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مع آن که به نصّ صريح منزل بيان ابداً ظهور بعد محدود به وقتی نشده، چنانچه منصوصاً مي فرمايد اگر اين حين بخواهد ظاهر شود مختار است، چه كه عارف به حين ظهور احدی إلاّ الله نبوده و نيست. و در جميع بيان مي فرمايند منوط به اراده و مشيّت خود آن سلطان احديّه است. يُظهر نفسَه كيف يشاء و يُريد. إنّما الدّليل آياته و الوجود علی نفسه نفسُهُ إذ الغير يُعرف به و هو لا يُعرف بدونه. سبحان الله عمّا تصفون. و همچنين می فرمايند: چه كسی عالم به ظهور نيست غير الله هر وقت شود بايد كلّ تصديق به نقطه حقيقت نمايند و شكر إلهی به جا آورند. (edit)
Even though the explicit text of Manzil states that the next appearance is never limited to a time, as it is written, if he wants to appear at this time, he is free, and the mystic was not and is not at the time of the appearance of anyone but Allah. And in all statements, they say that it depends on the will and providence of that sultan. You show your soul how you want and go. But the evidence of the verses and the presence of the soul is the soul, when the other knows about it and he does not know about it. Glory be to God, Amma Tsafun. And they also say: Who is not aware of the appearance but Allah, whenever it happens, they should confirm the point of truth and give thanks to God. (edit) Although the explicit text of the revealed statements has never limited the appearance of the next event to a specific time, as it specifically says that if it wishes to appear at this time, it is free to do so; no one knows the exact time of the appearance except Allah. In all statements, it is mentioned that it is subject to the will and decree of that Sovereign of oneness. It reveals itself as it wishes and intends. The evidence is its signs, and its existence is known by itself, for others are known through it, and it is not known without it. Glory be to Allah, above what you describe. It also says: Whoever is not aware of the appearance, except Allah, must wholly confirm the truth at any time it occurs and give thanks to the Divine. (edit)
حال ملاحظه نمائيد كه به چه صراحت مي فرمايند كه هر وقت ظاهر شود بايد تصديق نمايند. مع ذلك به جای آن که فرموده شكر الهی به جا آورند، عوض شكرْ شكايت آغاز نموده، و به جای تصديق سهام كين و سيف بغضا بر آن[۱۱۷]مُطاف ارواح نبيّين و مرسلين هجوم نموده اند. بگو: ای محروم، ملاحظه نما كه سلطان معلومْ آن ظهور محتوم مكنون را به هيچ شرطی مشروط فرموده؟ فآتِ بها! لا فو الّذی خلق الممكنات بكلمة من عنده. أبداً اين ظهور را معلّق و مشروط به امری و شرطی نفرموده اند. چه كه شرط در آن ساحت مفقود صرف است و جز نفس او بر او احدی محيط و مطلع نه. (edit)
Now notice how clearly they say that they must confirm whenever it appears. However, instead of giving thanks to God, instead of giving thanks, they started to complain, and instead of confirming the shares of Kane and Saif, the spirits of prophets and messengers have attacked it with malice [117]. Say: O deprived one, do you notice that the sultan of Ma'am has made the inevitable appearance of Makun conditional on no conditions? The fate of the price! La Fu Al-Dhi has created possibilities with my words. They have definitely not made this appearance suspended and conditional. Because the condition in that area is missing, and there is no one who knows about him except his soul. (edit) Now, observe how explicitly it says that whenever it appears, they must confirm it. However, instead of giving thanks to the Divine as instructed, they have started complaining instead of giving thanks, and in place of confirmation, they have launched an attack on the shares of malice and the sword of hatred against the circuit of the souls of prophets and messengers[117]. Say: O deprived one, have you observed that the known sovereign has not conditioned that fateful, hidden appearance to any condition? Show it! No, by the One who created the possible things with a word from Him. Never have they made this appearance contingent and conditional to any matter or condition. For the condition is utterly lost in that arena, and no one but itself encompasses and knows about it. (edit)
مي فرمايد: آياتش دليل بر او است و ظهور و وجودش مُثبِت نفسش. مع ذلك به كلمات موهومه و اشارات نالايقه حقّ منيع را محدود نموده اند. فويل لهم و بما إكتسبتْ أيديهم. كلمات الهی را به هواهای خود تحريف منمائيد و تفسير مكنيد، چه كه احدی به مقصود آن فائز نشود. چنانچه در احكام ظاهريّه رؤسای بيان را امر فرموده اند كه از جناب آسيّد حسين - عليه بهاءالله- كه تلقاء عرش بود سؤال نمايند. مي فرمايند، چه كه شما عارف به مراد الله نيستيد. مع ذلك شما معرض بالله را نفس الله دانسته ايد. (edit)
