Kitab-i-Badi/English779: Difference between revisions

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Today[407] my souls are like this, I forbade the statement of Sa’and, the wrath of his hand and his hand, the souls of his folly looking at him, wanting to accept the claim of his order and. May God curse those who transgressed the limits of the statement, violated the sanctity of God, violated his covenant, and disbelieved in the first point, his beloved, and his purpose, which appeared in his glorious name between the earth and the sky. From it, the hearts of the close ones and the hearts of the sincere ones were filled with light, but they were mistaken when they imagined God’s might and power. A fort commanded by a hand able to preserve its strongholds. And He has power over all things.

Latest revision as of 07:21, 15 May 2023