Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 581

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And since this group was considered insignificant and worthless in the eyes of the people of Iraq, such that nothing but curses, insults, and slander was mentioned about this group, no one would engage with them so that they could be blessed with the abundance of divine knowledge and the never-ending divine commandments. They just went to a coffee house, which was located on the shore, to mingle for a while, and there they talked to some people from Iraq. Afterwards, they began to engage with others, and the cause of God was so honored that everyone spoke in praise of God and turned towards our goal. Oh, sightless one! If you had vision even to the degree of a bat, you would still acknowledge that sitting in the coffeehouse for a short time is better than you and your existence and what you have done and are doing [309], and then the actions of those like you.