Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 691

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As such, the mentioned Sayyid became ignited before the appearance, and certainly, the likes of that soul will also appear, even if you and the likes of you deny or disbelieve. The story of that martyr is that he entered Iraq and settled near the most exalted House of Muhammad Reza - upon him be the glory of God. The aforementioned name was invited by His Holiness to visit his house at certain times. A few days delay occurred, and they were told to wait in response until one day, they accepted and brought their presence to that residence. The mentioned dignitary prepared a gathering to the best of his ability and brought several trays of various foods, fruits, and sweets to their presence. Then the face of God turned to the face of the one who was martyred in His path and addressed him: "Come and eat whatever is present before you from the blessings of God and His bounties!"