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Latest revision as of 06:44, 13 April 2023

Paragraph Persian English GPT4_
تالله، يا ايّها العبد، ماكان مقصودی إلاّ تطهيرَك عن كلّ ما لا ينبغی لك. و كلّما أَصمُتُ فی ذكرِك، لسانُ الله ينطِقُ علی لسانی و يأمرنی بالتّبليغ عليك، و ما علیّ إلاّ البلاغ المبين. ذكّر فی نفسك أقلّ مِن آنٍ! هل سمعتَ ظهوراً أعظم مِن هذا أو مِن آياتٍ أكبر عمّا نزّلتُ بالحقّ؟ إذاً فأنطِق علی الصّدق الخالص و كُنْ مِن الّذينهم توجّهوا إلی منظرِ الأكبر فی يوم الّذی إنقلبتْ فيه وجوهُ الخلائق أجمعين! (edit)
By God, O servant, my intention was nothing but to purify you from everything that you do not deserve. And whenever I am silent in your remembrance, God's tongue speaks to my tongue and commands me to inform you, and I have nothing but clear communication. Remind yourself less than that! Have you heard a revelation greater than this or greater verses than what I revealed with Truth? So speak to the pure truth and be among those who turned to the view of the greatest on the day when the faces of all creatures turned! (edit) By Allah, O servant, my only purpose was to purify you from everything that is not fitting for you. And whenever I am silent in your remembrance, the tongue of Allah speaks on my tongue and commands me to convey to you, and my duty is nothing but clear conveyance. Remind yourself of even less than that! Have you heard of a greater manifestation than this or greater verses than what I have revealed in truth? Then speak with pure sincerity and be among those who have turned their faces towards the Supreme Vision on the day when the faces of all creatures were transformed! (edit)
و إن تخاف مِن إيمانك خُذْ هذا اللّوحَ، ثمّ إحفَظْهُ فی جيبِ توكّلك، و إذا دخلتَ موقفَ الحشر فی يوم الّذی فيه يُبعَثُ كلُّ الممكنات تلقاء وجهِ ربّك مِن نفحاتِهِ البديعِ المنيع و يسئلك الله: بأیّ حجّةٍ آمنتَ بهذا الظّهور؟، إذاً فأخرِج اللّوحَ و قُلْ: بهذا الكتاب المنزل المبارك القديم. ثمّ إقرأ ما نزل فيه تلقاء وجهِ ربّك، مقرِّ الّذی تشهد فيه كلَّ النّبيين و المرسلين. تالله، إذاً تمدّ أيادی الكلّ إليك و يأخذنّ اللّوحَ و يضعنّه علی عيونهم شوقاً للقائی و شغفاً لحبّی و يجدنّ منه**[32]** روائحَ قدسی العزيز المنيع. كذلك فصّلنا لك الآيات لِتطمئنَّ فی نفسك و تكونَ مِن المطمئنّين. (edit)
And if you are afraid of your faith, take this tablet, then keep it in the pocket of your trust, and if you enter the stand of the gathering on the day when all possibilities will be sent to the face of your Lord from His wonderful and impenetrable whiffs, and God will ask you: By what argument do you believe in this manifestation? : With this book the old blessed home. Then read what was revealed in it for the sake of your Lord, the abode of which all prophets and messengers bear witness. By God, then everyone’s hands reach out to you and they take the tablet and place it on their eyes with longing to meet me and longing for my love, and they smell from it**[32]** the fragrances of my holy, dear and impenetrable. We have also detailed the verses for you so that you may be at peace with yourself and be among the reassured. (edit) And if you fear for your faith, take this Tablet, then keep it in the pocket of your trust, and when you enter the position of resurrection on the day when all possibilities are raised before the face of your Lord from His wondrous, impregnable breaths, and Allah asks you: "By what proof did you believe in this manifestation?", then bring out the Tablet and say: "By this ancient, blessed, and revealed Book." Then read what has been revealed therein before the face of your Lord, the station in which all the prophets and messengers bear witness. By Allah, then all hands will be extended to you, and they will take the Tablet and place it on their eyes, longing for my meeting and passionate for my love, and they will find from it the fragrances of the holy, the mighty, the impregnable. Thus, we have detailed the verses for you so that you may be reassured in yourself and be among those who are at peace. (edit)
و لو يعذّبك اللهُ بما آمنتَ بآياته فی هذا الظّهور، فبأیّ حجّةٍ يعذّب الّذينهم ما آمنوا بعلیّ مِن قبلُ، و مِن قبلِهِ بمحمّد رسول الله، و مِن قبله بعيسی بن مريم، و من قبله بالكليم، و من قبله بالخليل، إلی أن ينتهی الظّهورات إلی البديع الاوّل الّذی خلق بارادةِ ربّك القادر المريد؟ أن يا إسمی، إنّ الأمر أظهر مِن أن يخفی و أبين من أن يستر، و يستضیء كالشّمس فی قطب الزّوال. و إنّك لو تخلّص نفسَك عن الحجبات لَتصلُ إليه أقرب من أنْ يرتدَّ بصرُك إلی نفسك و إنّ هذا لحقّ يقين. (edit)