He says: His verses are evidence for him, and his appearance and existence are proof of his self. However, they have limited the right to be protected with false words and inappropriate references. Foil them and with us Ikzibt Idihem. Do not distort and interpret the words of God according to your whims, so that no one will benefit from its meaning. If in the outward rulings, the chiefs of the Bayan have ordered to question His Excellency Asid Hussain - Alaihi Baha'u'llah - who was the heir to the throne. They say that you are not knowledgeable about the meaning of Allah. However, you have considered the soul of Allah to be the subject of Allah. (edit) It says: Its verses are evidence for it, and its appearance and existence affirm itself. Nevertheless, they have limited the invulnerable truth with imaginary words and unworthy indications. Woe to them and what their hands have acquired. Do not distort the divine words according to your desires and interpretations, for no one will succeed in attaining its purpose. As in the outward ordinances, the chiefs of the statement have been commanded to inquire from the presence of Husayn-Ásí -upon him be the Glory of God- who was facing the throne. They say, since you are not aware of the purpose of God. Yet, you have regarded the one who has turned away from God as the soul of God. (edit)
از اين گذشته (خاتم النّبيّين) از محكمات آيات كتاب ربّ العالمين است. اگر هزار و دويست و هفتاد سنه احدی به معنی آن مطّلع شد حال هم معانی كلمات منزله بيان را نفسی دون الله مي تواند ادراك[۱۱۸]نمايد. بسيار تفكّر نمائيد در آنچه ذكر مي شود و از قلم به اذن الله جاری مي گردد، كه شايد از صرير قلم اين ضعيف به جمال قدم فائز شوی. إنّه لَيهدی مَن يشاء إلی صراطٍ مستقيم. (edit)
After this (Khatam al-Nabieen) is one of the judgments of the verses of the Book of the Lord of the Worlds. If one thousand two hundred and seventy years of Ahad were informed about its meaning, even now, the meaning of the words of expression can be understood by a soul without Allah [118]. Think a lot about what is mentioned and flows from the pen by God's permission, that maybe you will gain beauty from the pen of this weak person. It is for my sake that he wills to the straight path. (edit) Apart from this, (the Seal of the Prophets) is among the firm verses of the Book of the Lord of the Worlds. If for twelve hundred and seventy years someone became aware of its meaning, now no one but God can comprehend the meanings of the words of the revealed statement. Reflect deeply on what is mentioned and what flows from the pen by the permission of God so that perhaps you may, through the feeble scratching of this pen, attain the beauty of the eternal Path. Indeed, He guides whom He wills to the straight path. (edit)
و ديگر معلوم نشد مقصود شما از تكميل چه بوده. اگر مقصود تكميل آيات الهيّه است كه آن در حين نزول كامل، و ابداً در آن ساحت نقص راه نداشته و نخواهد داشت. ما نزّل مِن عنده كان كاملاً مِن قبل و يكون كاملاً من بعد و فی الحين. واگر مقصود تكميل نفوس است كه نفوسی مشاهده شده هرچه مدّت طول كشيد ناقص تر ظاهر شده اند. چنانچه در منتهی دوره فرقان به عقيده شما منتهی كمال رؤسای آن عصر آن بود كه جميع الواح الله را طرد نموده و به رسل الهی وارد آوردند آنچه شنيده ايد. و يا از تكميل تكميل اعمال ظاهريه مقصود است؟ (edit)
And it was not clear what you meant by completion. If the intention is to complete the verses of God, then it will not and will never have any defects during its complete revelation. My descent is completely mine before and it is completely mine after and now. And if the intention is to complete the population, the observed populations have appeared more incomplete as time has passed. According to your opinion, at the end of the Furqan period, the leaders of that era were perfect, rejecting all the signs of God and bringing what you have heard to God's messengers. Or is it meant to complete the completion of external actions? (edit) And it was not clear what your purpose was in terms of completion. If the purpose is the completion of the divine verses, then they were complete at the time of revelation, and there has never been and will never be any deficiency in that realm. What has been sent down from Him was complete before, will be complete after, and is complete at the moment. If the purpose is the completion of souls, then the observed souls have appeared more deficient as time has passed. For instance, at the end of the era of the Quran, according to your belief, the culmination of perfection was the leaders of that age who rejected all of the Tablets of God and imposed on the messengers of God what you have heard. Or is the purpose of completion the completion of outward actions? (edit)
اگر اين است كه مشاهده شده اكثری را همان اعمال سبب احتجاب گشته. چنانچه ملاحظه شد كه عاملين فرقان (edit)
