear from me, then weep for yourselves, and then lament for the scarcity of your intellect and understanding. The mention of such evildoers has been revealed in the books before and after. God says: "Like the example of a donkey carrying books" (Quran, 62:5). Say: The contradiction lies in your very existence. Remove it so that you only observe pure monotheism and absolute singularity. If you wish to understand this claim and comprehend what has been said, perhaps you will enter the unceasing holy source; this is His saying - may His glory be exalted -: "O people, I am the beauty of Ali among you, and the soul of Muhammad within you, and the essence of the spirit between the heavens and the earth, if you indeed know." And this is the very point that was explicitly stated. That intention of the soul has been and will be this intention, and that will has been and will be this will, and this will and intention have been and will be the same will and intention. Mentioning contradiction is without sense. In fact, this contradiction has been proven for all prophets, as every subsequent prophet was under the shadow of the previous one; how could they claim superiority while being in the shadow? We seek refuge in God; this contradiction, according to the polytheists, is invalid and falls out of credibility.