And if God were to punish you for what you believed in His signs in this Revelation, then with what argument would He punish those who did not believe in Ali before, and before him in Muhammad the Messenger of God, and before him in Jesus the son of Mary, and before him in Al-Kaleem, and before him in Al-Khalil, until the end of the revelations to me The first innovator who was created by the will of your Lord, the All-Powerful, the Willing? Oh my name, the matter is too obvious to be concealed and too obvious to be concealed, and it shines like the sun at the meridian. And if you rid yourself of the veils, you will reach Him closer than your sight returns to yourself, and this is a certain truth. (edit) And if Allah were to punish you for believing in His verses in this manifestation, then by what argument would He punish those who had believed in Ali before, and before him in Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, and before him in Jesus, son of Mary, and before him in the Speaker (Moses), and before him in the Friend (Abraham), until the manifestations end with the First Originator, who was created by the will of your Lord, the Omnipotent, the Willing? O my name, indeed the matter is more apparent than to be hidden, and more evident than to be concealed, and it shines like the sun at its zenith. And if you were to rid yourself of the veils, you would reach Him closer than your sight returning to yourself, and indeed this is the certain truth. (edit)
إسمع قولَ مَن ينطِقُ بالحقّ و لا تُجادِل بآيات الله بعد إنزالها، و لو يأمرك بذلك كلّ العباد! و لا تمنع نفسَك عن فضله، و لو يمنعك عن ذلك كلّ الثّقلين! فانظُر أمرَ ربّك ببصرك، ثمّ إعرفه بنفسك و روحِك، لأنّ عرفانَ غيرك لم يكنْ دليلاً لك، و إعراضُ ماسواك لم يكن حجّةً عليك. إيّاك أن تحتجبَ عن الّذی لو تحتجب عنه أقلَّ مِن آنٍ لتحبط أعمالُك! و يصدّقنی فی ذلك كلّما نزّل مِن قبل مِن صحائف الله الملك المُنْزِل**[33]** القدير. (edit)
Hear the words of those who speak the truth, and do not argue with God’s signs after they have been sent down, even if all the servants order you to do so! And do not prevent yourself from His bounty, even if all the heavy things prevent you from that! So see the command of your Lord with your eyes, then know Him with your soul and with your soul, because knowing others was not a guide for you, and turning away from your miswak was not an argument against you. Beware of being veiled from Him who, if you withhold from Him less than a moment, your deeds will be nullified! And the Revealed King **[33]**, the Almighty, confirms me in that every time He sent down from the scrolls of God. (edit) Listen to the words of the one who speaks the truth and do not argue about the verses of Allah after they have been revealed, even if all of creation commands you otherwise! And do not withhold yourself from His grace, even if all beings were to prevent you from it! So look at the matter of your Lord with your own sight, then know Him through yourself and your spirit, for the recognition of others is not proof for you, and the turning away of others is not an argument against you. Beware of veiling yourself from the One who, if you were to veil yourself from Him even less than that, your deeds would be in vain! And every revelation that has come down before from the scriptures of Allah, the Sovereign, the Revealer, the Omnipotent, bears witness to me in this. (edit)
اين كلمات منزله است كه ذكر شد. حال انصاف دهيد و كلمات محكمات را از دونش بشناسيد! و اگر نفسی جذوه از نار محبّت الهی در قلبش باشد به آنچه از سماء مشيّت ربّانی نازل شده عمل می نمايد و منقطعاً عن كلّ مَن فی السّموات و الأرض و مستقرّاً علی بساط السّكون و موقناً بأمرالله و مستغنياً عمّا سواه خود را مشاهده می نمايد. و الله حجّت تمام و نعمت كامل و شمس مشرق و آيات نازل و ظهور اظهر. و مع ذلك خود را در تيه تحقيق و ظنون و اشارات مبتلی نموده ايد. نسئلُ اللهَ بأنْ يُوَفِّقَنَا و إيّاك و يرزُقَنا ما قدّر مِن عنده و إنّه لهو العزيزُ الكريم. (edit)
These words mean what was mentioned. Now be fair and know the words of the courts! And if a soul is filled with the fire of divine love in its heart, it will act according to what has been revealed from the sky of the divine will, and it will observe itself detached from all others in the heavens and the earth, and established on the bed of rest, firmly in the command of God, and independent of all others. And Allah is the complete authority and the complete blessing and the sun of the east and the revealed signs and the emergence of the azhar. And at the same time, you have covered yourself in investigation, suspicion and hints. We ask Allah to make us happy and protect us and to provide for