If this is the case, it has been observed that most of the actions have caused protest. If it was observed that the perpetrators of Fargan (edit) If this is what has been observed, most people's actions have become the cause of their veiling. As it has been noticed that the agents of difference (dispute) are involved. (edit)
چون ظهور نيّر اعظم را مخالف اعمال خود مشاهده نمودند، فتوی بر قتلش دادند و سفك دم مطهّرش نمودند. و همچنين اهل انجيل و همچنين اهل تورات تا منتهی شود ظهورات به بديع اوّل. (edit)
When they saw the emergence of Nair Azam against their actions, they issued a fatwa to kill him and purified him. And also the people of the Bible and also the people of the Torah so that the revelations lead to the first innovation. (edit) When they saw that the appearance of the Greatest Luminary was contrary to their deeds, they issued a fatwa to kill him and shed his pure blood. Likewise, the people of the Gospel, and the people of the Torah, until the manifestations reach the wondrous beginning. (edit)
بدان كه تكميل كلّ شیء منوط[۱۱۹]به قول و تصديق نقطه حقيقت بوده. بشنو كه نقطه بيان - روح ماسواه فداه - چه مي فرمايد كه شايد از كوثر بيانات رحمن از غبار تيره اشارات مظاهر شيطان مطهّر شوی. اگرچه يقين است كه كلمات الله در تو اثر ننموده و نخواهد نمود، ولكن لحاظ الله در اكثر بيانات متوجّه افئده مخلصين از عباد خود بوده. چه كه آن نفوس مقدّسه منقطعه روايح مسك معانی را از فرسنگ های بعيده استشمام نمايند و به كلمات الهی از كلمات عالمين منقطع شوند. قوله - تبارك ذكره - : فإنّه لو يجعل ما علی الأرض نبيّاً ليكوننّ أبنياءَ عند الله. از اين بيان رحمن حقيقت تكميل را ادراك كن كه شايد متنبّه شوی و خزف اشارات به بحر لؤلؤ معانی الهی هديه نفرستی، و موقن شوی به اين که كلّ امور از حقّ ظاهر و به حقّ راجع و به تصديق او ثابت و محقّق. (edit)
Know that the completion of the whole thing depends on the promise and confirmation of the point of truth. Listen to what the point of expression - the spirit of self-sacrifice - says, that you may be cleansed from the dust of the dark dust of the signs of the devil's manifestations. Although it is certain that God's words have not and will not have an effect on you, but God's consideration in most of the statements is focused on the sincere benefit of His servants. May those holy souls, disconnected from the scents of musk, smell the meanings from distant miles, and be disconnected from the words of the worlds by the words of God. Qula - Tabarak Zikra -: For if He had made us prophets on earth, then they would not be the children of God. Understand the truth of perfection from this statement, Rahman, that you may be warned and do not send a gift of hints to the sea of pearls of divine meanings, and be assured that all matters are from the truth of appearance, the truth of reference, and the confirmation of Him. (edit) Know that the completion of everything is contingent upon the statement and confirmation of the point of truth. Listen to what the Point of Explanation - may the spirit be sacrificed for him - says, so that perhaps you may be purified from the dust of dark indications of satanic manifestations by the Kawthar of the Rahman's explanations. Although it is certain that the words of Allah have not and will not have an effect on you, yet for the sake of Allah, most of the explanations are directed towards the sincere hearts of His servants. So that those sacred souls may sense the fragrances of musk from far away and be detached from the words of the worlds by the divine words. His saying - blessed be His remembrance - "Indeed, if He were to make every being on earth a prophet, they would all be His children." From this statement of the Rahman, comprehend the reality of completion, so that you may become attentive and not send the clay of indications to the sea of divine pearls of meaning, and become certain that all matters appear from the truth, return to the truth, and are established and verified by its confirmation. (edit)
قدری تفكّر نما: مع آن که منتهی رتبه تكميلِ هياكلِ بشريّه به رتبه نبوّت است، و اكثری اين رتبه بلند اعلی را محال دانسته اند كه نفسی به آن مقام فائز شود، مع ذلك مي فرمايند اگر آن ظهور اعظم اراده فرمايد جميع ما علی الارض را به اين رتبه، كه اكمل مراتب بوده نزد كلّ، فائز مي فرمايد. فو عمره، لِمثل هذا الرّبّ ينبغی[۱۲۰]أنْ نفدی أنفسنا و أرواحنا، ثمّ ذواتِنا و حقائقَنا، و هذا قليلٌ عند ظهور عطاياه و بروزِ مواهبه الّتی أحاطتْ الثّقلين. (edit)
