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Latest revision as of 16:40, 29 April 2023

Paragraph Persian English GPT4_
قدری تفكّر نما! ثمره شجره حقيقت در ظهور قبل آن است، كه كلّ اهل بيان در ظلّ اين شجره ساكن شوند. اين بوده اصل مقصود از آنچه تقدير شد در شجره قبل. حال هر نفسی به آن مقام فائز شد از اثمار و افنان و اغصان و ما قدّر لها مذكور، و مِن دون آن ساقط و مقطوع. حال قدری نوحه نما بر ثمره كه مِن دون الله اخذ[۳۷۵]نموده! و اگر ثمره حقيقی باشد به نصّ نقطه بيان، كه می فرمايد اگر حقّ را در يوم ظهور تصديق ننمايد از من نبوده و نخواهد بود، مع اين بيان واضح لايح آشكار تعجّب مي نمائيد كه چگونه می شود ثمره باطل گردد و يا ساقط شود. (edit)
Think a little! The fruit of the family tree of truth is in the emergence before it, that all the people of Bayan will dwell in the shadow of this family tree. This was the original meaning of what was appreciated in the previous genealogy. Now, every soul has gained that position from the above-mentioned Atthmar, Afnan, Aghasan, and Ma Qadr Laha, and those without it are fallen and severed. Now let's mourn for the fruit that I got without God! And if the fruit is real, according to the point of the statement, which says that if the truth is not confirmed on the Day of Resurrection, it was not and will not be from me, despite this clear statement, you wonder how the fruit can be invalidated or dropped. (edit) Reflect for a moment! The fruit of the Tree of Truth in the previous appearance is that all the people of eloquence dwell under the shadow of this tree. This has been the main purpose of what was predestined in the previous tree. Now, every soul that has attained to that station from the fruits, leaves, branches, and what has been predestined for it, has been mentioned, and apart from that, [they are] fallen and cut off. Now, grieve a little for the fruit that has been taken without God's permission[375]! And if the fruit is true according to the text of the Point of Eloquence, which says that if it does not acknowledge the truth on the day of appearance, it is not and will not be from me, despite this clear and evident explanation, you still wonder how the fruit can become false or fall. (edit)
حال عظمت امر الله را مشاهده كن و شأن خود و مرشدت را! بگو: ای طفل دبستان جهل، هنوز بالغ نشده، چه كه اگر بالغ بودی به اين كلمات مشغول نمی شدی. فأفّ لك و بما عندك و بما إستدللتً به و بما تكون مسروراً به اليوم! بالغين آنانند كه به مظهر ربّ العالمين عارف شده و بر اعراش تمكين و وقار متمكّن. نزد تو و امثال تو بسيار مشكل است خرق اين حجبات، ولكن از برای حقّ - جلّ ثنائه - نفوسی هست كه به نفحاتش جميع احجاب را خرق نمايند، و ايشانند آن نفوسی كه كلّ نفس ايشان مهيمن است بر كلّ اهل بيان، و همچنين كلمات ايشان و افعال ايشان و عرفان ايشان. چنانچه نقطه بيان می فرمايد كه نطفه يكساله ظهور بعد اقوی است از كلّ مَن فی البيان. و الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه اگر در همين بيان نقطه بيان تفكّر نمايند جميع از كلّ مَن فی السّموات و الأرض و از روح و نفس و ذات خود منقطع شده به شطر احديّه توجّه نمايند. (edit)
Now observe the greatness of Allah's order and the dignity of yourself and your mentor! Say: O child of the elementary school of ignorance, you are not yet mature, because if you were mature, you would not be busy with these words. So, let us be with you, and with us, be your reason for us, and be happy with us today! Adults are those who have become mystics in the manifestation of the Lord of the worlds and are empowered and dignified. It is very difficult for you and the likes of you to break these veils, but for the sake of the truth - praise be to Him - there are souls whose breaths break all veils, and they are those souls whose whole soul dominates all the people of Bayan, and also their words. And his deeds and his mysticism. If the point of the statement says that the one-year-old sperm is stronger than the whole man in the statement. And Allah is the only God. If they think about this point of expression, all of us in the heavens and the earth, cut off from our soul, soul, and essence, should pay attention to a single point. (edit) Now, observe the greatness of the Cause of God and the state of yourself and your guide! Say: O child of the school of ignorance, not yet mature, if you were mature, you would not engage in these words. So woe to you, and to what you have, and to what you have inferred, and to what you are pleased with today! The mature ones are those who have recognized the Manifestation of the Lord of the Worlds and are firmly established on the pillars of authority and dignity. It is very difficult for you and the likes of you to pierce these veils, but for the truth - exalted is His praise - there are souls who, by His breezes, pierce all the veils, and they are the souls whose every breath is dominant over all the people of eloquence, as well as their words, deeds, and knowledge. As the Point of Eloquence says, the one-year-old embryo of the next appearance is stronger than all those in eloquence. By God, the One for whom there is no god but He, if they reflect upon the very statement of the Point of Eloquence, all would sever from everything in the heavens and the earth, from the spirit, soul, and essence, and turn their attention to the unity of His existence. (edit)
و اين كلمه بسيار بزرگ است، لو أنتم تتفكّرون. چه اگر امر[۳۷۶]عظيم نباشد، چگونه چنين بيان از منزل بيان ظاهر می شد؟ إذاً نشهد بأن صدّق الله العلیّ العظيم، چه كه اگر اقوی از كلّ خلق نباشد نمي تواند اين سبحات اوهام را خرق نمايد و اين اصنام كبيره را به قوّه خليلِ آفاق بشكند. كجا است مقام اين عباد و مقام عباد قبل؟ هؤلاء عباد يُصلّينّ عليهم أهل ملاء الأعلی، ثمّ حقائق الأشياء، ولكن أنتم لاتشعرون. (edit)