us. We have a lot from Him and He is the Most Merciful. (edit) These are the revealed words that have been mentioned. Now be fair and recognize the firm verses from the knowledge! And if there is even a spark of the divine love's fire in one's heart, they would act upon what has descended from the heaven of the divine will and be detached from all that is in the heavens and the earth, established upon the carpet of tranquility, assured of God's command, and contented with nothing but Him. Indeed, God's proof is complete, His blessings are perfect, the sun is rising, the verses are being revealed, and the manifestation is most apparent. Yet you have immersed yourself in the confusion of inquiry, suspicions, and allusions. We ask Allah to grant success to us and you and to bestow upon us what He has determined, and indeed, He is the Mighty, the Generous. (edit)
و ديگر قولك:آفرين، عجب كاری شد! هنوز مردم در اصل حرف دارند. به اين معنی هنوز ندانسته اند سخن چه بوده و احكام چه داشته. حال اوضاع تازه و دين تأويلی، كه موجب هزار گونه فتنه شود، برپا شده. (edit)
And another saying: Well done, you did a great job! People still have a say. In this sense, they still don't know what the words were and what the rulings were. Now a new situation and interpretation religion, which causes a thousand types of sedition, has been established. (edit) And about your saying: "Bravo, what a strange thing has happened! People are still at the core of the matter." This means they still don't know what the words were and what the rulings were. Now, there are new circumstances and an interpretative religion that has given rise to a thousand kinds of discord and turmoil. (edit)
به شما بی ادبی نمی نمايم، ولكن أشهدُ بالله كه تا حال هيچ عاقلی چنين تكلّم نمی نمايد. چه كه اگر منوط حرف مردم و ما عندهم باشد هرگز بايد حقّ ظاهر نشود. چه كه لازال در هر عهد و عصر كه شمس حقيقت[۳۴] ربّانی از افق مشيّت طالع و مشرق، كلّ حرف داشته و به اشدّ اعراض معرض و جميعْ آن هيكلِ احديّه را از اهل فتنه و فساد می شمردند. مع آن كه نزد هر ذی بصری مشهود است كه مقصود جز اتّحاد نبوده و نخواهد بود. (edit)
I'm not being rude to you, but I swear to God that no wise person has ever spoken like that. What if it depends on the words of the people and us, the truth should never appear. What is that, in every age and age, when the divine sun of truth [34] from the horizon of the providence of the horoscope and the east, had all the words and was exposed to the worst symptoms and all of that temple of Ahadiya was considered one of the people of sedition and corruption. However, it is obvious to every visual person that the intention was not and will not be anything other than unity. (edit) I do not mean to be disrespectful, but I bear witness before God that no wise person has ever spoken like this. Because if the truth depended on the opinions of people, it would never be revealed. In every era and age when the divine sun of truth has risen and shone from the horizon of divine will, there has always been opposition and strong resistance. People considered the structure of divine unity as a source of discord and corruption. However, it is evident to anyone with insight that the purpose has been nothing but unity and will continue to be so. (edit)
و از اين گذشته حرف اين مردم تخصيص به اين ظهور نداشته. در ظهور رسول الله هنوز حرف دارند. اگر حرف مردم منوط باشد نعوذُ بالله بايد انكار كلّ ظهورات نمود. و از آن گذشته از اين ظهور احكام بيان ثابت و ظاهر شده، نه از آن انفس متوهّمه كه شما خيال نموده ايد. و الله به حرفی از آن عامل نشده اند، و نعوذُ بالله اگر از اعمالشان ذكر شود يَفِرُّ الشّيطان مِن أعمالهم. بسيار امور برتو مشتبه شده و مستور گشته. نَسئَلُ اللهَ بأنْ يَفْتَحَ بصرَيك بالفضل و يُنقِذَكَ عن ظّلمات النّفس و الهوی و يُقرّبك إلی سدرةِ المنتهی، و إنّه لهو القادرُ علی ما يشاء و إنّه بكلّ شیءٍ رقيباً. (edit)
And since the past, the words of these people have not been dedicated to this appearance. They still have a say in the appearance of the Messenger of God. If the words of the people depend on seeking refuge in Allah, then one must deny all appearances. And beyond that, from this appearance, the rules of expression have become established and manifested, not from that illusory soul that you have imagined. And Allah has not done a single word of it, and we seek refuge in Allah if any of their deeds are mentioned, the devil will flee from their deeds. Many things have been suspected and hidden from you. We ask Allah to open your eyes with His grace and save you from the oppression of the soul and the divine and bring you closer to the ultimate