Think for a while: even though the highest level of completion of human structures is the rank of prophecy, and most of them have considered this high rank as impossible for a soul to attain that position, nevertheless they say that if that supreme manifestation wills all of us on earth. He is entitled to this rank, which is the highest rank in the eyes of all. For Umrah, for the sake of this, the Lord should[120] redeem our souls and our souls, then our selves and our truths, and this is a little when the gifts and blessings that surround the burdens appear. (edit) Reflect for a moment: Although the highest rank of human perfection is the rank of prophethood, and most people have considered it impossible for a soul to attain this lofty rank, yet they say that if the Greatest Manifestation wills, He would grant all of us on earth this rank, which is the most perfect among all ranks. By His life, for such a Lord, it is befitting that we sacrifice our selves, our souls, our beings, and our realities. And this is little compared to the appearance of His gifts and the emergence of His talents, which have encompassed both the spiritual and material worlds. (edit)
اگر نفسی به دوام ملك و ملكوت عمر نمايد و به كلّ اعمال عامل شود و در ظهور اقلّ مِن آن توقّف نمايد جميع اعمال او، كه در زمن لا يحصی عامل بوده، هباء مي شود، بلكه وجود و كينونتش لاشیء مي شود، تا چه رسد به تكميل او. و همچنين اگر در اين مدّت نعوذ بالله تارك كلّ اعمال بوده و در حين ظهور فائز به قول "بلی" شود جميع اعمال در حقّ او ثبت و عند الله كامل بوده و خواهد بود. (edit)
If a soul lives for the duration of the kingdom and the kingdom and becomes responsible for all the actions and stops at the appearance of the least of them, all of his actions, which have been active for countless times, will be wasted, but his existence and existence will become incorporeal. To complete him. And also, if during this period of seeking refuge in Allah, he leaves all his deeds, and at the time of Faiz's appearance, he says "yes", all his deeds will be recorded in his right and will be perfect in the sight of Allah. (edit) If a soul were to live through the duration of the earthly and heavenly realms, and perform all the deeds, yet stops short of acknowledging the least among the manifestations, all of its actions, which it performed during the immeasurable time, would become null and void. In fact, its very existence and being would become nothing. How much more so for the perfection of that soul. Similarly, if during this period, God forbid, one were to abandon all actions, yet, upon the emergence of the Manifestation, they embrace the truth by saying "Yes", all of their actions would be recorded and considered complete in the sight of God, and will always be so. (edit)
بر تكميل دوره احدی إلاّ الله مطّلع نه. بسا كه در اقرب مِن آن تكميل ظاهر و بسا كه در الف سنه و فوق آن تكميل نمي شود. و اين بسی واضح است كه تكميل هر شیء به تصديق الله بوده، نه به طول مدّت و ظهور اوهام ناس. نفس ظهورِ بعد بنفسه دليل بر تكميل ما ظهر فی ظهور القبل بوده. به حقّ ناظر باشيد نه به طول مدّت و زمان، چه كه حقّ قادر است در آنی كلّ اوان را منقضی فرمايد و يا آن که يك آن را در صدهزار سنه امتداد دهد. له الخلق و الأمر، كلُّ بأمره يعملون. (edit)
No one but Allah knows about the completion of the course. It is possible that it will be completed in the nearest year, and it may not be completed in the first year and above. And it is very clear that the completion of every thing is by the approval of Allah, not by the length of time and the appearance of illusions. The self-appearance of the next self is the reason for our completion at noon in the first appearance. Be attentive to the truth, not to the length of time, whether the truth is capable of expiring all of them in an instant, or whether one can extend it for a hundred thousand years. Lah al-Khalq and al-Amr, all do according to their orders. (edit) No one but God is aware of the completion of any cycle. There are cases where completion is manifested in the shortest possible time, and others where completion does not occur even after a thousand years or more. It is quite evident that the completion of anything depends on the confirmation of God, not on the duration or the illusions of people. The very existence of a subsequent Manifestation is evidence of the completion of what was manifested in the previous one. Look at the truth, not at the length of time and duration, for indeed, God has the power to bring an end to all times in an instant, or to extend a single moment to a hundred thousand years. To Him belong creation and command; all act according to His command. (edit)
در اين مقام چند فردی از لسان ابدع امنع در عراق نازل، لاجل تنبّه ذكر مي شود. (edit)
In this position, several people from the language of the creator of Amna are mentioned in Iraq, for punishment. (edit) In this position, a few individuals descended from the tongue of the most exalted in Iraq are mentioned for awakening. (edit)
سائلی مر عارفی را[۱۲۱]گفت