And this word is very big, if you think about it. What if the matter [376] is not great, how would such a statement appear from the house of statement? So, let it not be seen that the truth of God Almighty, if he is not the strongest of all mankind, he cannot break these illusions and break these great idols with the power of Khalil Afaq. Where is the rank of this worshiper and the rank of the previous worshipers? These are the worshipers of the Most High, then the truths of the things, but you do not praise. (edit) And this word is very great, if only you would reflect. If the Cause were not great, how could such a statement emerge from the abode of eloquence? So bear witness that God, the Most High, the Supreme, is truthful. For if it were not stronger than all creation, it could not pierce these veils of illusions and shatter these great idols with the power of the Friend of the Horizons. Where is the station of these servants compared to the station of the previous servants? These are the servants upon whom the people of the highest assembly and the realities of things send their blessings, but you do not perceive it. (edit)
و اين که به قلم غلّ و افترا نوشته كه بعضی مردم نسبت عصيان به جمال ابهی مي دهند و نوشته آنچه قلم حيا می نمايد از ذكر آن، كلّما ذكرتَ كذبٌ صراح. جميع اين كلمات را آن مُلقی كذّاب به تو القا نموده و نوشته. و الّذی تكلّم بذلك إفتری علی الله المهيمن القيّوم. إذاً يُخاطبك ملئكة التّقديس من فردوس الأعظم و يقول: "يا أيّها المشرك، صَه لسانك! بقطرة من أبحر تقديسه خُلِقنا و بُعِثنا، و جَعَلَنا الله مطهّراً عن دلالة غيره و منزّها عن ذكر ما سواه. و إذاً نُسبّحنّه و نُقدّسنّه فی هذا المقرّ الأعظم العظيم." (edit)
And where is the pen of malice and slander, its notation is like some of it is attributed to disobedience to Jamal Abhi May Dehind, and its note is the pen of Haya Mi Namaid, as mentioned, every time you mention an outright lie. All these words of Ra'an Mulqi are a liar by him, so he threw his nails and his nose. And he who spoke of that slandered God, the Dominant, the Subsisting. Then the angels of sanctification address you from the Greatest Paradise and say: “O polytheist, hush your tongue! With a drop of the ocean of His sanctification we were created and resurrected, and God made us purified from the indication of other than Him and above Him from mentioning anything else. And then we glorify Him and sanctify Him in this great, great abode .” (edit) And this, written by the pen of slander and calumny, some people attribute disobedience to the Most Glorious Beauty and write what the pen is too ashamed to mention, as soon as it is mentioned, it is a clear lie. All these words were inspired and written by that lying instigator. And whoever speaks of this has fabricated a lie against God, the Dominant, the Self-Subsisting. Then the angels of sanctification will address you from the highest Paradise and say, "O polytheist, silence your tongue! We were created and sent forth by a drop from the ocean of His sanctification, and God has made us purified from indicating anything other than Him and exalted from mentioning anything besides Him. And so, we glorify and sanctify Him in this Greatest and Most Exalted Abode." (edit)
ثمّ يخاطبك ملئكة التّنزيه من جنّة الأعلی و يقولنّ: "خُذ قلمك، يا أيّها المشرك بالله! تالله بهبوبٍ من أرياح تنزيهه قد بُعثنا و خُلقنا، و إذاً نُنزّهنّه و نسبّحنّه و نقدّسنّه فی هذا المقام الّذی جعله الله مطهّراً عن ذكرك و ثنائك و عرفانك و عرفان[۳۷۷]العالمين." ثمّ يخاطبك ملئكة التّجريد فی جنّة الأبهی و يقولنّ: "فإستحی، يا أيّها المعرض عن الله! قد خَلَقَنا الله مِن أبحر تجريده و إنقطعنا عن كلّ ذكر دون ذكره. و إذاً نسير فی هذه الجنّة الأعظم و نذكرنّه و نحمدنّه فی كلّ بكور و أصيل." (edit)
Then the angels of exaltation from the heavens of the Most High address you and say: “Take your pen, O polytheist! Irfan [377] of the two worlds.” Then the angels of abstraction address you in the Garden of Abhi and say: “So be ashamed, oh you who turn away from God! " (edit) Then the angels of exaltation will address you from the highest Paradise and say, "Take your pen, O you who associate others with God! By God, we were sent forth and created by a breeze from the winds of His exaltation, and so, we exalt, glorify, and sanctify Him in this station which God has made purified from your mention, your praise, and your knowledge and the knowledge of the worlds." Then the angels of abstraction will address you in the Glorious Paradise and say, "Be ashamed, O you who turn away from God! God has created us from the oceans of His abstraction and we are severed from every mention other than His mention. And so, we walk in this Greatest Paradise and remember Him and praise Him at every dawn and dusk." (edit)
ثمّ يخاطبك أهل جنّة الأمر و يقولن: "يا أيّها الغافل عن ذكر الله و المحارب بنفسه، إنّا خُلِقنا بأمر الّذی جری من قلمه العزيز البديع، و إنّه لهو الّذی بأمره رَقَمَ قلم الأعلی علی الألواح كلّما أراد، و إنّه لهو الحاكم علی ما يريد. إنّه لا يُسئل عمّا فعل و ما سواه يُسئلون، لو أنت مِن العالمين. إنّه لهو المختار فی نفسه، يفعل ما يشاء بسلطانه، ليس لأحد أنْ يعترض عليه و إنّما الإعتراض يرجع إلی نفسك الشّقیّ البعيد. ما أحصينا أحجبَ منك مِن ملل القبل. تالله بنار غلّك إشتعلتْ نار السّعير. خَف عن الله و لا تُنسب إليه ما يأمرك نفسك و هويك، و لا تكن من المشركين! تالله يشهد بتقديسه كلّ الذّرّات، ثمّ بتنزيهه كلّ الأشياء، و بتجريده أهل ملاء الأعلی، و بتوحيد ذاته أهل مدائن البقاء. إنّه لو يحكم لِنفسِ الشّركِ حكمَ التّوحيد يقدر بسلطانه المقتدر القدير، و لو يريد أنْ يُبدّل ذنوبَ الممكنات بكلمة من عنده لَيكونُ قادراً بأمره. و إنّما العجز شأنك و شأن أمثالك، يا أيّها[۳۷۸]الّذی جعلتَ نفسك محروماً عن نفحات الله فی هذه الأيّام الأبدع البديع. (edit)