path, and He is the Almighty who wills upon us and He is a rival in everything. (edit) Beyond this, the opinions of people are not specific to this revelation. They still argue about the advent of the Prophet of Allah. If their opinions were to be the criterion, God forbid, one would have to deny all divine manifestations. Moreover, the laws and teachings of this revelation have been established and made apparent, not from the delusional souls that you have imagined. By God, they have not contributed a single word, and God forbid, if their deeds were mentioned, Satan would flee from their actions. Many matters have become obscured and veiled. We ask God to open your eyes with His grace, save you from the darkness of self and desire, and draw you near to the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary. Indeed, He is capable of all things and is watchful over everything. (edit)
حقّ ناظر به قول و اعراض و اعتراض ناس نبوده و نخواهد بود. يفعل ما يشاء رغماً لِأَنْفِ الّذينهم كفروا بالله و كانوا مِن المعرضين. اگر فی الجملة تعقّل نمائيد اين اعتراضات شما جميعاً بر نقطه اولی - روح ما سواه فداه – وارد، و همچنين مِن قبل به كلّ رسل. إسمَع قولی[۳۵]، ثمّ استغفِرْ عمّا إرتكبتَ لعلّ الله يَغفِرك و يُكفّر عنك سيّئاتِك و إنّه لغفورٌ رحيم.

قول ديگر آن مبغض ملقی: پس بنابراين

فكرِ خود را گر كنی تأويلْ بِهْ كه كنی تأويلِ آن نامشتبه

عجب است از شما كه امر بر شما مشتبه شده.

در صريح امر كم جو التباس. (edit)
The observer's right to the words, objections and objections has never been and never will be. We will do what we want, against the will of those who disbelieve in God and are among those who are in danger. If you think about the whole sentence, these objections of yours all relate to the first point - our soul other than sacrifice - and also to the whole message. Listen to Qoli [35], then ask for forgiveness for what you have committed, may Allah forgive you and make you expiate for your sins, and He is Forgiving, Merciful. The other saying of that hater is: Therefore, turn your thoughts to the interpretation that you make its interpretation doubtful. Frankly, there is little confusion. (edit) Truth is not dependent on the opinions, objections, and opposition of people. He does what He pleases, despite the denial of those who disbelieve in God and are among the ones who turn away. If you think comprehensively, all of these objections apply to the First Point - may our souls be sacrificed for anything other than Him - and similarly, to all the messengers before. Listen to what I say, then seek forgiveness for what you have committed, so that perhaps God will forgive you and atone for your misdeeds, for He is indeed the Most-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful.

The other comment from that resentful person is: "So, therefore,

If you think to interpret by yourself, then you will interpret the unquestionable

It's amazing how the matter has become ambiguous for you. In the clear matter, seek little confusion." (edit)

اين عباد فكر خود را نموده اند و بفضل الله از آجام تأويل به صحرای با فضای خوش تصريح رسيده اند. مئوّل كسانی هستند كه حقّ ظاهر منيع را می گذارند و از تيشه ظنونْ اصنامِ اوهام می تراشند، و بعد به مصنوع خود عاكف و ساجد و خاضع می شوند. و مع ذلك خود را از عابدين حقّ می شمرند و منقطعين إلی الله می دانند. (edit)
These worshipers have thought about themselves and by the grace of Allah, they have reached the desert with a well-defined atmosphere. They are loyal to those who put the right of appearance and carve their idols out of the ax of suspicion, and then submit to their creation. And yet, they consider themselves to be true worshipers and consider themselves disconnected from God. (edit) These worshipers have shown their own understanding and, by the grace of God, have moved from the wilderness of interpretation to the pleasant space of explicit expression. Those who interpret are the ones who overlook the manifest and abundant truth and carve idols of illusions from the axe of doubts, and then devote themselves to their own creation, prostrating and submitting. Yet, they still consider themselves among the true worshipers and those who are devoted to God. (edit)
بشنو ذكر اين عبد را و قلب را از اوهام فارغ كن و بربّ الأنام ناظر شو! چه كه دوست آن است كه، اگر ملاحظه نمايد دوستی در غرقاب فنا افتاده، به قدر قوّه و استعداد خود اعانت نمايد، كه شايد سبب نجاح و فلاح گردد. لذا اميدواريم كه به حبل عنايت الهی متمسّك شويد و از غرقاب كدورت و ظلمت برهيد و در ظلّ اشراق فجر الهيّه وارد شويد. (edit)