كی تو بر اسرار الهی برده پی؟

وی تو از خمر عنايت گشته مست

هيچ يادت آيد از روز الست؟

گفت ياد آيد مرا آن صوت و گفت

كو بدی بود و نباشد اين شگفت

هست در گوشم همی آوای او

و آن صدای روح و جان افزای او

عارفی ديگر كه برتر رفته بود

درّ اسرار الهی سفته بود

گفت آن روز خدا آخر نشد

ما در آن روزيم آن قاصر نشد (edit)
Said Saeli Mar Arefi [121].

Who has discovered the secrets of God?

He is drunk from Khmer

Do you remember the day before?

He said, remember me, that voice and said

It was bad and not surprising

His voice is in my ears

And that soulful voice of his

Another mystic who was superior

The door to the divine secrets was a promissory note

He said that God did not end that day

We were not able to do it that day (edit)

A questioner asked a mystic [121],

"When did you attain the divine mysteries?"

"Have you become intoxicated by the wine of grace?

Do you remember the day of Alast?"

He replied, "I remember that voice and speech,

which has always been, and this is not strange.

In my ears is still the sound of it,

and that voice which increases the spirit and soul."

Another mystic, who had ascended higher,

was immersed in the divine secrets.

He said, "That day of God has not ended,

we are in that day, it has not fallen short." (edit)

اين كلمات مخصوص آن ذكر شد كه معلوم شود ادراك اين امور منوط به عرفان عارفين است. هر نفسی اين مراتب را ادراك ننمايد و اطّلاع نيابد. عجب است كه تو خود را عارف مي دانی و از كلمات عرفا هم اطّلاع نداری، و إلاّ در اين مقام اعتراض نمي نمودی. چه كه عرفا برآنند كه اسماء الهی در كلّ حين مؤثّر، چه كه تعطيل جايز نه. و لذا گفته اند اسم "مُمِيت" در كلّ حين كلّ موجودات را از وجود اضافی به عدم اضافی راجع مي نمايد، و همچنين اسم "مُحْيِی" و "مُبعِث" در كلّ آنْ كلّ اكوان را از عدم اضافی به وجود اضافی جلوه مي دهد. چنانچه آيه مباركه (بَلْ هُم فی لِبْسٍ مِن خلقِ جديد) را در اين مقام تفسير نموده اند. (edit)
These words were mentioned specifically to make it clear that the understanding of these matters depends on the mystics' wisdom. Every soul does not understand these levels and does not know. It's amazing that you consider yourself a mystic and you don't even know the words of the mystics, and you wouldn't have protested except in this position. Whether the mystics believe that the divine names are effective all the time, or that it is not permissible to stop. And therefore, they said that the name "Mumite" refers to all beings from excess existence to non-excess, and also the names "Mohiyi" and "Mubai't" in the whole of it make the whole universe appear from non-excess to excess existence. If they have interpreted the blessed verse (Bal-hum fi lebsi min Khalq new) in this position. (edit) These words were specifically mentioned to show that the understanding of these matters is dependent on the knowledge of the mystics. Not every soul can grasp these levels and gain knowledge. It is strange that you consider yourself a mystic, yet you are not aware of the words of the mystics; otherwise, you would not object in this position. Indeed, mystics believe that the divine names are effective at all times, and that cessation is not permissible.