Then the people of the Garden of Command address you and say: “O you who are heedless of the remembrance of God and who fights against Himself, we were created by the order of what flowed from His Mighty and Beautiful Pen, and it is He who, by His command, inscribed the pen of the Most High on the tablets whenever He wants, and He is the Ruler of what He wants. He is not questioned about what he did and what else they ask, if you are of the worlds. Indeed, he is the chosen one in himself, he does whatever he wants with his authority, no one has the right to object to him, but the objection is due to your wretched, distant self. What we counted is more veiled from you than the boredom of the past. By God, with fire The fire of the blazing fire is ignited. Be afraid of God and do not attribute to Him what your soul and your desires command you, and do not be of the polytheists! God bears witness to His sanctification of all atoms, then to His purification of all things, and to His purification of the people of the Most High, and His unification of Himself to the people of the cities of survival. If only He rules for the soul of polytheism the rule of monotheism, he is apprehended by his authority, the powerful, the powerful, and if he wanted to replace the sins of the possible with a word from him, he would be able by his command.But incapacity is your concern and the status of people like you, O you[378] who made yourself deprived of God’s graces in these days, the most ingenious, the ingenious. (edit) Then the people of the Paradise of the Command will address you and say, "O you who are heedless of the remembrance of God and warring with yourself, indeed, we were created by the command of the One whose pen wrote in a magnificent and unique way. It is He by whose command the Supreme Pen inscribed on the Tablets whatever He willed, and it is He who rules over what He desires. He is not questioned about what He does, but others are questioned if you are among the worlds. He is the chosen one in Himself, doing what He pleases with His authority; no one can object to Him, and objection only returns to your wretched and distant self. We have not counted more veils from you than the religions of the past. By God, with the fire of your hatred, the fire of Hell has been ignited. Fear God and do not attribute to Him what your soul and desires command, and do not be among the idolaters! By God, every atom bears witness to His sanctification, then with His exaltation, all things, and with His abstraction, the inhabitants of the highest heaven, and with His unification, the people of the cities of eternity. If He were to decree for the self of idolatry the decree of oneness, He would be able with His omnipotent and all-powerful authority, and if He were to change the sins of the possible beings with a word from Him, He would be capable by His command. But impotence is your affair and the affair of those like you, O you who have deprived yourself of the breaths of God in these most creative and wondrous days." (edit)
أفٍّ لك و لعرفانك! أما عرفتَ بأنّ الحكم يظهر منه و لا يرجع إليه حكم أحد؟ و إنّه لهو الآمر فی أزل الآزال و لا يجری عليه أمر أحد، لأنّ كلّ فقراءُ عنده و خلقوا بقوله العزيز البديع. هل ينبغی لورقة الّتی سقطت مِن السّدرة و إصفرّت من هواء نفسها يعترض علی سدرة الّتی ينطق كلّ ورقة منها بِ"إنّه لا إله إلاّ هو العزيز المتعالی العليم الحكيم"؟ هل ينبغی للعدم بأن يعترض علی سلطان القدم أو يُقنّن له قوانينَ نفسه؟ لا فو نفسه العلیّ العظيم! إذاً إسمع قولی، ثمّ إستغفر بدوام عمرك، لعلّ الله يغفرك و يطهّرك عمّا أبتليتَ به و ينقطعك عن نفسك و هويك و يقرّبك إلی ما هو خير لك عن ملكوت ملك السّموات و الأرضين! فو الله ما أردتَ فيما ذكرتَ إلاّ تضييع أمر الله، و نسئل الله بأن يضيّعك، ثمّ الّذين أيّدوك علی ما فعلتَ و إرتكبتَ، و إنّه لعلی كلّ شیء قدير." (edit)
Goodbye to you and your gratitude! Did you not know that the ruling appears from him and no one returns to him? And He is the One who commands from eternity to eternity, and no one is subject to His command, because all are poor with Him and created by His saying, the Mighty, the Wonderful. Is it necessary for a leaf that fell from the lotus tree and yellowed from the air of its soul to object to the lotus tree whose each leaf pronounces “There is no god but He, the Exalted, the Mighty, the Exalted, the All-Knowing, the Wise”? Is it necessary for non-existence to object to the authority of antiquity, or to codify its own laws for it? La Fu Himself, the Most High, the Great! So listen to my words, then ask forgiveness for the rest of your life, so that God may forgive you and purify you from what you have been afflicted with, cut you off from yourself and your desires, and bring you closer to what is best for you from the kingdom of the kingdom of the heavens and the earth! By God, what you wanted in what you mentioned was nothing but to waste the command of God, and we ask God to make you vanish. (edit) Woe to you and your understanding! Have you not realized that the judgment appears from Him and no one's judgment returns to Him? Indeed, He is the One who commands in