Hear the mention of this slave and free your heart from illusions and be the watcher of the Almighty! A friend is the one who, if he notices that his friend has fallen into the abyss of destruction, helps him to the extent of his strength and talent, which may lead to success and prosperity. Therefore, we hope that you will cling to the rope of God's providence and get out of the darkness and enter into the light of God's dawn. (edit) Listen to the mention of this servant, clear your heart from illusions, and focus on the Lord of the people! The friend is the one who, if he notices his friend drowning in the abyss of annihilation, helps to the best of his ability and preparedness, so that it may lead to success and prosperity. Therefore, we hope to hold onto the rope of divine grace, escape from the abyss of remoteness and darkness, and enter into the shade of the radiance of the divine dawn. (edit)
شما امر به اين صريحی كه الان موجود است و به حقّ ناطق، از او گذشته و چشم[۳۶] پوشيده ايد و باب تأويل، كه لازال سقيم و عليل بوده، بر وجه خود باز نموده ايد. به شأنی كه به خود شما كذب القا نموده، و مع ذلك می نويسيد و صادقش می شمريد. از جمله كاغذی از آنجا رسيد، معلوم نبود كه از كی است و كه نوشته، چه كه بی مهر و اسم بوده. ولكن بعضی كلمات كاذبه مجعوله در آن كاغذ ثبت بود، و اين واضح است كه شيطان القا نموده. و آن جَعّال، كه معلوم نيست كی است، به القای او نوشته. خود نويسنده بر اين كذب مطّلع است و شما هم مطّلع، و مع ذلك او را حقّ دانسته ايد، و به ظنون و اوهام می خواهيد حقّ مَن لهُ الحقّ را به دونش راجع نمائيد. حال ملاحظه كنيد كه در صريح امر كه التباس جسته. نسئلُ اللهَ بأنْ يفتحَ بصرَك و يؤيِّدَك علی عرفانِ مظهرِ نفسه و يجعلَكَ مِن الفائزين. (edit)
You have passed this explicit order that is now available and by the truth of the speaker, you have passed it and closed your eyes [36] and you have opened the door of interpretation, which is still weak and ill, in your face. As if he has lied to you, and yet you write and consider it true. Among other things, a piece of paper arrived from there. It was not clear who it was from, who wrote it, and whether it was unmarked or anonymous. But some fake words were recorded in that paper, and it is clear that it was inspired by Satan. And that forger, who is not known, wrote on his inspiration. The writer himself is aware of this lie and you are also aware, and yet you have considered him to be right, and you want to refer to him my right against truth. Now notice that there is confusion in the explicit matter. We ask Allah to open your heart and support you on the wisdom of the manifestation of His Self and make you one of the winners. (edit) You have overlooked the clear matter that is present now and speaks the truth, and you have closed your eyes to it, opening the door to interpretation, which has always been weak and frail. To the extent that you have made a false accusation against yourself, and yet you write and consider it truthful. Among the things that arrived was a paper that was unclear who it was from and who wrote it, as it was without affection or name. However, some false and fabricated words were recorded on that paper, and it is clear that Satan has inspired them. That fabricator, whose identity is unknown, wrote them based on the inspiration. The writer himself is aware of this lie, and so are you, but you still consider it true and want to relate the truth of the One who possesses the truth to doubts and illusions. Now observe how you have sought confusion in the clear matter. We ask Allah to open your sight, support you in recognizing His manifestation, and make you among the successful ones. (edit)
قول ديگر آن معترض: بلی، بنده در ميان نبوده، امّا چنان می دانم كه بهتر از آن اشخاصی كه سال ها بوده اند اطّلاع دارم. علاوه از آن که قواعد كلّيه كه ميزان هست در دست هست. (edit)
The protester's other words: Yes, I was not among them, but I know that I know better than those people who have been there for years. In addition to that, all the rules are available. (edit) Another objection by that person: Indeed, I have not been present, but I know so well that I am more informed than those individuals who have been there for years. Furthermore, I possess the general principles that serve as the criterion. (edit)
اين که ادّعای اطّلاع نموده ايد نه والله! ابداً كسی مطّلع نيست، نه شما و نه غير شما. و آنچه به شما القا كرده اند، واللهِ الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو، كلّ خلاف بوده[۳۷] و خواهد بود. كاش آن نفسی را، كه الان من دون الله حقّ اخذ كرده اند، مثل يكی از آدم های سوق بود. عجب است كه شما اراده نموده ايد كه به اين عبد مشتبه نمائيد. جميع كلمات شما و ظنونات و تأويلات و اشارات و دلالات و محكمات و متشابهات و ادّعای علميّت كه در اين امر نموده ايد، كلّ به سيّد محمّد اصفهانی راجع و منتهی می شود. فضيلت او نزد اين عباد خوب واضح است و از قبل هم واضح بوده. عجب است از بصيرت شما، خوب آدم می شناسيد. (edit)
