Kitab-i-Badi/English761: Difference between revisions

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By your glory, O my beloved, I became astonished at the manifestations of your craft and the revelations of your power. And I see myself incapable of knowing the least of your signs, and how to know yourself. Therefore, I ask You, O my God, by Your name with which You made lovers fly into the air of Your will and guided those longing for the pleasure of Your nearness and connection, to blow from Your good pleasure fragrances of reassurance upon those in distress among Your loved ones in those days when the winds of temptation surrounded them from all sides, so that souls were troubled from all sides. The power of Your decree, and the pillars of existence shook because of what descended upon them from the heavens of Your prestige, and their turmoil reached such a level that the lamps of Your love and remembrance almost extinguished in their hearts. And You are the Powerful over whatever You will, and You are the Forgiving, the Generous.

Revision as of 07:15, 15 May 2023