the eternal past, and no one's command applies to Him, for all are in need of Him and created by His mighty and unique word. Is it appropriate for a leaf that has fallen from the Lote Tree and has turned yellow from the wind of its own breath to object to the Lote Tree, from which every leaf speaks, "Indeed, there is no god but He, the Mighty, the Exalted, the All-Knowing, the Wise"? Is it appropriate for non-existence to object to the authority of the Eternal or to impose its own laws on Him? No, by His exalted and great Self! So listen to my words, then constantly seek forgiveness in your life; perhaps God will forgive you and purify you from what you have been afflicted with, sever you from your self and desires, and bring you closer to what is better for you than the kingdom of the Lord of the heavens and the earth! By God, what you wanted in what you mentioned was nothing but to waste the cause of God, and we ask God to waste you, and those who supported you in what you did and committed, and indeed He is capable of everything." (edit)
اين عبد را ملجاء نموده، اگر جواب ذكر نشود بيم آن است كه بعضی از نفوس ضعيفه به اين كلمات جعليّه از حقّ محروم مانند. و اگر ذكر شود، و الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو، فطرت اصليّه راضی نمی شود كه از ذكر الله غافل شود و به كلمات مشركين توجّه نمايد. ولكن چه چاره؟ تكليف[۳۷۹]اين است آنچه گفته ايد جواب ذكر شود، لعلّ آن مجعولات ما بين عباد و سلطان يوم ميعاد حجاب نگردد. (edit)
If the answer is not mentioned, there is a fear that some weak souls will be deprived of their right by these fake words. And if it is mentioned, and God is God, there is no god but Him, the original nature is not satisfied to neglect the mention of God and pay attention to the words of polytheists. But what is the solution? The duty [379] is that what you have said should be mentioned, so that our falsehoods do not become a veil between the servants and the Sultan on the Day of Judgment. (edit) This servant has been given refuge, if the answer is not mentioned, the fear is that some of the weak souls will be deprived of the truth due to these fabricated words. And if it is mentioned, by Allah, the One who there is no god but Him, the original nature will not be satisfied to be heedless of the remembrance of Allah and pay attention to the words of the polytheists. But what can be done? The obligation[379] is that what you have said should be answered, so that perhaps those fabrications will not become a veil between the servants and the sovereign on the Day of Judgment. (edit)
و از اين كلمات كه به تو القا نموده مقصودی نداشته مگر آن كه بعضی نفوس را از شطر فردوس منع نمايند و عباد را به دام كلمات صيد كنند. در دوازده سنه توقّف در عراق جميع مي دانند كه چه مقدار جدّ و جهد فرموده اند تا آن كه بعضی فواحش را از ما بين اين طايفه برداشتند. و اگر هم، نعوذ بالله، بعضی مرتكب شده اند در سَتر بوده. فو الله يا غافل، مطّلع نيستی كه بر چه مقرّی اين اعتراضات نموده. لو تعرف لَتهلكُ نفسُك فی الحين. (edit)
And these words that he inspired you had no intention except to prevent some souls from the camels of Firdaus and to catch the worshipers in the trap of words. In the 12 years of staying in Iraq, everyone knows how much effort they put in until some of them took away their pride from us among this tribe. And even if some have committed adultery, it has been in the line. Oh God, you are ignorant, you are not informed on what basis you made these objections. If you know how to destroy your soul, then (edit) And from these words that have been inspired to you, they had no purpose except to prevent some souls from the ranks of Paradise and to trap the servants in the snare of their words. During the twelve years of stay in Iraq, everyone knows how much seriousness and effort they have made to remove some indecencies from among this group. And even if, God forbid, some have committed them, they have been done in secret. By Allah, O heedless one, you are not aware of the exalted position upon which these objections have been made. If you knew, you would destroy yourself instantly. (edit)
علّت و سبب اعظم كدورت جمال ابهی از ميرزا يحيی، و الله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو، اين بوده كه در حرم نقطه اولی - روح ما سواه فداه - تصرّف نمود، با اين که در كلّ كتب سماوی حرام است. و بی شرمی او به مقامی رسيده كه مخصوص زوجات خود را در مكتوبات خود حرام نموده، مع ذلك دست تعدّی و خيانت به حرم مظهر مليك علام گشوده. فأفّ له و لوفائه! و كاش به نفس خود قناعت مي نمود، بلكه او را بعد از ارتكاب خود وقف مشركين نمود، و جميع اهل بيان شنيده و مي دانند، سيّئات او را بايد از معاشرين او سؤال نمود. (edit)
The main cause and reason for the darkness of Jamal Abhi from Mirza Yahya, and God Almighty, is that he used the first point - our soul other than sacrifice - in the sanctuary, despite the fact that it is forbidden in all the heavenly books. And his shamelessness has reached the point where he has forbidden his wives in his writings, yet he has violated and betrayed the shrine of Malik Allam. Faf Leh and Lofae! And I wish he was content with himself, but after committing himself, he dedicated him to polytheists, and all the people of Bayan have heard and know that his crimes should be questioned by his companions. (edit) The greatest cause of the distance of the glorious beauty from Mirza Yahya, and Allah, there is no god but He, was that he trespassed in the sanctuary of the first Point - may our souls be sacrificed for him - even though it is forbidden in all divine books. And his shamelessness has reached a level where he has declared it forbidden in his writings even for his own wives, yet he dared to extend his hand of transgression and betrayal to the sanctuary of the Manifestation of the All-Knowing King. So woe to him and his loyalty! If only he had been content with himself, but instead, after committing his crime, he dedicated himself to the idolaters, and all the people of eloquence have heard and know that his misdeeds should be questioned from his companions. (edit)