The fact that you have claimed to know, no, by God! No one knows, neither you nor anyone else. And what they have instilled in you, by God, there is no god but Him, has been and will be contrary to everything [37]. I wish that soul, which they have taken right now without Allah, was like one of the people of Suq. It is surprising that you have decided to suspect this slave. All your words, suspicions, interpretations, hints, indications, judgments, analogies, and claims of scholarship that you have made in this matter, all refer to and lead to Sayyed Mohammad Isfahani. His virtue in the eyes of these good worshipers is clear and has been clear before. It's amazing how insightful you are, you know people well. (edit) The claim of knowledge you have made is not true, by Allah! Absolutely no one is informed, neither you nor anyone else. And what has been suggested to you, by Allah, the one and only God, has been and will be entirely contrary. I wish that that person, who has now claimed the truth from Allah, were like one of the common marketplace people. It is astonishing that you have intended to cast doubt upon this servant. All your words, suspicions, interpretations, hints, indications, decisive and ambiguous arguments, and claims of expertise in this matter all lead back to and end with Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani. His virtue is well-known and clear to these servants and has been clear before. It is astonishing to see your insight; you recognize people well. (edit)
باری اميدوارم كه حقّ آن مفسد را از ميان بردارد. فسادی نموده كه از اوّل ابداع تا حال شبه آن ديده نشده. و البتّه او هم ادّعای اطّلاع نموده. آنقدر بدانيد كه، واللهِ الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو، ابداً اطّلاع نداشته. آنچه گفته كذب صرف و افترای بحت. اين چهار روزه عمر قابل نيست كه انسان به فساد و عناد و ارتكاب اينگونه امور شنيعه مشغول شود. شأن تو آن بود كه بعد از ورود آن مفسد به آن ارض او را به موعظه حسنه و كلمات حِكَميّه نصيحت نمائی، نه آن که تقويت او نمائی و مرآت او شوی و حاكی از او گردی. إن شاء الله اميدواريم كه از گندم ری نخورد. (edit)
I hope that Bari will remove that corrupt person's right. It has caused corruption that has not been seen since its inception until now. And of course he also claimed to know. Know so much that, by Allah, there is no god but Him, He has never known. What he said is pure lies and slander. During these four days of life, it is not possible for a person to engage in corruption and obstinacy and committing such heinous things. Your honor was to advise him with good sermons and wise words after that corrupter entered that land, not to strengthen him and be his blessing and become his example. God willing, we hope that he will not eat wheat. (edit) I hope that the truth will remove that corrupt person from the midst. He has caused such corruption that has never been seen before since its inception. And indeed, he too has claimed knowledge. Be aware that, by Allah, the one and only God, he has never had any knowledge. What he has said is pure lies and utter fabrication. These few days of life are not worth engaging in corruption, obstinacy, and committing such heinous acts. It was befitting for you, after the entrance of that corrupt person into that land, to advise him with good counsel and wise words, not to strengthen him, become his mirror, and speak on his behalf. God willing, I hope that he does not spoil the wheat. (edit)
حمد می كنيم خدا را كه اين عباد را[۳۸] از شرّ و خدعه او حفظ فرمود. ديگر اين عبد چه ذكر كند؟ اين ايّامی است كه نزد متوهّمين قول بَعُوضه ارض جرزه مسموع است و كلمة الله غير مسموع. اگر انصاف داشته باشند جميع بايد خون گريه كنند و در صحرا ها ناله نمايند، چه كه به كلمات نقطه اولی - روح ماسواه فداه - استدلال حقيّت از برای دونش می نمايند، و بر نفسش سيف می زنند. (edit)
We praise God who protected these servants [38] from his evil and deceit. What else does this servant mention? These are the days when among the delusional, the word of God is heard and the word of God is not heard. If they are fair, all of them should cry blood and wail in the deserts, because with the words of the first point - the spirit of sacrifice - they argue the truth for him, and put a sword on his soul. (edit) We praise God for protecting these servants from the evil and deception of that person. What else should this servant mention? These are the days when, among the deluded, the word "exchange of land" is heard, and the word of God is not heard. If they were fair, they should all cry tears of blood and wail in the wilderness, for they claim the truth by referring to the words of the first point - may our soul be sacrificed for it - and they strike their own selves with a sword. (edit)