Therefore, they have said that the name "Mumit" (causer of death) constantly causes all beings to transition from additional existence to additional nonexistence, and similarly, the names "Muhyi" (giver of life) and "Mub'ith" (resurrector) cause all the worlds to emerge from additional nonexistence to additional existence at all times. They have interpreted the blessed verse "Indeed, they are in a new creation" (bal hum fi libsin min khalqin jadid) in this context. (edit)

در اين صورت آن خلقِ بعد در حينِ قبل موجود نه، و همچنين در حينِ قبلْ آن خلقِ[۱۲۲] موجودِ حينِ بعدْ معلوم نه. پس چگونه تصوّر تكميل شیء از اشياء نموده اند؟ چه كه آن شیءكه در اين حين موجود است در حين بعد نيست، چه كه تجدّد و حدوث است از برای اين شیء. چگونه تكميل دست مي دهد؟ اگر بگوئی در همان حين محدثه در حين مي شود، اين طول مدّت لازم نداشت و ندارد. و اگر ناس قابل ادراك معانی كلمات الهيّه مي بودند هرآينه در اين مقام تفصيلی ذكر مي شد تا آن که از جميع عرفان قبل و بعد منقطع شده و به شريعه عرفان بديع، كه اليوم از يمين عرش رحمن جاری است، توجّه نمايند. (edit)
In this case, that later creation does not exist in the previous time, and also in the previous time, that creation[122] existing in the later time is not known. So, how did they imagine the completion of objects from objects? Whether the object that exists at this time is not in the next time, or that there is renewal and occurrence for this object. How does the completion work? If you say that at the same time, it will be narrated at the same time, then this length of time was not and is not necessary. And if people were able to understand the meanings of God's words, every mirror would be mentioned in detail in this position, so that they would pay attention to those who are cut off from all mysticism before and after, and to the Sharia of mysticism, which today flows from the right hand of Arsh Rahman. (edit) In this case, the creation of the later time does not exist during the earlier time, and similarly, the creation of the earlier time is not known during the later time. So how have they imagined the perfection of an object from among other objects? Since the object that exists at this time does not exist in the later time, renewal and origination apply to this object. How can perfection be achieved? If you say that it happens at the same time as its creation, then it doesn't require a duration of time.

If people were capable of understanding the meanings of divine words, more details would be mentioned in this context so that they would turn their attention from all previous and later mystic knowledge to the innovative mystic law, which today is flowing from the right side of the Throne of the Merciful. (edit)