و از اينها گذشته عجب در اين است كه همين فقره[۳۸۰]كه نوشته دليلی است واضح و برهانی است قاطع بر حقيّت اين امر، و تو هنوز مستشعر نشده. نفسی را كه خود تو مي دانی كه از اهل علم و زهد نبوده و از عرفا و ارباب عمايم محسوب نه، و به قول تو با امثال مشير الدّولة معاشر بوده، و بعد يك مرتبه كوثر معانی الهيّه مِن غير جهات از او جاری و شموس حكمت ربانيّه از افق اراده اش مشرق و مضیء - ای بی انصاف، اين مقامی است فوق كلّ مقام، لو تكون مِن المنصفين. اين فضل اكبر را حقير شمرده و به خيال خود اين كلمات را به جهت اغوای ناس ذكر كرده. قد أخطأتَ، يا أيّها المجرم العاصی! هر عاقل بصيری كه بشنود البته در امر الله ثابت تر و مستقيم تر شده و خواهد شد. (edit)
And apart from these, the wonder is that this very paragraph [380] which is written is a clear proof and a decisive proof of the truth of this matter, and you have not yet felt it. The soul that you yourself know is not one of the people of knowledge and asceticism, and is not considered one of the mystics and lords of my uncles, and according to your words, he was associated with the likes of Mushir al-Dawlah, and then once again the divine meanings flowed from him in other directions and the sun of wisdom. Rabaniyyah from the horizon of his will is east and west - unfair, this position is above all positions, if you are fair. He despised this great grace and mentioned these words in his imagination to seduce Nas. The height of your mistakes, O disobedient criminals! Of course, every wise man who hears will become more steadfast and direct in the command of Allah. (edit) And beyond all these, it is astonishing that this very passage[380] you have written is a clear evidence and a decisive proof of the truth of this matter, yet you have not realized it. The soul, which you yourself know, was not from the people of knowledge and piety, and was not considered among the mystics and the masters of veils, and by your own account, associated with the likes of Moshir al-Dawla. And then, suddenly, the Kawthar of divine meanings flowed from him without direction, and the suns of divine wisdom shone and illuminated from the horizon of his will - oh unjust one, this is a station above all stations, if only you were among the fair-minded. You have belittled this greatest grace and imagined that these words were mentioned to deceive people. You have made a mistake, O sinful criminal! Any wise and discerning person who hears this will surely become more steadfast and upright in the cause of God and will continue to do so. (edit)
باری فكر ديگر برای خود نموده كه اين وساوس در انفس خنّاسيّه اثر نمايد، نه در انفس رحمانيّه. قلوب كدره محدوده شايد به اين كلمات كذبه نالايقه از ذكر سلطان احديّه غافل شوند، ولكن انفس مجرّده به جان به شطر رحمن توجّه نمايند. حال از تو مي پرسم: اگر نفسی از مابين قومی، كه ابداً معروف به علم نبوده و به اسم فضل و عدل مابين ناس مشهور نه، برخيزد و به جواهر كلمات الله ناطق شود چنانچه شنيده و مي شنويد - اين نفس اعظم است، و يا نفسي كه در ميانه اهل علم تربيت شود؟ شكّی نيست كه اوّل ارحج[۳۸۱]بوده، چه كه او به صرف قدرت الهيّه ظاهر. (edit)
Once again, think to yourself that this obsession will affect the soul of Khannasiya, not the soul of Rahmani. The dark hearts of the border may ignore the mention of Sultan Ahadiya with these unworthy false words, but the unmarried soul should pay attention to the merciful camel. Now I ask you: If a soul from among a people, which was never known for knowledge and is not known for the name of grace and justice among people, rises up and speaks the jewels of God's words, as you have heard and hear - this is a great soul, or A soul to be trained in the midst of people of knowledge? There is no doubt that he was the first Arhaj [381], that he appeared only by the power of God. (edit) The Creator has thought otherwise for Himself, so that these whisperings may affect the satanic souls, not the divine ones. The clouded hearts may be distracted by these unworthy lies from the mention of the Sovereign of Oneness, but the detached souls will pay attention to the shore of the Most Merciful with their lives. Now I ask you: if a soul rises among a people who have never been known for their knowledge and are not famous among the people for their grace and justice, and begins to speak the gems of the words of God as you have heard and are hearing - is this not the greatest soul, or a soul that has been raised among the people of knowledge? There is no doubt that the former is more sublime[381], as it has appeared solely by the power of the divine. (edit)
خوب است كه حقّ - جلّ إجلاله - از لسان خود شما كلماتی فرموده كه متبصّرين را در معرفت امثال آن نفوس كافی بوده و خواهد بود. لازال حقّ محلّ اين گونه اعتراضات بوده، چنانچه بع روح الله اعتراض نمودند كه با خاطئين و عشارين مجالس و مؤانس است. فو الله بر اين ظهور مع وصايای نقطه بيان - جلّ إعزازه - بلايائی وارد شده كه بر احدی از مظاهر قبل وارد نشده. بلايای اوّلين و آخرين معادله نمی نمايد با همين قرطاس نَجَسه كه به ساحت اقدس ارسال داشته، با آن كه از هيچ امری مطلع نبوده و نيستی و محض هوی و مجرّد نفس تكلّم نموده. و اين از رزايائی است كه مشهود شده، ولكن بلايائی بر اين ظهور وارد كه احدی محصی آن نه إلاّ الله. (edit)