و از اينها گذشته می خواهيم ببينيم به نقطه اولی به چه حجّت و برهان مؤمنند. فآتوا به و بها لو أنتم مِن الصّادقين! به همان حجّتی كه به نقطه اولی مؤمن و موقنند، ما به اعظم از آن به نفس ظهور مؤمن و موقنيم. فرقی كه در ميان است اين است كه چون محكّ الهی و ميزان عدل ربّانی به ميان آمد، موحّد و مشرك از هم معلوم شد. انصاف دهيد اين ظهور و شئونات و آياتش را انكار كنيم، ديگر به چه رو و به چه امر دعوی ايمان نمائيم؟ (edit)
And beyond these, we want to see what evidence and evidence they believe in the first point. Fatwa to you, you are among the righteous! With the same proof that they believe in the first point, we believe in the self-appearance even more than that. The difference between them is that when the divine standard and the divine measure of justice came, monotheists and polytheists became clear. Be fair, let's deny this appearance and its events and verses, what else should we believe in? (edit) Moving on from these matters, we want to see what proof and evidence they believe in regarding the first point. Bring forth your evidence if you are among the truthful! With the same proof that they believe in and are certain of the first point, we believe in and are certain of the manifestation of the Self even more. The difference is that when the divine test and the scale of divine justice came into play, the believer and the polytheist became distinguishable from one another. Be fair, if we deny this manifestation, its events, and its signs, then on what basis and in what matter can we claim to have faith? (edit)
و اين كه نوشته بوديد: علاوه از آن که قواعد كلّيه كه ميزان است در دست هست، قد كبُر هذا القولُ مِنكَ لأنّ هذا مقامٌ قد جعله اللهُ فوقَ العالمين، لأنّ نفسَ الظّهور هو ميزانُ الله و قسطاسُهُ، يتقلّبُ معه الحقّ كما يتقلّبُ الظلُّ مع الشّمسِ. و كذلك نزّل فی البيان إنْ أنتَ[۳۹] مِن العارفين. بعينه مثل شما مثل كسی است كه يك قطعه حجر بردارد و پيش نفسی برد، كه نزد او كنائز جواهر موجود، و دعوی نمايد كه به اين حجر می خواهم جواهر تو را بشناسم و تميز دهم. (edit)
And the fact that you wrote: In addition to the fact that all the rules are in hand, which is a measure, the height of this saying is greater than mine, because this is a position of the height of God above the worlds. . And so it was revealed in the statement that you [39] are among the knowledgeable. Like you, it is like someone who takes a piece of stone and brings it to a soul, who has a treasure of jewels, and claims that I want to recognize and purify your jewel with this stone. (edit) And regarding what you wrote: "In addition to the general principles that are the measure being in hand," how great is this statement from you! Because this is a position that God has placed above all worlds, for the Self of the manifestation is the balance of God and His criterion, with which the truth shifts just as the shadow shifts with the sun. Likewise, it is revealed in the Bayan if you are among the knowledgeable. Someone like you is just like someone who picks up a piece of stone and brings it before a person in whose presence treasures of gems exist, and claims that with this stone they want to recognize and distinguish your gems. (edit)
آن ميزانی كه در دست خلق است امثال خود را شايد به آن ميزان بشناسد، نفس الله مقدّس از آن و ابداً به او شناخته نشده و نخواهد شد. ميزان الهی لم يزل نفس او بوده و خواهد بود. مَن عرفَهُ فقد عرف الميزانَ و مَن إحتجب ضَلَّ سعيُهُ و كان مِن الخاسرين. يقين ميزانی كه ذكر نموده ايد از همان ميزانی است كه در حين ظهور نقطه اولی - روح ما سواه فداه - در دست علمای عصر بود، و همچنين در ظهور رسول الله مِن قبل، و از قبل او ظهور عيسی بن مريم، كه جميع علما و رؤسا به ميزان انفس خود بر آن شموس حقيقت اعتراض نموده تا آن که بالاخره فتوی بر قتل آن هياكل قدسيّه دادند. أَلا لعنةُ اللهِ علی الظّالمين. (edit)