بشنو ذكر اين فانی را و امر را بر خود مشتبه منما! كلمات الهی را احدی ادراك ننموده و نخواهد نمود. چه كه مفتاح ابواب او به يد مقتدر قدير بوده، و تا ختم اناء معارف الهيّه را يد قدرت نگشايد احدی بر آن مطّلع نشده و نخواهد شد، بلكه عرف آن را هم نيافته و نخواهند يافت، چنانچه تا يد قدرت ظهور قبل ختم كنائز علوم فرقان را نگشود احدی ادراك ننمود. (edit)
Hear the mention of this mortal and the matter on the self-doubt! No one has understood God's words and will never understand them. Because the key to its doors is in the hand of the Almighty, and until the end of the gift of divine knowledge, no one has been informed about it and will not be, but they have not found its custom and will not find it, just as until the end of the power of the emergence of the treasures of the sciences of the Fargans. No one could understand it. (edit) Listen to the mention of this transient one and do not make the matter ambiguous for yourself! No one has ever understood the divine words, nor will they. The keys to its doors have been in the hands of the Almighty and Powerful, and until the end, no one will have access to the treasures of divine knowledge unless the hand of power opens it. They have not even found a hint of it, nor will they find it, just as no one comprehended it until the hand of power opened the end of the treasures of the knowledge of the previous revelation. (edit)
باری تكميل در دست قدرت حقّ بوده و خواهد بود. تكميل هر دوره به ظهور بعد بوده و در حين ظهور تكميل حقيقی واقع، ولكن استطاعت ادراك آن را امثال آن نفوس ضعيفه نداشته وندارند، چنانچه ادراك آن انقضای[۱۲۳]خمسين الف سنه در ساعت واحده نشده. و اگر نفسی هم ادّعا نموده بر حسب تقليد بوده إلاّ مَن علّمه الله مِن جواهر علمه. بسا از علوم ربّانی كه در سماء علم لدنّی الهی وديعه مانده. ديگر تا چه وقت و زمان از افق امكانْ مظاهر قدسيّه و مطالع منيعه ظاهر شوند و مستعدّ ادراك گردند و از سماء مشيّت علی قدر مقدور نازل شود، الأمر بيده يفعل مايشاء و لا يُسئل عمّا شاء. (edit)
The burden of completion has been and will be in the hands of the power of truth. The completion of each period is to appear later, and during the appearance of real completion, but such weak souls did not and do not have the ability to perceive it, if the perception of the expiration of fifty thousand years in a single hour is not possible. And if any person claimed it was based on imitation, except I am the scholar of Allah, the jewel of the scholar. It is one of the divine sciences that is deposited in the sky of divine knowledge. How long will it be before the horizon of the possibility of holy manifestations and the study of the hindrances, and they will be susceptible to understanding, and from the sky will come down the will of the Almighty, the command will be given to do what He wills and no question will be asked about what He wills. (edit) Indeed, completion has always been and will always be in the hands of the power of truth. The completion of each period has been due to the subsequent manifestation, and the true completion has taken place during the manifestation, but weak souls like them have not had and do not have the ability to comprehend it, just as they have not been able to comprehend the completion of fifty thousand years in a single moment. And if anyone has ever claimed to do so, it has been on the basis of imitation, except for those whom God has taught from the essence of His knowledge. Many divine sciences have remained deposited in the celestial realm of divine knowledge. Moreover, until when and at what time will the sacred manifestations and the study of the well-guarded secrets appear and become ready for comprehension, and descend from the heavens of divine will according to the capacity, the matter is in His hands, He does as He pleases and is not questioned for what He wants. (edit)
و اين که نوشته بايد از فرمايش ربّ اعلی به قدر جوی تخلّف ننمايد، معلوم نشد كه اين حكم حكم شما است بايد عمل شود يا حكم نقطه بيان. نقطه بيان مي فرمايند عمل او ميزان كلّ بوده و به هر چه آن وجود مبارك عامل شود بايد كلّ عامل شوند. گويا اصلاً بيان را نديده و اطّلاع هم نداری. به تعليم شيطان ناطقی و به تحريك او متحرّك. (edit)
And the fact that the writing should not violate the commandment of the Supreme Lord, it was not clear whether this ruling is your ruling, it should be implemented or the ruling of the point of expression. They say that his action is the measure of the whole, and whatever is affected by that blessed being must be affected by the whole. It seems that you have not seen the statement at all and you have no information. To the teaching of the talkative devil and moving to his incitement. (edit) And as for the statement that one should not deviate from the command of the Supreme Lord to the extent of the stream of deviation, it is not clear whether this ruling is your ruling that must be followed, or the ruling of the point of expression. The point of expression says that their actions have been measured for the whole, and whatever that blessed existence acts upon, they must act upon the whole. It seems that you have not seen the expression at all and have no information. You are taught by the speaking devil and moved by his provocation. (edit)