It is good that Haqq - Glory be to Him - has spoken words from your own tongue that will be and will be sufficient for the seers in the knowledge of the likes of those souls. Such objections are still justified, as they protested against the Spirit of God, that he is with the sinners and the ten-members. May God bless this apparition with the commandments of the point of expression - Jalal Izazah - calamities that have not befallen any of the previous apparitions. The first and last calamities cannot be equated with this impure piece of paper that was sent to the Holy of Holies, with the fact that you were not aware of anything and did not speak with your ego. And this is one of the dreams that have come true, but a calamity has come upon this manifestation, and there is no one who can measure it except Allah. (edit) It is good that the Truth - Glorious is His Majesty - has spoken words through your tongue that have been and will be sufficient for the discerning to recognize the likes of those souls. The Truth has always been the subject of such objections, just as they objected to the Spirit of God for being in the company of sinners and revelers. By God, upon this manifestation, along with the instructions of the Point of Declaration - Glorious is His Honor - calamities have befallen that have not befallen any of the previous manifestations. The calamities of the first and the last do not compare with this impure sheet that has been sent to the most sacred arena, even though it is not informed of anything and is merely speaking out of passion and a detached soul. And this is one of the visible calamities, but there are calamities that have befallen this manifestation that no one can enumerate except God. (edit)
چنانچه در توقيع جناب جود - عليه بهاء الله - يك آيه نازل كه والله كبد اهل آفاق را گداخته. قوله - جلّ كبريائه -: إنّک رأيتنی و عاشرتَ معی و عرفتَ بحرَ سكونی و جبلَ إصطباری، فكّر ما أقامنی علی الصّيحة بين السّموات و الأرضين! ولكن چه فايده كه آيات الهی بر تو القا نمودن مثل آن است كه عندليبی از برای كَر تغنّی نمايد. نسئل الله بأن يطهّر الأرض مِن رجْسك و رجس الّذينهم كانوا معك، و إنّه لَمُجيب دعوةِ السّايلين. قَدرت[۳۸۲]آنقدر معلوم شده كه به قول اخبث ناس و ادناهم از حقّ معرض شده و به شجره نفس و هوی متمسّك. (edit)
As in the signature of Mr. Jud - Alaihi Bahá'u'lláh - a verse was revealed which by God melted the liver of the people of Afaq. Qoleh - Jall al-Kabriaeh -: Behold, I have seen you, and I have seen you, and you have known the calm sea and the mountain of Istabari, our thought has set me on the right path between the heavens and the earth! But what is the use of instilling the divine verses on you is like singing to the deaf. We ask Allah to cleanse the earth from your filth and the filth of those who are with you, and this is the answer to the prayers of those who pray. Your power [382] has become so clear that it is exposed to the truth according to the sayings of slanderers and fools, and clings to the family tree of the soul and spirit. (edit) As in the signature of His Excellency, Generosity - upon Him be the Glory of God - a verse was revealed that, by God, has devastated the hearts of the people of the horizons. He says - Glorious is His Majesty -: "Indeed, you have seen me and associated with me, and you have known the ocean of my tranquility and the mountain of my steadfastness. Reflect on what has made me proclaim loudly between the heavens and the earth!" But what is the use, as the divine verses being revealed to you are like a nightingale singing for the deaf. We ask God to purify the earth from your impurity and the impurity of those who were with you, for He is indeed the Answerer of the supplications of the seekers. The extent of your power has become so apparent that, according to the worst of people and the lowest among them, you have turned away from the Truth and clung to the tree of self and desire. (edit)
و ديگر نوشته بودی كه در مجلس ها صحبت می شود كه جمال ابهی بنای فساد و فتنه گذاشته اند و مشهور شده كه اوّل برادرش را قائم و پنهان كرده باسم او نانی پخت حالا او را در كرده ميخواهند آجيل بخورند. (edit)
And you already wrote that it is being talked about in the parliaments that Jamal Abhi has laid a foundation for corruption and sedition, and it is known that he first kept his brother alive and baked bread for him, now they want to eat nuts. (edit) You also wrote that it is being discussed in gatherings that the Supreme Beauty (Jamal-i-Abha) has laid the foundation for corruption and sedition, and it has become well-known that at first, he made his brother the leader and concealed him, baking bread in his name. Now they have put him in and want to eat him like nuts. (edit)
لعن الله مَن ألقاك و لعن الله من كذب و إفتری، ثمّ بغی و أطغی، ثمّ كفر و أشقی! و الله بسيار ناس را احمق يافته، جميع مي دانند كه ايشان حسب الامر دولت ايران به عراق تشريف آوردند، و ميرزا يحيی بعد از مقدّمه ارض طاء فرار نموده به عراق آمد. قل: أنْ يا أيّها المشرك، إنّ الّذی أنفق روحَه فی سبيل الله، و كان بين يدی النّاس و ورد عليه فی كلّ حين سهامُ القضاء ما لمْ يُحصيها أحدٌ إلاّ الله الملك العليم الخبير، و قام عليه أكثر النّاس فی أيّام الّتی كان فی العراق و فی كلّ يوم ينادی منهم بأن يأخذوه و يُرسلوه إلی أرض الطّاء، و مِنهم مَن قال: "فسوف يغرقونه فی الشّط!" و منهم من قال: "يُنفيه الدّولة!" و كان الله علی ذلك لشهيد و عليم، و بكت عليه عيون كلّ الأشياء بما مسّته البأساء و الضّراء - و إنّک كتبتَ ما كتبت، ألا لعنة الله علی الكاذبين! (edit)
