Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 717: Difference between revisions

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May God curse whoever influenced you, and may God curse those who lie and fabricate, then transgress and rebel, then disbelieve and bring misery! By God, many people have been found foolish; everyone knows that, as ordered, they came to Iraq under the protection of the Iranian government, and Mirza Yahya fled to Iraq after the preliminary conquest of the land of Ta. Say: "O, you who associate others with God, indeed, the one who spent his life in the way of God, who was in the midst of people, and arrows of destiny were constantly fired at him, which no one could count except God, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware. Most people were against him during the days he was in Iraq, and every day someone among them called for them to take him and send him to the land of Ta. Some of them said, 'They will drown him in the river!' and some said, 'The government will exile him!' God was a witness and knower of all this, and the eyes of all things wept for him because of the hardships and adversities he faced - and yet you have written what you wrote. Surely, God's curse is upon the liars!"

Revision as of 01:01, 17 May 2023