آخر ای نفسي، كه به عرفان موسومی و خود را عارف دانسته، از خود هم يك اظهار وجودی بنما و خود را مثل اغنام مكن كه هر راعی به هر جهت اراده نمايد شما را ببرد! و ای كاش راعی انسان مي شد، راعی ذئب پيدا نموده ايد و جميع عرفان و ايقان و ثمرات توحيدت را در ساعت اوّل ملاقات بلع نموده و حال جسدی ميّت و لاشیء مشهودی. و به قسمی هم ميّت[۱۲۴] و لاشیء ملاحظه مي شوی كه به صدهزار صوْر هم مهتزّ نشوی و به حركت نيائی. به حقّ معبود يكتا كه دلم بر تو و امثال تو مي سوزد، چه كه كينه و بغضا در اين قلوب نبوده و نيست. و آنچه ذكر شده و مي شود خالصاً لوجه الله بوده و خواهد بود. (edit)
Finally, O soul, which is called mysticism and considers itself a mystic, make an existential declaration of yourself and don't be like a sheep that any shepherd will take you in any direction! And I wish you could be a human shepherd, you have found a golden shepherd and swallowed all the mysticism, belief and fruits of monotheism in the first hour of meeting, and the physical state of a dead body is evident. And you will be seen as dead[124] and a corpse in a way that you will not be moved by a hundred thousand images. By the truth of the one and only God, my heart burns for you and your likes, and there is no malice or malice in these hearts. And what has been mentioned and will be purely for the sake of Allah was and will be. (edit) In the end, O soul, who is known for your gnosis and considers yourself a knower, show a self-expressive existence and do not make yourself like sheep that every shepherd takes you wherever they wish! And if only the shepherd was human, you have found a wolf shepherd who swallowed all your gnosis, certainty, and the fruits of your monotheism in the first hour of the encounter, and now you are a lifeless corpse and a visible nothing. And by the same token, you are observed as dead [124] and nothing, so that you will not be shaken by a hundred thousand forms and will not move. By the truth of the One God, my heart burns for you and the likes of you, for there has been and is no resentment and hatred in these hearts. And whatever has been and will be mentioned is purely for the sake of Allah and will always be so. (edit)
و ديگر طلعت ابهی - روح ماسواه له الفداء – به جميع اعمال عاملند لو أنت مِن المتبصّرين. چند سنه می شود كه اين عبد ليلاً و نهاراً معاشر بوده. فوالله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو، كه امری كه فی الجملة مكروه باشد از اين جمال مبارك ديده نشده. جميع اشياء بر تقديس ذات مقدّسشان شهادت داده و مي دهند. در ليالی و ايّام جز ذكر الله و ارتفاع كلمته از آن بيت مطهّر مقدّس استماع نشده. خود شما اگر قدری به انصاف بيائيد شهادت مي دهيد كه مقدّسند از اوهام ماسواه و منزّهند از ادراك مادونه. كدام عمل فوق انفاق جان است در سبيل رحمن؟ آيا نشنيده ايد كه بيست سنه در سبيل الهی بر ايشان چه وارد شده؟ اگر چه آن مفتری خبيث اعمال خود و مرشدش را به جمال اطهر اقدس نسبت داده و تو هم من غير دليل و برهان از او پذيرفته، ولكن نه والله، به قول او و امثال او ذيل مطهّر نيالايد. (edit)
And the other Talaat Abhi - the spirit similar to Al-Fada - are responsible for all the actions of those who see. It has been many years that this servant has been hanging out day and night. By Allah, there is no god but Him, that there is nothing that is abominable in general than this blessed beauty. All things testify to the sanctification of their holy nature. During the nights and days, except for the remembrance of Allah and the exaltation of His word, nothing has been heard from that holy holy house. You yourself, if you come to justice, you will testify that they are holy from illusions and are defiled from false understanding. Which of the following actions is sacrificing one's life for the sake of Rahman? Have you not heard what happened to them for the sake of God for twenty years? Even though that evil blasphemer has attributed his and his mentor's actions to the beauty of the purest and you have accepted nothing but evidence from him, but no, by God, according to his words and those like him, do not fall under the purest. (edit) And further, the radiant countenance - may the soul be his ransom - is active in all affairs if you are among the discerning. For several years, this servant has been in their company day and night. By Allah, who there is no god but He, nothing reprehensible in general has been seen from this blessed beauty. All things bear witness and continue to bear witness to the sanctity of their holy essence. In nights and days, nothing but the remembrance of Allah and the elevation of His word has been heard from that purified and sacred house. If you come to justice a little, you yourself will testify that they are sanctified from the illusions beyond them and exalted from the perceptions of the lower world. Which action is above sacrificing one's life for the sake of the Rahman? Haven't you heard what has befallen them in the divine path for twenty years? Although that wicked liar has attributed his own actions and his mentor's to the most pure and sacred beauty, and you have also accepted it from him without reason or proof, but no, by Allah, it will not reach the purified and sanctified by their words and the likes of them. (edit)

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