May God curse the one who met you, and God curse the one who lied and slandered, then transgressed and transgressed, then disbelieved and miserable! By God, the people of the country are foolish, O Fattah. All Mi Danand Ke Ishan, according to the order, the state of Iran, with Iraq honoring Orand, and Mirza Yahya after his introduction to the land of Taa Farar, we will lead him to Iraq Amd. Say: Oh polytheist, the one who spent his soul in the way of God, and was in the hands of people and received the arrows of the judiciary at all times as long as no one can count them except God, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware, and most of the people rose up against him in the days that he was in Iraq and Every day he calls out to them to take him and send him to the land of Al-Ta’a, and some of them say: “They will drown him in the river!” And some of them said: “The state banishes him!” And God was a Witness and Knower of that, and the eyes of all things wept over him because of what misfortune and adversity touched him - and you wrote what you wrote, except the curse of God be upon the liars! (edit) May God curse whoever influenced you, and may God curse those who lie and fabricate, then transgress and rebel, then disbelieve and bring misery! By God, many people have been found foolish; everyone knows that, as ordered, they came to Iraq under the protection of the Iranian government, and Mirza Yahya fled to Iraq after the preliminary conquest of the land of Ta. Say: "O, you who associate others with God, indeed, the one who spent his life in the way of God, who was in the midst of people, and arrows of destiny were constantly fired at him, which no one could count except God, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware. Most people were against him during the days he was in Iraq, and every day someone among them called for them to take him and send him to the land of Ta. Some of them said, 'They will drown him in the river!' and some said, 'The government will exile him!' God was a witness and knower of all this, and the eyes of all things wept for him because of the hardships and adversities he faced - and yet you have written what you wrote. Surely, God's curse is upon the liars!" (edit)
كلّ اشياء شاهد و گواهند كه[۳۸۳]در سنين توقّف در عراق ابداً اميد جان نبود، و در كلّ حين به بلايای جديده مبتلا. و مع ذلك امثال آن نفوس رذليّه ذكر نان و آجيل می نمايند. و ملاحظه كن كه چه قدر از عقل ظاهره محروم شده، و الله هر نفسی كلماتت را ملاحظه نمايد قهر حقّ را ظاهر و آشكار در تو مشاهده می نمايد. سبحان الله، نفسي كه عاجز است دو كلمه پارسی را به عبارات حسنه تحرير نمايد إعترض علی الّذی بإرادةٍ منه خُلق قلم الأعلی و ظهر منه الصّرير الّذی به إستجذبتْ قلوب ما كان و ما يكون. أفّ لك و بما ظهر منك! (edit)
All things are witnesses and witnesses that [383] there was no hope for life during the years of detention in Iraq, and all the time it was suffering from new disasters. And yet the likes of those wicked souls mention bread and nuts. And consider how much you have been deprived of apparent reason, and God will see the power of the truth in you, every soul that looks at your words. Glory be to Allah, my soul, which is unable to write two Persian words in good terms, may I object to Ali Al-Zhi by the will of me, the creation of the supreme pen and the dawn of me, Al-Sarir by the attraction of our hearts. Aff Lak and Bama Zuhr from you! (edit) All things bear witness and testify that during the years of [383] stay in Iraq, there was never any hope for life, and they were constantly afflicted with new adversities. And yet, the likes of those vile souls mention bread and nuts. Observe how much they have been deprived of apparent wisdom, and by God, every soul that observes your words sees the wrath of God manifest and clear in you. Glory be to God, a soul that is incapable of writing two beautiful Persian phrases dares to object to the one by whose will the Supreme Pen was created and from whom the resounding sound emerged, attracting the hearts of what has been and what will be. Woe to you and what has appeared from you! (edit)
ولكن از اين مردم غافل بعيد نيست كه همين كلمات تو را بر كلمات حقّ ترجيح دهند، چنانچه سنين لانهاية لها عِجل را بر حقّ ترجيح داده و پرستيده اند، و حال هم به آن مشغولند. بسيار حيف است كه انسان به اين گونه كلمات نالايقه تكلّم نمايد، چه كه كلمات حاكيند از نفس انسانی. لذا كلمات اهل منظر اكبر مزيّن است به طراز ادب. نسئل الله بأن لايجعلنا عريّا من هذا الثّوب الّذی به يظهر قدرُ الإنسان بين ملاء الأكوان و إمتيازُهُ عن الحيوان. ثمّ نسئله بأن يقرّبنا عليه و ينقطعنا عن دونه و يطهّرنا عن روائح الوهم و التّقليد و يجعلنا من الّذين قالوا: "الله ربّنا!" ثمّ إستقاموا و ما منعهم إستهزاء الخلائق[۳۸۴]أجمعين و لا شماتة الغافلين. (edit)
