Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 689

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O commanding soul, why have you become preoccupied with the mention of those souls and expressed bewilderment in response? You have not taken heed from the deeds of those souls who have given their lives in the path of this Cause, and each of their deeds, in affirming this wondrous Appearance, has been the most evident proof and an irrefutable argument between the heavens and the earth. Among them is the beloved of the martyrs, His Eminence Aqa Sayyid Ismail Zavareh, who sacrificed his own head out of love for this Appearance, and no soul has ever denied his asceticism, piety, devotion, virtue, and knowledge before God. You have not been guided by the deeds of such a soul, and have sent forth the mention of those souls whose current state is unknown and who stand upon an uncertain path before the Throne. Perhaps God will strengthen them in His cause, sever them from you and those like you, and make them among the sincere.