The degree that is in the hands of the creation may know its likes to that degree, the Holy Spirit of God has not been known to him and will never be known to him. The divine measure of his soul has been and will be. Man Arafah, Hoqd Araf al-Mizan, and Man ihtjeb zall'a-saiyoho, and Kan Min al-Khasreen. The level of certainty that you have mentioned is the same level that was in the hands of the scholars of the age during the appearance of the first point - our soul other than sacrifice - and also in the appearance of the Messenger of God before him, and before him the appearance of Jesus the son of Mary, which all the scholars and The leaders protested to the extent of their souls against that truth until finally they issued a fatwa against the killing of those sacred buildings. Except the curse of Allah on Ali the oppressors. (edit) That measure which is in the hands of the people, perhaps the likes of you recognize themselves by it, but the Divine Self is sanctified from it and has never been recognized by it and will never be. The divine balance has always been His Self and will continue to be. Whoever recognizes Him has recognized the balance, and whoever is veiled has failed in his efforts and is among the losers. Indeed, the measure that you mentioned is the same measure that was in the hands of the scholars of the time during the appearance of the first Point - may our souls be sacrificed for Him - as well as during the appearance of the Messenger of God before, and before him the appearance of Jesus, son of Mary, where all the scholars and leaders objected to those Suns of Truth by the measure of their own selves until eventually they issued verdicts for the killing of those sacred temples. Verily, the curse of God is upon the wrongdoers. (edit)
ای راقد غافل، بدان كه ميزان الهی لم يزل نفس او و ما يظهَرُ مِن عنده بوده و خواهد بود. كلّ ذلك فضلاً مِن لدنه إنْ أنتم تعلمون. و اگر فی الحقيقة نفسی به نقطه بيان و وصايای او ناظر باشد، اگر كلّ عالمين به اسياف شاحذه به او رو نمايند و جميع اعضايش را[۴۰] قطعه قطعه سازند، توقّف در اين ظهور نخواهد نمود. چه كه آنچه مرقوم فرموده اند و از سماء مشيّت نازل شده، كلّ صريح به اين ظهور اعظم بوده و خواهد بود. و اگر ناظر به بيان نيستيد و حجّت الهی را كه كلّ انبيا و رسل به آن اتيان نموده انكار می نمائيد، و آيات الله را، كه لم يزل و لا يزال حجّت محكمه بوده، ميزان نمی دانيد، فآتوا بما عندكم لو أنتم مِن الصّادقين. البتّه بر شما لازم است كه آن ميزان و آن حجّتی كه اليوم به آن حقيّت خود را ثابت می نمائيد بيآوريد. لا والله، لن تستطيعنّ و لن تقدرنّ. كلُّ الأمور فی قبضته و كلّ شیءٍ فی كفّ إقتداره و ما دونه مخلوقٌ عنده و بذلك يشهد كلُّ ذی بصرٍ عليم. (edit)
O careless sleeper, know that the divine measure of his soul and our appearance has been and will be. All of that, by the way, if you know it. And if in fact a soul observes the point of his statement and commandments, if all the worlds turn to him like a prince and tear all his members [40] into pieces, there will be no stop in this appearance. Because what Markum has said and which has been sent down from the heaven of providence, the whole has been and will be clear about this great revelation. And if you do not observe the statement, and you deny the divine proof that all the prophets and messengers have given, and you do not consider the ayat of God, which has been revealed and is still the proof of the court, then the fatwa we have with you is that you are among the truthful. Of course, it is necessary for you to bring the amount and the proof that you prove your truth with today. By God, you can't and you can't. All things are in His hand, and all things are in the palm of His power, and we know His creation, and all the clairvoyant witnesses to this. (edit) O heedless sleeper, know that the divine balance has always been His Self and whatever appears from Him, and it will continue to be. All of that is a bounty from Him, if only you knew. And if, in truth, one's self looks at the Point of Explanation and His commandments, even if all the worlds were to turn against him with sharp swords and dismember all his limbs, he would not waver in this great appearance. Indeed, what has been ordained and what has descended from the heavens of His Will has been, and will continue to be, a clear testimony to this greatest appearance. And if you do not observe the Explanation and deny the divine proof that all the prophets and messengers have presented, and you do not recognize the signs of God, which have always been and will continue to be the firm proof, then bring forth what you have, if only you are truthful. It is indeed incumbent upon you to bring forth that balance and that proof by which you claim the truth today. No, by God, you will not be able to do so and you will not have the power. All matters are in His grasp, and everything is in the hand of His omnipotence, and everything other than Him is a creature in His sight, and with that, every possessor of insight bears witness. (edit)

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