But since the ignorant Mardam is far from being forgotten, the words of Tora, the words of truth, the preference of Dahind, the endless years of haste, the truth of the preference of his father and his prestige, and their condition is that they are busy. In a car that feels like a human being, where are the words of grace, speak softly, and what are the words of a human soul. Therefore, the words of the people of a greater view are embellished with a style of literature. We ask God not to make us naked from this garment in which the destiny of man appears among the plethora of universes and his distinction over animals. Then we ask Him to bring us closer to Him, to cut us off from Him, to purify us from the odors of illusion and imitation, and to make us of those who said: “God is our Lord!” Then they were upright, and they were not prevented by the mockery of all creatures[384], nor the gloating of the heedless. (edit) But it is not far-fetched for these heedless people to prefer your words over the words of truth, just as they have preferred and worshiped the fleeting world over the truth for endless years, and are still preoccupied with it. It is a great pity that a person speaks in such unworthy words, for words are a reflection of a human soul. Therefore, the words of the people of the highest perspective are adorned with the art of literature. We ask God not to leave us naked without this garment, by which the human dignity is manifested among the worlds, and its distinction from the animal. Then we ask Him to bring us closer to Him, detach us from everything other than Him, purify us from the odors of illusion and imitation, and make us among those who said: "Our Lord is God!" Then they remained steadfast and were not deterred by the ridicule of all creatures [384] nor the gloating of the heedless. (edit)
أللهمّ، يا إلهی، فافتح أبصار هؤلاء لِيروك ظاهراً بين خلقك و مشرقاً فی مملكتك! و انّك يا إلهی لو فتحتَ أبصارهم، ما أبتليتَ بإستهزائهم و أحجار ظنونهم و سهام أوهامهم، كما فتحتَ أبصار أحبّائك و عرّفتهم ما لا عرّفته دونهم. و إنّک لو كشفت الحجبات لهم كما كشفت عن وجوههم، ما إحتجبوا و ما إعترضوا. فلمّا سترت عن هؤلاء و كشفت لأحبّائك، لذا إرتفع ضجيجُ الغافلين من بريّتك و صريخ المتوهّمين مِن أهل مملكتك. إذاً أسئلك بنفسك بأن تكشف لهم حجباتِ الّتی منعتْهم عن عرفانك و عرفانِ مظهر نفسك لِيَجمعُنّ كلٌّ علی شاطی بحر توحيدك و مقرّ عزّ تقديسك و تفريدك. و إنّک أنت علی ما تشاء قدير. (edit)
Oh God, my God, so open the eyes of these people so that they see you appearing among your creation and shining in your kingdom! O my God, if you had opened their eyes, you would not have been afflicted with their mockery, the stones of their assumptions, and the arrows of their delusions, just as you opened the eyes of your loved ones and made known to them what I would not know without them. And if you revealed the veils to them as you revealed their faces, they would not be veiled and they would not object. So when you concealed them from them and revealed to your loved ones, so the noise of the heedless ones rose from your wilderness and the cries of the delusional people of your kingdom. Therefore, I ask you by yourself to reveal to them the veils that prevented them from knowing you and knowing the manifestation of yourself, so that they all gather on the shores of the sea of your monotheism and the place of glory of your sanctification and exclusivity. And you are capable of whatever you want. (edit) O God, my Lord, open the eyes of these people so that they may see You manifest among Your creation and shining in Your kingdom! Indeed, my Lord, if You were to open their eyes, they would not be afflicted by their ridicule, the stones of their suspicions, and the arrows of their illusions, just as You have opened the eyes of Your loved ones and taught them what You did not teach others. And if You were to remove the veils for them as You have removed them from their faces, they would not hide nor object. So when You concealed from these people and revealed to Your loved ones, the noise of the heedless has risen from Your innocence and the cries of the deluded from the people of Your kingdom. Therefore, I ask You by Yourself to remove the veils that prevented them from knowing You and recognizing the manifestation of Your essence so that they may all gather on the shore of the sea of Your unity and the abode of Your glorification and singularity. And indeed, You are capable of whatever You will. (edit)
آنان كه ذكر نموده اند كه ايشان نان به اسم او درست نموده، و الله خجالت مي برم از ذكر چنين نفوس بی ادب رذلی، و آن خود سيّد محمّد خبيث است. اين اذكار اذكار اولی النّجابة نبوده و نخواهد بود. و هر نفسی كه چنين كلمه تكلّم نموده مثل آن است كه كسی بگويد: "شمس از ظلمت مستنير شده" و يا "عندليب از زاغ تغنّی آموخته" و يا "قطعهء ياقوت از حجر كسب ضيا و لون [۳۸۵]كرده." چه فايده كه آن غافل مطّلع نيست. (edit)
Those who have mentioned that they made bread in his name, and by Allah, I am ashamed of mentioning such rude and vile people, and that is Sayyid Muhammad Khabit himself. This remembrance was not and will not be the first remembrance of Al-Najaba. And every soul that utters such a word is like someone saying: "The sun has been enlightened by darkness" or "The nightingale has learned to sing from the raven" or "A piece of ruby has gained light and joy from the stone." What is the use of that heedless person is not informed. (edit) Those who have mentioned that they have made bread in his name, and by God, I am ashamed to mention such ill-mannered and disgraceful souls, and that is indeed Sayyid Muhammad the wicked himself. These remembrances are not and will not be the remembrances of the foremost in nobility. And any soul who has spoken such words is like someone saying, "The sun has been illuminated by darkness" or "The nightingale has learned to sing from the crow" or "A piece of ruby has acquired its brilliance and color from a stone." What is the benefit when that heedless one is not aware? (edit)

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